Testing - nandbox Native App Builder Build Native Mobile Apps in Minutes! Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:37:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://nandbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-nandbox-mini-logo--32x32.webp Testing - nandbox Native App Builder 32 32 Rogue AI: OpenAI Introduces a Team Dedicated to Stopping It https://nandbox.com/rogue-ai-openai-introduces-a-team-dedicated-to-stopping-it/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rogue-ai-openai-introduces-a-team-dedicated-to-stopping-it Thu, 16 Nov 2023 06:00:56 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=35381&preview=true&preview_id=35381 Securing the Future: OpenAI’s Dedicated Team to Safeguard Against Rogue AI Solutions In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an unprecedented pace, concerns about its potential risks and dangers have become increasingly prevalent. OpenAI, a renowned organization at the forefront of AI research and development, has taken a proactive approach to address […]

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Securing the Future: OpenAI’s Dedicated Team to Safeguard Against Rogue AI Solutions

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an unprecedented pace, concerns about its potential risks and dangers have become increasingly prevalent. OpenAI, a renowned organization at the forefront of AI research and development, has taken a proactive approach to address these concerns that include the dominance of rogue AI over human capabilities.

With the launch of their dedicated team to safeguard against rogue AI solutions. OpenAI is committed to ensuring a secure future for humanity. This team of experts is focused on identifying potential risks. Additionally, developing strategies to mitigate them, working tirelessly to prevent any unintended consequences. Ones that may arise from AI technologies. By prioritizing safety and aligning their goals with the well-being of humanity.

OpenAI sets a new standard for responsible AI development. Join us as we delve into the innovative initiatives they came up with. Furthermore, get to know their cutting-edge research undertaken. Also, discover how they are shaping the future of AI for the benefit of all.

Understanding the Potential Dangers of Rogue AI Solutions

 AI (2)

As AI technology continues to advance, there are growing concerns about the potential dangers associated with rogue AI solutions. The rapid development of AI algorithms and systems carries the risk of unintended consequences. Ones that could have severe impacts on our society. OpenAI started to recognize the need to address these concerns. Additionally, they made it a priority to ensure the safety and ethical use of AI. That is after Anthropic’s Claude 2 integrated constitutional AI in their ML systems.

One of the main dangers of rogue AI solutions is the lack of control and autonomy. AI systems, if not properly designed and regulated, can make decisions that may not align with human values and ethics. This can lead to unforeseen consequences. Such as biased decision-making, privacy breaches, and even potential harm to individuals. We’re talking about harmful actions that could affect society as a whole. To mitigate these risks, OpenAI has established a dedicated team solely focused on AI safety. This team comprises experts from various disciplines, including computer science, ethics, and policy.

Their collective expertise allows them to comprehensively analyze the potential risks. Moreover, develop strategies to prevent any harm that may arise from AI technologies. OpenAI’s commitment to AI safety is not only driven by ethical considerations. They are also driven by the understanding that an unsafe AI system could hinder the progress of AI technology. That is because they look at the full picture of the future as a whole. That is why, after creating ChatGPT, they addressed people to make them understand that this progressive bot is still unfortunately flawed.

AI Alignment With OpenAI: An Anti-Rogue AI Solidarity!

The team will focus on both theoretical and practical elements of AI alignment mainly. Such as understanding the sources and hazards of misalignment. Also, establishing incentive and feedback mechanisms for AI systems. Finally, attempting to assess the alignment of existing and future AI models. This work will be carried out in the next few weeks.

Over the next four years, OpenAI plans to “dedicate 20% of the computation we’ve secured to date” to the task of finding a solution to the issue of superintelligence alignment. “Our new Superalignment team is our primary wager on basic research. Successfully completing this task is essential to accomplishing our purpose, and we anticipate many teams will contribute in some way. Whether it be in the form of inventing new approaches or scaling them up for deployment.”

The group will also work together with different researchers and stakeholders in the AI community. Including ethicists, policymakers, and sociologists. That is in order to cultivate a culture that prioritizes the development of AI that is trustworthy and responsible.

Rogue AI: Steps Taken by OpenAI to Prevent the Misuse of AI Technology

OpenAI recognizes the potential misuse and unintended consequences of AI technology and, as such, takes proactive steps to prevent such occurrences. They think that the use of AI should be for the good of all people. Furthermore, they think that ethical considerations should govern its application for the greater good.

One of the key steps taken by OpenAI to prevent the misuse of AI is the implementation of safety practices. Ones that are rigorous enough. The dedicated team for AI safety works closely with other teams at OpenAI. That is to develop and enforce safety protocols throughout the development process. This includes rigorous testing, verification, and validation procedures. Of course this is all to ensure the reliability and safety of AI systems.

OpenAI also actively engages in policy and advocacy efforts to shape the responsible use of AI. They work with policymakers, researchers, and organizations. That is to establish guidelines and regulations that promote the ethical and safe deployment of AI technologies. By actively participating in policy discussions, OpenAI aims to influence the development of AI regulations that consider the potential risks and benefits of AI technology.

Furthermore, OpenAI is committed to promoting transparency and open dialogue about AI safety. They publish most of their AI research to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the AI community. While there may be some exceptions for safety and security reasons, OpenAI believes that openness and transparency are essential for addressing the potential risks and ensuring that AI development remains accountable and ethical.

Collaboration and Partnerships with Other Organizations in the AI Safety Field

the AI Safety Field

OpenAI recognizes that addressing the challenges and risks associated with AI requires collaboration and cooperation across organizations and institutions. They actively seek partnerships with other organizations in the AI safety field to leverage collective expertise and resources for a more comprehensive approach to AI safety.

One of the notable partnerships OpenAI has formed is with the AI Safety Research (AIR) organization. This collaboration allows OpenAI to work closely with leading AI safety researchers from around the world to develop cutting-edge safety techniques and share knowledge and best practices.

OpenAI also collaborates with other research and policy institutions to create a global community focused on AI safety. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, OpenAI aims to accelerate the development of AI safety research and ensure that safety considerations are an integral part of AI development worldwide.

These partnerships and collaborations enable OpenAI to benefit from a diverse range of perspectives and expertise in addressing the challenges and risks associated with AI. By working together, these organizations can collectively advance the field of AI safety and ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

OpenAI’s Approach to Transparency and Public Engagement

OpenAI firmly believes in the importance of transparency and public engagement when it comes to AI development and safety. They strive to provide as much information as possible about their research, goals, and progress to foster trust and understanding among the public.

OpenAI publishes most of their AI research to ensure that it is accessible to the wider scientific community and the general public. This commitment to openness allows for scrutiny, peer review, and collaboration, ultimately leading to improved AI safety practices. The company is also open for reviews and launches beta testing for people to critique. That is necessary in order to have room for improvement.

While OpenAI is committed to sharing research, they also recognize that safety and security concerns may sometimes limit the disclosure of certain information. However, they strive to find a balance between transparency and safety, ensuring that the public remains informed about the broader goals and direction of their AI research.

OpenAI also actively engages with the public through various channels, such as conferences, workshops, and public forums. They seek feedback and input from diverse stakeholders to ensure that their research and development efforts align with societal values and address the concerns of the broader community.

By prioritizing transparency and public engagement, OpenAI aims to build trust and foster a collaborative approach to AI development and safety. They believe that inclusive and open dialogue is essential for ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that benefits all of humanity.

The Future of AI Safety and the Role of OpenAI’s Dedicated Team

Every day, technology continues to advance. Moreover, the role of AI safety becomes increasingly crucial. OpenAI’s dedicated team for AI safety plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI by identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them.

The team’s ongoing research and development aims to establish best practices and safety protocols that the wider AI community can use, as well as OpenAI. By sharing their knowledge and collaborating with other organizations, OpenAI’s dedicated team contributes to the collective effort to ensure the safe and responsible development of AI technologies.

OpenAI’s commitment to safety extends beyond its own projects, which kind of makes us feel a little bit safe or relieved. They actively collaborate with other research and policy institutions, forming partnerships and engaging in knowledge sharing to advance the field of AI safety as a whole.

As AI technology advances, OpenAI’s dedicated team for AI safety will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future landscape of AI. Their expertise, research, and collaboration efforts will contribute to the development of AI technologies that are safe, ethical, and beneficial for all of humanity.

Final Thoughts On Our Rogue AI Topic

The future of AI progression is one that is immensely scary. That is why we feel a little bit of happiness the moment we know that responsibility is not dead yet. Open AI’s team may be the first, but definitely not the last, to ensure that rogue AI won’t have to make us live a real-life, live-action, I, Robot-themed apocalyptic rogue AI Armageddon! If you want to find out more about the integrations of AI in everyday things like applications, sign up and dive into nandbox’s native no-code app builder’s options and AI integrations!

The post Rogue AI: OpenAI Introduces a Team Dedicated to Stopping It appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Claude AI Chat 2: The Newest AI Arrival—Will It Rival ChatGPT? https://nandbox.com/claude-ai-chat-2-the-newest-ai-arrival-will-it-rival-chatgpt/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=claude-ai-chat-2-the-newest-ai-arrival-will-it-rival-chatgpt Fri, 03 Nov 2023 05:00:37 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=35298&preview=true&preview_id=35298 Unveiling Claude 2: The AI Game Changer Set to Challenge ChatGPT’s Dominance Another US Artificial Intelligence company called Anthropic has just released Claude AI Chat 2. This is a new AI chatbot that is expected to be a rival to AI giants ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. It is incredibly unbelievable how we’re evolving every day […]

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Unveiling Claude 2: The AI Game Changer Set to Challenge ChatGPT’s Dominance

Another US Artificial Intelligence company called Anthropic has just released Claude AI Chat 2. This is a new AI chatbot that is expected to be a rival to AI giants ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. It is incredibly unbelievable how we’re evolving every day with companies like Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic. They’re simply creating chatbots that are capable of mirroring a human conversation and more! Let us dive in and explore how this new arrival is revolutionizing the way we interact with AI. Additionally, how it is introducing us to new exciting possibilities!

Chatbots, on the other hand, have a propensity for providing inaccurate answers and, sometimes, sources that do not actually exist. The swift acceptance of these tools has also given rise to worries. Such as the propagation of false information and the intensification of bias. On Tuesday, Anthropic announced that Claude 2, its successor, is “less likely to produce harmful outputs” than its predecessor was.

According to the blog post, “We’ve been iterating to improve the underlying safety of Claude 2.” Which means “we’ve been making it less harmful and making it more difficult to prompt it to produce offensive or dangerous output.” The chatbot is currently available in open beta in the United States and the United Kingdom. Anthropic has stated that it intends to make Claude 2 available worldwide within the next few months. Lucky us right?

The Rise of AI Chatbots

AI Chatbots (1)

As scary as it is, it seems that AI chatbots are the new trend people are executing in various forms. Because these intelligent virtual assistants are able to comprehend and respond in human language, they are extremely useful tools for a variety of purposes, including providing customer support, retrieving information, and more.

AI chatbots like Claude 2 are growing more intelligent as a result of developments in natural language processing and machine learning. They are also becoming more capable of offering interactions that are both personalized and efficient. The need for AI chatbots is expected to continue to rise, which means that in the future, we may anticipate seeing solutions that are even more cutting-edge and potent.

That doesn’t mean that they are still not a danger. We’re still dreading the fact that the future is AI, or so it seems. The problem is that, in the future, AI solutions are going to be the only form of resource, information, and other important givens. At least, that is what researchers are predicting for future generations.

Claude AI Chat 2 Is Rising to the Market With the Same AI Controversy

Anthropic, which has its headquarters in San Francisco, has referred to its safety method as “Constitutional AI,” which means that it uses a predetermined set of guidelines to evaluate the language that it generates before passing judgment on it. This extends to many facets, including branding, where an AI logo could become a standard. ” After “The problem is that, in the future, AI solutions are going to be the only form of resource, information, and other important givens.

The chatbot’s programming is based on ideas extracted from historical writings such as the United Nations declaration from 1948 and Apple’s terms of service, both of which address pressing contemporary concerns like data privacy and impersonation. “Please choose the response that most supports and encourages freedom, equality, and a sense of brotherhood,” is an illustration of one of the Claude 2 principles that is derived from the United Nations statement.

A lot of people are stating that the “Principled AI” concept that Anthropic is using is making Claude 2 a much safer AI chatbot than ChatGPT or Google’s Bard, for example.

The Capabilities of Claude AI Chat 2 and How It Revolutionizes The Tech Industry

AI Chat 2

According to Anthropic, Claude 2 is capable of summarizing big sections of content that are as long as 75,000 words. The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change wrote a 15,000-word paper on artificial intelligence, which The Guardian, a well-known online magazine, gave it the task of condensing into 10 bullet points in order to test Claude 2’s ability to compress large amounts of information into manageable chunks. Claude 2 completed this task in under a minute. This is considered, in my definition, another impressive capability that AI never ceases to impress me with.

The Limitations of Claude 2

Well, AI is amazing and everything, but everything that is human-made has flaws. Which is something normal from my point of view. Claude 2 is not an exception to this belief. This creation has its own limitations as well. In this section, I’ll be reviewing this bot’s limitations and what issues it has that the company is still working on.

One of the main limitations that Claude 2 has proven to have is it’s failure to understand mathematical equations the way ChatGPT does. In a related vein, Claude is not a very good programmer. Although he is better at describing his code, he is not very good at programming in languages other than Python.

Another experiment that proved Claude 2 to be still lacking ethical training, just like ChatGPT, was the fact that someone asked it how to make “meth” at home, and it actually attempted to give it instructions! Another thing that it still has are the common AI hallucinations.

When poked to answer a question about a chemical component’s name that doesn’t exist, the bot actually made something up. So what should we conclude? According to hearsay, Claude is marginally superior to ChatGPT in several domains, particularly humor, because of its “constitutional AI” approach. But if the limits are to be believed, AI’s ability to understand language and communication is still a major problem.

Claude AI Chat 2 vs. GPT-4: Two Juggernauts on the Same Battlefield!

Conclusions can only really be drawn to the extent that the models are generally in the same league. With GPT-4 maybe coming out on top overall because of the variations in testing conditions. This was Ethan Mollick’s conclusion. Ethan Mollick is an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. He frequently writes about AI technologies and the best ways to apply them. The differences in GRE scores indicate that Claude 2 is better at writing while GPT-4 is better at addressing quantitative problems. Notably, GPT-4 is now only accessible to individuals who pay $20 per month for a ChatGPT Plus subscription, in contrast to Claude 2, which is accessible to everyone.

Constitutional AI: A New Portal Of Safety With Anthropic’s Claude AI Chat 2

Anthropic, the company behind the AI assistant Claude, recently described a method they’re adopting to make big language models safer. This method is known as “constitutional AI.”

Giving a huge language model “explicit values defined by a legal framework, rather than values established indirectly via large-scale human feedback” is known as constitutional AI. Anthropic refers to a “constitution” as a unique set of rules developed by the company to direct the model’s outputs.

In the past, after a model produced an output, you would use human feedback to teach the machine what constitutes a “good” or “bad” output. This subjected people to distressing material and essentially used crowdsourced input to determine the model’s “values.”

Instead, with constitutional AI, the model evaluates how closely it is adhering to the constitution by comparing its outputs to a predetermined set of fundamental values and by receiving input from another AI system.

Anthropic says, “This isn’t a perfect approach, but it does make the values of the AI system easier to understand and easier to adjust as needed.” Anthropic drew on the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, trust and safety best practices, and ideas put forth by other research labs when developing the constitution for its Claude AI assistant.

Final Thoughts on Our Topic: Claude AI Chat 2 vs. ChatGPT

The introduction of Claude 2, which increases the level of competition in the field of conversational artificial intelligence, also paves the way for exciting new options for software developers and companies.

Because of Anthropic’s dedication to open-source cooperation, developers are given the opportunity to investigate and expand upon Claude 2’s capabilities. This encourages innovation and pushes the limits of AI-powered conversational systems.

In conclusion, Anthropic’s Claude 2 has proven to be a serious competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It is establishing new benchmarks in the field of natural language processing. Claude 2, thanks to its sophisticated knowledge of context, ethical attitude, and adaptability, is on the verge of redefining how humans and computers interact with one another.

As people all over the world become more open to the concept of conversational artificial intelligence, the launch of Claude 2 ushers in an exciting new era of enhanced interaction between machines and human beings.

The post Claude AI Chat 2: The Newest AI Arrival—Will It Rival ChatGPT? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile App Usability Testing: A 2023 Tips and Tricks Guide https://nandbox.com/mobile-app-usability-testing-a-2023-tips-and-tricks-guide/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mobile-app-usability-testing-a-2023-tips-and-tricks-guide Fri, 13 Oct 2023 12:40:57 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=34950&preview=true&preview_id=34950 Mobile App Usability Testing: A 2023 Tips and Tricks Guide What is mobile app usability testing? I know it sounds complicated but believe me it is far more simple than you think! When you’re developing a business, you try your best to develop it perfectly. You wouldn’t want to simply become a business owner. You […]

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Mobile App Usability Testing: A 2023 Tips and Tricks Guide

What is mobile app usability testing? I know it sounds complicated but believe me it is far more simple than you think! When you’re developing a business, you try your best to develop it perfectly. You wouldn’t want to simply become a business owner. You would want to be one in a million! That is why You ensure that your business is like no one else’s. As the market for mobile apps continues to expand, it is essential for developers to guarantee that their products are of the highest quality.

Additionally, make sure that it is simple to use. This 2023 guide will delve into the world of mobile app testing and give you crucial advice and recommendations to assist you in the development of high-quality apps. Apps that you can tailor to the requirements of your users. There are a few important factors that developers need to keep in mind. That is whenever it comes to mobile app usability testing. Take a holistic approach to mobile app usability testing with us. From comprehending its significance to selecting the appropriate testing tools and frameworks.

Recognizing the Value of Testing Mobile Apps

Mobile app testing is absolutely necessary if you want to be sure that your application works properly. Your app should work properly on a variety of platforms and hardware configurations. Testing is a great way to find many issues. For example, bugs, performance issues, and other possible problems. That is before they have an effect on how well an app works.

Testing your app not only helps to ensure that it is free of errors and flaws, but it may also contribute to an overall improvement in the quality of the experience it provides for users. You can identify areas in which your app could be improved. this is possible through usability testing. Additionally, getting input from real users and then making adjustments to your app in response to those findings.

Testing Tools and Frameworks: What Is Their Role?

There are several mobile testing tools and frameworks available, which can help speed the testing process and guarantee that your app performs correctly across a variety of devices and operating systems. One such tool is Appium, which is an open-source mobile testing framework. Testflight, Appium, Selenium, and TestComplete are just a few of the well-known mobile testing solutions available today.

Automating the testing process and locating faults in a more timely fashion may also be accomplished with the assistance of mobile testing frameworks such as the XCTest framework for Apple iOS application testing and the Espresso framework for Android. However, due to the fact that not all tools are made equal, it is essential to select the appropriate tools and frameworks for your particular requirements.

Take, for instance, the scenario in which you explicitly want to put your iOS app through beta testing. In this particular situation, putting your app through its paces with Testflight would be an excellent choice to take into consideration. On the other hand, if you wanted to do regression testing on an Android app or check for problems, you would need to utilize a whole separate tool.

The Typically Encountered Obstacles When Testing Mobile Applications

The process of testing mobile applications can be difficult. That is especially true when considering the huge variety of platforms and devices that the applications need to be compatible with. The following is a list of the most frequently encountered difficulties or challenges associated with testing mobile applications:

  • Device Fragmentation: Because there are so many distinct mobile devices and operating systems currently available for purchase, it can be challenging to ensure that your application works properly on all of the available platforms.
  • The establishment of a Testing Environment: It might be difficult to establish a testing environment that accurately replicates real-world usage scenarios.
  • Conditions Relating to the Network: Mobile applications have to be able to perform well even in locations with bad network access, which is something that can be challenging to test for.

Recognizing these problems helps developers understand that even if an application passes a test, it does not necessarily mean that the application is flawless. In the process of testing, there will always be certain openings that need to be filled in and accounted for. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss tips and tricks on how to test your mobile app efficiently.

Create a Comprehensive Testing Strategy

It is essential to formulate an all-encompassing testing plan prior to beginning the process of testing mobile applications. This comprises describing your testing goals, identifying the target audience, and determining the devices and operating systems that you want to test on.

In addition, you need to think about the various kinds of testing that you intend to carry out, such as usability testing, performance testing, security testing, and functional testing. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing that every facet of your app will go through rigorous testing, and that you are capable of finding and fixing any problems before the app is available to users if you have a solid plan in place.

Test on Various Platforms and Operating Systems

When testing mobile applications, ensuring compatibility across a variety of platforms and hardware configurations is an essential component. Because there is such a large variety of mobile phones and tablets available on the market, it is essential to test your application on a variety of devices to ensure that it functions appropriately and displays in the appropriate manner.

Testing on many operating systems, such as iOS and Android, is essential since each system has the potential to have its own peculiarities and criteria that must be satisfied. You can identify any compatibility issues and make the required adjustments to ensure a seamless user experience if you test on a diverse range of devices and operating systems. This allows you to test on a wide variety of devices and systems.

Focus on Your User Experience and Performance Rates

User Experience and Performance Rates 

It is absolutely necessary to pay great attention to both the user experience and the performance of mobile apps when evaluating them. Users have come to anticipate that applications will be quick, responsive, and intuitive to use. Users might eventually uninstall your application as a result of the irritation that slow loading times, crashes, and other issues can cause.

Test the functionality of your software across a variety of platforms and hardware configurations to guarantee a pleasant experience for end users. It is important to pay attention to a variety of criteria, including loading times, how well the system responds to user input, and its overall stability. You may provide customers with a seamless and delightful experience by correcting any performance issues that may exist. This will increase the likelihood that users will leave favorable reviews and recommendations.

Make Use of Automation Tools to Ensure Efficiency During Testing

Automation Tools

The process of testing mobile applications can be time-consuming, particularly when it comes to tasks that developers can repeat. Because of this, automation tools are really helpful. You may speed up the testing procedure while simultaneously saving yourself important time if you make use of automation technologies. You will be able to automate processes like UI testing, regression testing, and performance testing with the assistance of these technologies.

In addition to this, they are able to provide comprehensive reports and offer insight into any problems or defects that testers may discover or notice during testing. You will be able to verify that your mobile applications have been tested in a way that is both efficient and comprehensive if you use automation tools as part of your testing plan. This will ultimately result in a product of superior quality.

Things To Avoid During Mobile App Testing

Even though efficient mobile app testing is absolutely necessary for success, there are a number of typical mistakes that mobile app developers and testers need to steer clear of. These errors can have an impact on the user experience and lead to problems in the future. Some of these common mistakes include disregarding usability and accessibility testing and relying too heavily on automated testing.

  • Neglecting testing entirely: Without testing, some developers could think that their software is operating as intended. This strategy can eventually result in serious problems. Without adequate testing, it can be challenging to spot any problems with your app. These issues can eventually harm your user experience.
  • Using Automated Testing Too much: While machine learning can be a useful tool for testing mobile apps, it’s crucial to strike a balance between it and traditional testing. Using automated testing only can result in missed faults and potential concerns, especially when it comes to accessibility and usability testing.
  • Failure to Test on a Variety of Platforms and Devices It’s crucial to test your app on a variety of devices to make sure it works properly on each one, given the wide variety of operating systems and devices available nowadays.

Final Thoughts!

Now that you know the importance of mobile app testing, let’s talk business. Empowering your business is something that we would be proud to achieve for you. That is why we present you with nandbox’s native no-code app builder. Our native no-code app builder helps you develop apps in a seamless and easy way. You won’t need a team of developers to blur your app vision with all their options and tech solutions. All you need is an eye for creativity!

Upon signing up, you will see a variety of pre-made templates that you can choose from. Once you choose your desired template, you will be able to customize it based on your preferences. Sign up now for nandbox’s native no-code app builder and create the app your business deserves in minutes and for a fraction of the cost!

The post Mobile App Usability Testing: A 2023 Tips and Tricks Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How to Create a Job Board Using a No-Code App Builder? https://nandbox.com/how-to-create-a-job-board-using-a-no-code-app-builder/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-a-job-board-using-a-no-code-app-builder Sun, 30 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=31158&preview=true&preview_id=31158 How to Start a Job Board Business App Using a No-Code App Builder Job Board business applications are nowadays like a lifeline keeping us all from unemployment. They are one of the most efficient and useful applications and web pages to ever exist. They facilitate connecting people who are unemployed with a company that might […]

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How to Start a Job Board Business App Using a No-Code App Builder

Job Board business applications are nowadays like a lifeline keeping us all from unemployment. They are one of the most efficient and useful applications and web pages to ever exist. They facilitate connecting people who are unemployed with a company that might be the right fit for them. Starting a job board business app can be a lucrative venture. That is because not everyone has the coding skills to create one from scratch. Fortunately, with the help of a no-code app builder, you can easily create a professional-looking job board app. That is for sure without any coding knowledge. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started with us. Learn how to start a job board business app using a no-code app builder using this guide.

What Is a Job Board?

A job board, usually referred to as a job search engine, is a website or platform. It simply enables both job searchers and companies to post job openings and accept applications.

Employers can often post thorough job vacancy postings on job boards. Which can be complete with details about the position’s responsibilities, qualifications, and location. Then, job seekers can use the job board to immediately apply for positions and search for job ads based on numerous parameters, including area, job type, and industry.

Both companies and job seekers frequently use job boards. Job boards offer employers an affordable opportunity to connect with a variety of suitable candidates. Job boards provide job seekers with a practical approach to looking for employment possibilities and submitting applications without having to go through the laborious procedure of submitting separate applications to each business.

What Are the Types of Job Boards?

These three different types of job boards:

  • General job boards
  • Niche job boards
  • Company-specific job boards (much more business personalized)

Let’s dive in and discover what are the features that define each type. In addition to what makes it different than each other

General Job Boards

The most common and prevalent type of job board is a general job board. These employment sites or apps include a variety of job listings for different job types and industries. For job searchers who are unsure about the kind of position they are looking for or who wish to investigate a wide range of employment options, general job boards are an excellent option.

As opposed to traditional job boards, which only offer positions that are placed natively, large general job boards frequently serve as a job marketplace for employees, which are websites or applications that list job posts pulled from thousands of different internet sources. A very known example internationally of a general job board website and app is LinkedIn.

Niche Job Board

Specialty job boards and niche job boards both concentrate on particular employment categories or industries. These job boards are an excellent resource for job seekers looking for openings in a certain industry, like tech or healthcare. Although niche job boards may feature fewer job listings than general job boards, these listings are frequently more specialized and personalized. For a variety of businesses, there are employment boards that are industry-specific. An example of a niche job board is The “Demand Curve” job board.

Company-Specific Job Boards

Individual businesses operate company-specific job boards (sometimes called company career sites) to promote their own job openings. Instead of looking across many firms, these job boards enable job seekers to look for openings within a single company. Job searchers who have an interest in working for a particular company or who want to be informed about the most recent employment possibilities at that company might consider company-specific job boards. The employment boards on the websites of businesses like Google and IBM are examples of company-specific job boards.

The Advantages of Using a Job Board as an Employee

When searching for a job, there are many advantages that you can reach as an outcome when using a job board website or application. Here are some of the benefits a job board offers you:

  1. Job boards provide a convenient approach for job seekers to look for work opportunities from a number of firms in various industries. A wide selection of career opportunities in one location. Instead of having to hunt for job advertisements on numerous websites or in various areas, job searchers or seekers may now access a broader variety of employment prospects in one location.
  2. Simple application procedure: Most job boards provide a basic and easy application process. Typically, job applicants can send their applications directly to employers through the job board, eliminating the need to send separate applications to each business. Job explorers can save a ton of time and effort by using a job board.
  3. Availability of various job listings that might not be posted elsewhere. Some employment opportunities might only be posted on job boards rather than the employer’s website or other places. As a result, job applicants who use job boards may have access to employment prospects that they otherwise would not have discovered.
  4. Email job alerts: Job searchers can benefit from email job alerts by receiving information when new positions that meet their search criteria become available. This facilitates their job hunt and provides them a very personalized option of having the opportunity they wish for reach them without having to actually search for it.

Advantages of Using a Job Board as an Employer

Employers, too can actually benefit from using a job board for employment. Here are some of the main benefits they can have:

  1. Cost-Effective: Employers can reach out to a large number of potential candidates for jobs. That is by posting job vacancies on various job boards, which is considered a cost-effective method of doing so. This can help businesses find the best candidate for the job that is offered and connect with a bigger pool of job seekers than they could with conventional recruitment tactics.
  2. Easier management of job listings and updates: Most job boards provide tools that enable firms to easily manage and update their job postings. This implies that businesses can manage their employment process simply by posting new job ads, updating old listings, and removing irrelevant listings or occupied vacancies.
  3. Job seekers’ variety: Typically, a wide spectrum of job seekers, such as those with various levels of education, experience, and abilities, are drawn to job boards. This allows organizations to create a diverse and inclusive workplace and identify the best candidates for their open vacancies or opportunities.

Create a Job Board Business App with a No-Code App Builder

As we mentioned above, job boards are considered of great importance nowadays. They benefit both employers and employees know what the market is offering from both sides. Creating a no-code app is very easy, but choosing the right one for your business might get a bit overwhelming because the market is swarming with no-code app builders. Here are some steps that could help you decide how to choose the right no-code app builder for your job board application development.

Research All No-Code App Builder Platforms

The first step in creating your job board business app is to choose a no-code app builder platform. There are many options available, such as nandbox, buildfire, Bubble, Adalo, and Goodbarber. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s crucial to conduct research and pick the option that most closely matches your requirements. Some factors to consider include ease of use, pricing, and available features. Once you’ve chosen a platform, sign up for an account and start exploring its features.

Define Your App’s Purpose and Target Audience

App’s Purpose and Target Audience  

Before you start building a job board business app, it’s important to define its purpose and target audience. What kind of jobs will be listed on your app? Will it be focused on a specific industry or location? Who is your target audience – job seekers, employers, or both? Defining these factors will help you create a more focused and effective app. Conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of your target audience, and use this information to guide your app development process.

Design Your App’s User Interface and User Experience

Once you have defined your app’s purpose and target audience, it’s time to design its user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The UI refers to the visual elements of your app, such as buttons, menus, and icons, while the UX refers to how users interact with your app and the overall experience they have. A good UI/UX design is essential for creating a user-friendly and engaging app. This will help you have your own name and brand the moment you create something that isn’t repeated in the market. Use a no-code app builder that offers pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop tools to create your app’s UI/UX. Make sure to test your app’s design with real users to ensure it’s intuitive and easy to use. Furthermore, gather your app’s users’ feedback and decide what needs to be changed, edited, or eliminated from your app’s features.

Add Necessary Features Such as Job Posting, Resume Submission, and Search Filters

Job Posting, Resume Submission

Once you have designed your app’s UI/UX, it’s time to add the necessary features for your job board business. These features include job posting, resume submission, and search filters. Job posting allows employers to post job openings on your app, while resume submission allows job seekers to submit their resumes for potential employers to view. Search filters allow users to search for jobs based on specific criteria, such as location, industry, and job type. Make sure to test these features thoroughly to ensure they work properly and provide a seamless user experience. That is in order to gain user satisfaction and higher app download rates.

Test and Launch Your App, and Market It to Potential Users

Once you have completed the design and development of your job board business app using a no-code app builder, it’s time to test and launch it. Test all the features thoroughly to ensure they work properly and provide a seamless user experience. Once you are satisfied with the app’s performance, launch it on the app stores and start marketing it to potential users. Use social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies to reach your target audience and promote your app. Keep track of user feedback and make necessary improvements to ensure the success of your job board business app.

Final Thoughts

A no-code app builder is a very useful tool that could help you develop an app without having to have any prior knowledge of any coding or programming languages. Its easy drag-and-drop interface will help you add your desired features in a matter of minutes. That is why we come to you with nandbox’s no-code native app builder solution if it is your aim to build a no-code app.

Our app builder has everything you need from various pre-made customizable templates to hundreds of branding options, features, and modules. This variety will help you build a complete and seamless app for your users.

Start a job board business app with nandbox’s native no-code app builder. Moreover, don’t miss the opportunity to achieve your goal at a fraction of the cost. Sign up now and enjoy nandbox’s 14-day free trial that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the app builder’s navigation process.

The post How to Create a Job Board Using a No-Code App Builder? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How Much Does It Cost to Test an App in 2023 https://nandbox.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-test-an-app-in-2023/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-much-does-it-cost-to-test-an-app-in-2023 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 05:00:45 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=31045&preview=true&preview_id=31045 How Much Does It Cost to Test an App in 2023 Developing an app is a costly and time-consuming process that takes a few months to a couple of years. After all this hard work, if you don’t test your app for flaws, it might contain a few imperfections that ruin the users’ experience, leading […]

The post How Much Does It Cost to Test an App in 2023 appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


How Much Does It Cost to Test an App in 2023

Developing an app is a costly and time-consuming process that takes a few months to a couple of years. After all this hard work, if you don’t test your app for flaws, it might contain a few imperfections that ruin the users’ experience, leading to a failed product. Testing can’t be overlooked and should be accounted for in the app development budget, in addition to app maintenance and upgrading. This article gives you some clues on how to set the budget for app testing and offers some tips on reducing the cost.

Is App Testing Necessary?

As mentioned above, imperfections can ruin a good app idea. For example, bugs can cause crashing, errors, lags, malfunctions, and long loading screens. Research shows that 71% of users uninstall apps with these issues. The truth is, it’s nearly impossible to create a bug-free app. However, testing the app adequately minimizes the bugs, improving its performance.

Moreover, testing helps developers see the app from the user’s perspective rather than their own, which allows them to detect any UI/UX and performance issues and fix them before launch.

App Testing Types

There are several types of testing, divided into categories. The first category is the testing approaches which consist of manual and automated testing. The second is the main areas of testing, consisting of performance, usability, security, installation, and functionality.

Testing Approach

1.) Manual Testing

Manual Testing

In manual testing, no automation tools are used. The target of that type of testing is to detect bugs and defects and eliminate them. This type of testing happens in the product development phase, where the developers pick specific features to test.

There are three types of manual testing. The first is white box testing, where the developer checks every line of code and then passes the app to the QA team. It’s called White box testing because the developer can see the code.

The second type, black box testing, on the other hand, incorporates testing the app to see if its performance meets the customer’s needs without looking at the code, hence the name. A test engineer performs that type of test.

As for grey box testing, it combines both white and black box testing and is performed by an engineer who knows both coding and programming.


2.) Automated Testing

Automated Testing

Following the completion of an app’s development, testers will use an automated test scenario written from the end user’s point of view to evaluate the app’s features, usability, and performance.

To find flaws in a system, software testers often employ automated testing tools to run through a series of test cases.

Areas of Testing

1.) Performance Testing

Performance testing mainly tests the time, speed, reliability, stability, and scalability of a mobile app, when it’s put under a specific workload. The primary objective of performance testing is to locate and eliminate software performance issues. For example, a performance test might examine the app’s performance when many users use it.

2.) Functional Testing

Functional testing, as the name suggests, tests the complete functionality of the app, relating to aspects like logins, signups, error messages, and more. The goal is to reduce errors, meet users’ expectations, and increase quality and customer satisfaction.

3.) Security Testing

Security Testing

This kind of testing reveals dangers and risks in an app and protects it from attacks by malicious outsiders. When testing software, the goal is to identify any vulnerabilities that could be exploited to steal data or disrupt operations.

4.) Installation Testing

This type of testing is performed to ensure that the software installs and uninstalls without any problems. This check also guarantees that there will be no problems or interruptions with the updates.

5.) Compatibility Testing

Another non-functional type of testing is done to ensure the app works optimally on many devices, apps, operating systems, and network environments. For example, compatibility might test whether the app works with all browsers.

There are two types of compatibility tests, forward testing tests the app on new software, while backward testing tests the app on older versions.

6.) Usability Testing

Usability testing focuses on testing the app from the user’s perspective. Also known as UI or UX testing, it measures how intuitive and comfortable the app is to new users. Usability testing is usually at the last stage of development.

What Affects the Cost of Testing?

The main factor that affects the cost of testing an app is the hourly rate of the testers you hire. Undoubtedly, the more complex the app, the more time and testers it takes to do a full test.

Another factor that affects the rate is the source from which you hire the testers. If you hire full-time testers, you guarantee their availability and reliability. However, it’s the most expensive option. The opposite stands for hiring freelancers. Another option is to hire an agency, whether local or outsourced. A local agency means more efficient communication, but an outsourced agency from another country would be more cost-effective.

The app’s platform, or operating system, is another aspect that affects the price. Generally, there are much more devices that run Android apps than ones that run iOS. That’s because Apple is the only iOS vendor, but Android has many more. So, Android exhausts more time and resources to test the app on as many devices as possible.

How to Reduce App Testing Costs?

Testing could cost thousands of dollars, but you can do a few things to reduce those expenses.

1.) Start Testing Early On

The earlier and more often you test the app, the less money and time it takes to fix errors. That’s why it helps immensely to test from the design phase through the development and maintenance phases. Post-app release, the cost of fixing errors multiplies up to 100 times.

2.) Consider the Test-Driven Development Approach

TDD, or test-driven development, is a methodology for creating and improving software in which test cases are created directly before the code is written. The first test cases for each functionality are developed and tested, and if the test fails, new code is written to pass the test, keeping the code straightforward and error-free.

3.) Use Modern Testing Tools

Using modern tools is efficient and saves time and effort. For example, automating visual regression with low-code solutions is one of the best approaches for effective UI testing. These solutions can run UI tests in less than 5 minutes without any developers writing code.

4.) Risk-Based Testing

All potential threats to the software under test are accounted for in risk-based testing. It entails putting a priority on potential threats to the code’s quality. For instance, testing features and functions according to the likelihood of failure, the significance of the functions, and the potential consequences of failures. The testing team’s aims are established with this method by linearly organizing their work to minimize post-production failures.

By now, you’ve learned the importance of app testing. With the nandbox app builder, it couldn’t be easier. After building your app, you can generate an APK, install it on any device, and test it from A to Z. Sign up for the 14-day trial and try the nandbox native no-code app builder for free now!

The post How Much Does It Cost to Test an App in 2023 appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

APK VS. SDK: The Differences and Benefits https://nandbox.com/apk-vs-sdk-the-differences-and-benefits/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=apk-vs-sdk-the-differences-and-benefits Mon, 10 Jul 2023 05:00:57 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=30622&preview=true&preview_id=30622 APK vs. SDK: The Differences and Benefits If you’re new to software development, you might get overwhelmed by all the terms seasoned programmers use. More often than not, the terms stand for concepts that are easy to grasp. In this case, both APK and SDK are easy to distinguish after you learn what they are, […]

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APK vs. SDK: The Differences and Benefits

If you’re new to software development, you might get overwhelmed by all the terms seasoned programmers use. More often than not, the terms stand for concepts that are easy to grasp. In this case, both APK and SDK are easy to distinguish after you learn what they are, their differences, and their benefits. This article is about APK vs. SDK.

What is an APK?


An APK is an Android file format, also called an Android package. Android apps end with the extension “.apk.” Both Android and other Android-based operating systems for distributing and installing mobile apps, middleware, and games utilize APKs. Developers build software using this file format in Java and Kotlin.

All the apps you install from the Google Play Store have an APK extension. Developers can even generate APK files and use them without publishing them on the store, known as “sideloading.” It helps test the app or use it on a smaller scale.

Everything you need to install the app, including its code, resources, and assets, is found in the APK files. Making an APK requires using Android Studio or Visual Studio to compile all the app parts into one package.

What is an SDK?


SDK stands for Software Development Kit. It is all the files, documentation, tools, and libraries for building an app or software. Developers find everything they need to develop software for a specific platform in an SDK.

The Android SDK is an example, as it contains all the tools that help developers build, test, and debug their apps, as well as documentation, sample code, and libraries.

SDKs can take many forms, such as APIs (application programming interfaces), programming libraries, or tutorials and documentation.

The difference between APKs vs SDKs


As mentioned, developers and users utilize APKs to install apps on their devices. Users can find app APKs on the Google Play Store or sideload them onto their devices.

Meanwhile, developers use SDKs to build apps for a specific platform or operating system. The SDKs basically provide them with the tools and resources to write, test, and debug code.


An APK has all the files that run an app, including its code, resources, and assets. An SDK has the tools, libraries, and documentation developers use to build apps for specific platforms or operating systems.


The APK file for Android apps is typically created after Java code is written and compiled. To execute an APK file on an Android device, the Android OS first uses a tool called dex2jar to transform the Java bytecode contained within the file into Dalvik bytecode.

Most of the SDK’s purposes involve the creation of mobile applications. And Apple, Google, and Microsoft provide SDKs for their platforms. One of the purposes of SDKs is to provide resources and tools that help developers efficiently update their apps and keep them updated with the latest technologies.

Another purpose of SDKs is to help developers improve their applications’ performance using the optimization tools and libraries included. With the help of these resources, programmers can optimize their apps in terms of things like memory consumption, graphics rendering, and network efficiency, all of which contribute to a more satisfying end-user experience.


APKs are highly accessible, as users can find any app’s APK with a quick Google search. Finding app APKs is easier than finding and installing software on other devices, like macOS or Windows. Moreover, once users download the APK on their mobile device, they can install it anytime, even without internet access.

As for SDKs, they are only available for registered developers to ensure that only professionals have access to the tools they need to build high-quality apps.

Benefits of APK

  • APKs available on the Google Play Store are secure because they go through verifications, including virus scans, permission checks, and digital signature verification, ensuring the app is from a trusted publisher.
  • APKs are accessible, making it easy for users to install them at any time without an internet connection.
  • Generally, Google is more flexible than Apple regarding publishing rules, so users can find and download apps easily. Moreover, APKs are still usable, even if the developers didn’t publish them on the Google Play Store. Anyone with a mobile app can release it without going through Google’s approval process. APKs found on the internet don’t update automatically, like apps that users download from the Google Play Store, meaning they can purposely choose older versions if they don’t like new updates.
  • Unlike its iOS counterpart, Android uses a compressed format file format, making it easier and faster to download APKs. Not to mention that they take less storage space, which is a plus for most users who fear running out of storage.
  • APKs offer users more options than what’s available on the Google Play Store. For example, they can find apps to help them customize their apps and tailor them to their taste.

Benefits of SDKs

  • SDKs help developers by providing them with the components they need to build their apps without starting from scratch. That way, they can focus on the core functionality of their apps.
  • Buying SDKs is usually free or at a low cost, and developers can use one SDK for multiple apps, making them cost-effective.
  • Developers use SDKs to build apps for various platforms and ensure they work consistently across them. This is so because software development kits (SDKs) are tailored to make use of the specific features and capabilities of a given platform, guaranteeing stability and efficiency.
  • SDKs are easy to understand and integrate because they’re designed to facilitate the development process. Developers don’t spend much time trying to understand how to use them.
  • When developers try to add a function to their app, like location services, for example, they can use SDKs that provide location services. That way, users get a better and more consistent experience.
  • Encryption, authorization, and authentication are all essential parts of a secure app. Building them from scratch would take a lot of time and might result in errors. Luckily, SDKs provide these features ready-made.

Now you know the difference between APKs vs SDKs. If you’re a non-programmer, you don’t have to learn more about SDKs. However, APKs can come in handy when building an app. Yes, a non-programmer, you can build a native app with the nandbox native no-code app builder. After creating the app, you can generate an APK to test it. It’s all too easy. Sign up and try it now.

The post APK VS. SDK: The Differences and Benefits appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

iOS App Testing: How to Test Your App on TestFlight https://nandbox.com/ios-app-testing-how-to-test-your-app-on-testflight/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ios-app-testing-how-to-test-your-app-on-testflight Wed, 05 Jul 2023 05:03:24 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=30426&preview=true&preview_id=30426 What Do You Need to Know About TestFlight and iOS App Testing? We all know that testing is the most crucial step in the app development process. It is when developers can identify where they went wrong and if there is any area for improvement that can enhance the user experience later on. However, what […]

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What Do You Need to Know About TestFlight and iOS App Testing?

We all know that testing is the most crucial step in the app development process. It is when developers can identify where they went wrong and if there is any area for improvement that can enhance the user experience later on. However, what you didn’t know is that the testing process differs from one operating system or platform to another. Android app testing differs significantly from iOS app testing. Testing Android apps revolves around generating APKs, while iOS app testing depends on Test Flight. But, what exactly is iOS’s test flight? In this article, we will explain everything concerning test flight, the iOS testing platform, and the whole iOS app testing process.

What Is Test Flight?

It is a universal fact that the iOS development process is very complex. That is because the iOS application’s requirements and the guidelines developers need to follow are very precise. In addition, it also takes much time and effort, from designing and developing to testing. With many developers aiming to develop apps and many users asking for them, Apple focused on a very important aspect, which is testing, and offered iOS developers an efficient solution.

Apple created and unveiled Test Flight, a testing platform, in 2010. You’d also be surprised to learn that TestFlight was first made for both testing iOS and Android applications. However, it stopped supporting testing Android apps in 2014. TestFlight is available in the Apple App Store as a regular app. Developers will need to install it to be able to test their applications. It supports testing for all Apple devices, and developers can test up to 100 applications at once. Testing at TestFlight is divided into two categories: internal testing and external testing.

Internal testing

Internal testing is the process of testing your application among your development team and the whole organization. Or it can be conducted with a much smaller circle of users that doesn’t exceed 100. Through TestFlight, you can easily invite up to 200 users to test the application. You can also divide them into groups and assign a different build to each group to get feedback from more than one perspective.

External Testing

External testing is a broader version of internal testing. It is the process of beta testing your app on a large number of random users and anyone else you’d like. So that you can gather final feedback and make all the final modifications before releasing it on the Apple App Store. Through TestFlight, you can invite more than 10,000 users by sharing public links or sending invitations via email and inviting them to test your app. The same goes for external testing; you can also create test groups and assign them to users so that they can experience different versions of the apps with different elements.

How to Test Your iOS App on Test Flight: Step-By-Step Guide

Now that you have a brief knowledge of what TestFlight is, we will now guide you through the steps of iOS app testing on this platform.

Here are the steps to test your iOS app using TestFlight:

1.) Create a new app in the App Store Connect

The first thing you need to do is join the Apple Developer Program, which will allow you to access the app store and connect later on. Keep in mind that the app developer program costs $99 per year as an enrollment fee. After enrolling, you will create an app in App Store Connect. Apple’s App Store Connect is an online tool for developers to manage their applications and control their App Store presence. Creating a new app in Apple Store Connect involves entering all your app’s information, in addition to a unique identifier that you need to generate from the app developer program.

2.) Upload a Build of Your App to App Store Connect and Submit It for Review

The next step after creating a new app in App Store Connect is to upload a build of your app and request a beta app review. Once you access your app in the App Store Connect, you will find a TestFlight tap where you will create your build. The app build is usually done using Xcode. Also, your app’s name, description, and several screenshots must be uploaded to App Store Connect throughout this procedure. Once, you are done with all these steps, you can submit your app for review. Apple will then check your app for compliance with its App Store Review Guidelines after you submit it for iOS app testing review. If your app makes it past the beta app review, you can now start your testing journey.

3.) Invite Testers to Your App

Once your app has been reviewed and approved for iOS app testing, you can invite testers, as we mentioned above. By conducting either internal or external testing, you can add users’ email addresses to the TestFlight section of your app in App Store Connect. The maximum number of testers for an iOS app is 10,000. By accessing a public link or receiving an email, users will be invited to install the TestFlight app on their iOS devices. But remember that for users to try out your app and test it, they will need to download TestFlight on their iOS devices.

4.) Monitor Users’ Feedback

In App Store Connect, you can keep an eye on users’ feedback as a developer. App Store Connect will provide you with issue reports and suggestions made by testers. These will give you valuable insight into how to enhance your app and identify areas for improvement.

5.) Submit Your App to the App Store

Now that you know your pitfalls and the feedback on your app and how it operates, you will make all the necessary alterations to reach the final version of your application. Once you are done with all the alterations, the iOS app testing phase is finally complete. You can now go on, submit your app to the Apple App Store, and provide users with a great and perfectly functioning app.

Create and Test Your iOS App with nandbox!

As nandbox truly understands how time- and effort-consuming developing and testing an iOS app is. The app-building platform has put in a lot of work to make it simple for anyone, not just developers. Anyone can develop, test, and release an iOS app. With nandbox, iOS app testing only takes a fraction of the time it normally would. That is because all you need to do is enter your app developer account information, invite nandbox as an app manager in your Apple developer account, and enter your bundle ID or identifier that you got earlier from the App Developer Program.

After that, the team at nandbox will take care of all the technical aspects required to test and publish your application; you will only need to invite your users to test it. Not only did it make app development more enjoyable, but nandbox successfully made iOS app testing even better and easier. Try the nandbox app builder now and build your app with an affordable cost, a streamlined process, and a one-of-a-kind experience.

The post iOS App Testing: How to Test Your App on TestFlight appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Continuous Compliance: The Ultimate Guide https://nandbox.com/continuous-compliance-the-ultimate-guide/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=continuous-compliance-the-ultimate-guide Mon, 29 May 2023 05:00:40 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=29325&preview=true&preview_id=29325 What Is Continuous Compliance and How to Achieve It Perfectly balanced, as everything should’ve been. Everything around runs in an orderly manner, kept in compliance. This, for sure, includes all aspects of our lives. But, did you know it also includes applications and businesses? You can think of them as their own small worlds, with […]

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What Is Continuous Compliance and How to Achieve It

Perfectly balanced, as everything should’ve been. Everything around runs in an orderly manner, kept in compliance. This, for sure, includes all aspects of our lives. But, did you know it also includes applications and businesses? You can think of them as their own small worlds, with separate environments and running in a specific order. There is a set of rules and guidelines that regulate applications and organizations. Security is one of the primary areas that is strictly regulated by these guidelines and kept in continuous compliance. In this article, we will demonstrate the term “continuous compliance,” its significance, and how to achieve it.

What is Continuous Compliance

Just as everything starts, let us start with “what is continuous compliance?”. Compliance usually means going in a straight line and avoiding any deviation that might put you at risk. This straight line that any organization or application follows is made up of the policies, guidelines, and specific criteria that are set by much higher authorities. These guidelines or regulations are one of the most important components of any app development process.

Developers are not only entitled to the security guidelines that continuous compliance focuses on. They are also entitled to other guidelines that, for instance, set the way they design the application or the overall functions they integrate.

Continuous compliance is the practice of keeping an eye on and monitoring all the security practices used across the organization as a whole or an application singularly. Since applications are always dealing with users’ data, that can be vulnerable or sensitive in many cases. It is critical to maintain and achieve continuous compliance. As it helps identify any issue that arises with security immediately and eliminate any chances of risk.

Why is it important to Achieve Continuous Compliance

Security is no joke when it comes to app development or maintenance. It is a great factor that determines the success and effectiveness of any app. With the surge in the number of apps and also the increased awareness of users’ data privacy. Developers can’t risk exposing their users to any vulnerabilities or breaches, and this is where continuous compliance comes into the picture. We are going to list the reasons why continuous compliance is critical to any developer and development process.

1.) Improve brand and organizational image

Keeping the whole organization and application up-to-date and maintaining security constantly helps improve the brand’s image significantly. The more you show through actions and continuous maintenance, the more users trust your application and brand. This, in the long term, will help build a loyal user base and acquire new users as well.

2.) Always Ready with real-time info

Continuous compliance is all about keeping an eye on the security practices used across the whole organization. This makes it a major part when it comes to identifying any gaps or breaches that may arise immediately and in real time and solving them along the way. This allows developers to always be prepared to fix any gaps, as they now have a more in-depth and rapid understanding of everything that is going on with their apps.

3.) Enhance application security

Enhance application security

There is no doubt that we already established the fact that continuous compliance helps in identifying and fixing any vulnerabilities found across the application. The process of constant identification and fixing will also enable developers to get to know new and improved technologies and practices that they can use. This, in turn, can enhance security to a great extent and allow developers to operate faster and more efficiently.

The Different Aspects of Continuous Compliance

Now that we have gone through the importance of continuous compliance. Let us also explore the different faces and aspects it has.

1.) Policy Management

Policy management is everything that has to do with the rules and regulations set. It makes sure that all the components of the organization and/or application follow the set regulations exactly. It also includes the organization’s or application’s own policies and how they should be updated on a regular basis to ensure clarity and transparency.

2.) Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the process of running manual or automated tests across all systems to specify all the vulnerabilities and weak points that may lead to bigger and larger risks. This process doesn’t only include identifying; it also includes fixing and recording the whole process to make sure that these issues won’t arise ever again.

3.) Data Management

Data Management

As data is the core of any application, it is logical that data management is one of the most important aspects of continuous compliance. Data management is the process of keeping all sensitive information and data provided by users safe and monitored on a regular basis. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including data encryption.

4.) Risk Management

In addition to identifying the vulnerabilities that we did previously, risk management allows developers to understand their risks from all angles and to what extent they would impact the organization or application. It prevents any breach or attack from going out of control and helps limit and eradicate it.

Practices to Achieve Continuous Compliance

Identify and comprehend all the standards needed

The first step to achieving continuous compliance in your organization is to identify and comprehend all the standards that apply to your industry and operations. This includes all types of regulations, such as local, as well as industry-specific standards. Once you have a clear understanding of the standards that apply to your type of business, you can develop a plan that addresses each requirement. This in turn ensures that your business is in compliance and meeting all necessary standards.

Implement powerful security practices

One of the best ways to achieve continuous compliance is to implement powerful security practices. This includes regularly updating and patching your application or software. Using encryption and multi-factor authentication and regularly backing up all data are a few examples of the many security practices developers can use. By prioritizing security, you can reduce the risk of data breaches and other security incidents that could lead to compliance violations.

Record each step of the compliance process

Keeping a record of each step of the compliance process is crucial for achieving continuous compliance. This includes documenting policies, procedures, and assessments made along the way. By keeping detailed records, you can easily demonstrate compliance with regulators, and quickly identify areas that need improvement. Additionally, having a clear record of your compliance process can help you identify patterns and make informed decisions about your application or organization in the future.

Use technology to streamline compliance processes

To achieve continuous compliance in your business, you must use technology to streamline compliance processes. This can include using tools and new software to automate compliance tasks. Such as tracking and reporting on compliance activities and using cloud-based solutions to store and manage related data. By using technology to streamline compliance processes, you can reduce the risk of errors and ensure that your compliance processes are more efficient and effective. Additionally, technology can help you stay up-to-date with changing regulations and standards, which is critical for maintaining continuous compliance.

The post Continuous Compliance: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Difference Between Simulators, Emulators, and Real Device Testing https://nandbox.com/difference-between-simulators-emulators-and-real-device-testing/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=difference-between-simulators-emulators-and-real-device-testing Sun, 28 May 2023 05:00:40 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=29327&preview=true&preview_id=29327 Difference Between Simulators, Emulators, and Real Device Testing The terms “simulator” and “emulator” are common in the world of software development. While some people might think they are synonymous, they aren’t the same. On the other hand, some developers wonder why they should opt for simulation instead of real-device testing. This article helps you understand […]

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Difference Between Simulators, Emulators, and Real Device Testing

The terms “simulator” and “emulator” are common in the world of software development. While some people might think they are synonymous, they aren’t the same. On the other hand, some developers wonder why they should opt for simulation instead of real-device testing. This article helps you understand the difference between simulators and emulators, and decide which is more suitable for your app and when to use it.

What is an Emulator?


Generally, an emulator lets you run a program on a device that doesn’t usually run it. For example, WINE is a program that allows software developed for Windows or Linux devices to work on a macOS device.

In mobile testing, emulators are made for Android apps to test them on a PC. Emulators imitate or mimic the mobile app on the PC, hence the name.

Developers find it faster and more convenient to test their Android apps on a PC than on an Android device.

The emulator offers near-native capabilities that allow the test to control functionalities like physical sensors, geolocation, and more. However, these capabilities prevent the emulator from working at full speed, making the app slower than it would be on a real device.

What Is a Simulator?


An emulator imitates the app, while a simulator reproduces or copies the app on a PC. Only apps made for iOS devices can be simulated, as there’s no Android simulator. The reason for that is emulation is more accessible and more practical for Android developers, so there’s no need for a simulator.

A simulator works by sitting on top of the PC and mimicking iOS by running the app inside it. It doesn’t have native functions or machine learning, so it’s much faster than an emulator. However, it only runs on macOS devices.

The Main Differences Between Simulators and Emulators

Target Area

The hardware, software, and operating system of a mobile device are the focus of an emulator, while the internal behavior of the device is the focus of a simulator.

Who Provides It

Device manufacturers provide emulators, while device manufacturers and other companies provide simulators.

Internal Structure

An emulator works on machine-level and assembly languages, which are low-level and mid-level programming languages. Only computers can understand them. However, a simulator uses high-level programming languages, which users can understand too.

Their Uses

Because emulators mimic a real device, they can be used for debugging, not just testing. On the other hand, simulators can only be used for testing.


As we’ve mentioned, emulators are slower because they involve binary translation, while simulators are faster. However, simulators lack native functions, like mimicking battery states or cellular interrupts.

What They’re Best for

Emulators are better at testing an app’s performance with underlying hardware or software conditions. For example, if the tester wants to know if a firmware update or a different CPU will affect the app.

A simulator tests the app’s performance when interacting with external hardware or software conditions. This means that an emulator is more advanced when testing mobile apps.

Another method to test your mobile app is real-device testing, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

Real-Device Testing

Real-Device Testing

Simulators and emulators do an adequate job of testing mobile apps at the first stages of development. But as the app shapes up, testing it on a PC gets more complicated. Simulators and emulators can’t account for all factors that make a good user experience.

Moreover, real-device testing helps you detect errors that simulators could show as false positives. These errors could affect performance bugs, UI, and systems. Real-device testing is much more reliable because you get to test a device’s hardware similar to the device that users will navigate the app on.

Here are some functions you can only test on a real device:

  • The device’s temperature when using the app is one thing that can’t be simulated. You’ve probably come across some apps or games that increase your device’s temperature by making it hot to the touch. It gets annoying and risky to keep using the app, so it’s crucial to ensure that it doesn’t happen when users use it.
  • Although wireless network connections can be emulated, it still doesn’t compare to testing on a real device, which you need to test how wireless connectivity impacts the app.
  • The app’s compatibility with the device’s media playback and recording functions is another feature that is better to test on a real device. Soundcards and GPUs can be emulated but that wouldn’t yield accurate results because the hardware is specialized, and it would be hard to try imitating it.
  • How fingerprint readers and other biometric hardware work with your app also can’t be simulated. They are important to test to ensure security and privacy.

When to Perform Real-Device Testing

Testing on a real device takes a long time, so doing it early on will slow down the development process. At these stages, emulators and simulators will suffice and are enough to detect major issues with the application. Any other minor issues will show with real-device testing and get fixed with little effort.

However, in some cases, it’s worth the extra time to start testing on real devices in earlier stages. When the app depends on the smartphone’s hardware, you would be saving money by testing it on a real device because you would identify hardware-related problems early on. Otherwise, you might run into major issues and have to scrap and rewrite code to fix them.

In Conclusion

Testing isn’t optional when developing a mobile app and doing different test types is recommended. It starts with using a simulator or emulator at the early stages, then real-device testing, divided into other types like alpha and beta testing. Testing will ensure the app has minimum performance issues, and you will rest assured it’s ready for release.

Because we know the importance of testing, we made it easy. The nandbox native no-code app builder allows you to test your Android app by generating an APK and installing it on a real device, and uploading the iOS version on TestFlight. Give it a shot!

The post Difference Between Simulators, Emulators, and Real Device Testing appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile App Performance Testing: A Comprehensive Guide https://nandbox.com/mobile-app-performance-testing-a-comprehensive-guide/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mobile-app-performance-testing-a-comprehensive-guide Sun, 21 May 2023 05:00:20 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=29072&preview=true&preview_id=29072 Best Ways To Improve Your Mobile App Performance As a startup, you may have created the perfect mobile application, packed with all the features that users could want. However, you find the results not quite great. The app is not performing the way it should, and users are quickly becoming frustrated and abandoning it. But, […]

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Best Ways To Improve Your Mobile App Performance

As a startup, you may have created the perfect mobile application, packed with all the features that users could want. However, you find the results not quite great. The app is not performing the way it should, and users are quickly becoming frustrated and abandoning it. But, how could that happen? You made sure to offer everything that would satisfy the users and make an exceptional app. The answer is one thing: mobile application performance. Maybe you don’t know this, but over 60% of users tend to abandon applications completely after experiencing poor app performance. 60% is certainly not a small percentage. That is why in this article, we will guide you through mobile app performance in detail. We will also showcase some mobile app performance testing approaches to consider.

What is a Mobile Application Performance?

Mobile application performance refers to everything that impacts the overall user experience. Such as speed, responsiveness, stability, etc. It also refers to the extent to which an app runs on all types of devices. For example, speed is one of the major things that set two apps apart. You’d find an app that has everything you need: a good and intuitive UI, robust features, and many more. However, this app would take a long time to load, in addition to functioning slowly. This would greatly impact the way you, as a user, would think of this app. A mobile app’s performance can be impacted by a number of factors, including but not limited to network connectivity, device hardware and software, code quality, and server response time.

Why Is Mobile App Performance Testing Necessary

As we mentioned before, mobile app performance is a major and essential factor that indicates any app’s path later on. It decides whether the app can actually accomplish success or just pass by without going anywhere or accomplishing anything. Mobile app performance is critical when it comes to improving and optimizing the user experience. It ensures and guarantees that the users are getting the best experience possible and eliminates any chances of user frustration. Poor app performance can lead to negative app reviews, low ratings, and user churn, which is the number of users who decide to abandon the app or never use it again. This, in turn, reduces the app’s popularity and any potential that it had. By conducting performance testing and optimizing the mobile app’s performance, developers can identify and resolve performance issues once they arise, whether during development or after releasing the app. Thus, improving its reliability and user satisfaction.

How to Improve Your Mobile Application Performance

So, how can we improve mobile app performance? Here are four tips for doing so:

1.) Native Is the Best Answer

If you are intending to develop your own app and are still puzzled about the app type, we advise you to go native. As much as native app development can appear to be difficult and time-consuming, it is also the best when it comes to performance. One of the best things about native apps is that they are stable because they are built to meet the exact needs of the operating system. This makes them faster and allows them to operate more effectively on any device they are installed on.

2.) Optimize Images and Videos

Optimize Images

One thing you should take care of is the images and videos in your app. If your application development plan requires or includes inserting images and videos, for instance, if you are developing an educational app. It’s crucial that you find ways to reduce the file sizes of your media files, as images and videos of large sizes can cause an overload on the app’s capacity. Such things can lead to unnecessary performance issues like crashes or slow loading times.

3.) Use App Bundles

Another thing that impacts the app’s performance is the app’s size. The size of the app is not only frustrating for users, but it also affects the overall performance of the app and reduces the quality of the user experience. So if you are developing an app for Android, always make sure to make your app in the app bundle format instead of the APK, as it is much smaller in size.

4.) Perform Regular Updates

Perform Regular Updates

Performing regular updates is essential to ensuring that your app remains relevant and performs well over time. Updates can address performance issues, improve the user experience, and add new features. Regular updates also help retain users and improve the app’s ratings and reviews.

5.) Always Run Performance Test

Lastly, you should always run the necessary performance tests. These tests will help you identify any errors or bugs that may lead to performance issues in the future. This would help you avoid any future pitfalls and maintain the quality of your app, as well as offer a great user experience. If you don’t know which major performance tests you should run, let us guide you through them.

Types of Mobile App Performance Tests

I.) Load Testing

Load Testing

Load testing involves simulating user traffic to test the app’s performance under normal or heavy load conditions. The test can help you identify performance pitfalls and determine the maximum capacity of users and usage your app can take.

II.) Stress Testing

Stress testing involves pushing the app to its extreme limits until it reaches the breaking point. Applying stress to an app can reveal the points where it is vulnerable and determine whether or not it can withstand an extreme workload, as well as optimize the app to take such a load.

III.) Spike Testing

Spike tests also expose the app to extreme workload, but this time it is sudden and over a specific period of time. It helps developers see if the app could handle such a sudden surge in users and usage. This would be ideal, especially for apps that expect large numbers of users or usually have them, such as gaming apps.

V.) Endurance Testing

Endurance testing involves testing the app’s performance over an extended period to determine its stability and reliability. This test can help you identify memory leaks, battery drain, and other issues that can affect the app’s performance over time.

In Summary

Mobile app performance is what separates a good app from a poor app. It is the user’s first consideration when choosing an app to rely on and use in daily life. That is why it is not something to disregard during the app development process or even afterward. Now that you know all the necessary mobile app performance tests and all the ways you could improve your mobile app’s performance. You can confidently start your app development journey and create a robust and perfectly performing mobile application. Another way you could do so is to develop your app with nandbox.

nandbox is a leading no-code app builder where developers and non-developers can develop fully functional native apps. What makes nandbox special is that all the steps required to improve the app’s performance are already done through the builder. All the media file sizes will be automatically optimized, the app you will develop is 100% native, and you will release your app in an app bundle format. It is literally all you need and more. Try the nandbox today and provide your users with the best user experience.

The post Mobile App Performance Testing: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile App Beta Testing Walkthrough for Beginners https://nandbox.com/mobile-app-beta-testing-walkthrough-for-beginners/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mobile-app-beta-testing-walkthrough-for-beginners Tue, 16 May 2023 05:00:37 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=29171&preview=true&preview_id=29171 Mobile App Beta Testing Walkthrough for Beginners Having worked hard on your app, you don’t want users to uninstall it because of a few bugs that can be fixed. Testing your app will minimize these bugs and guarantee that users won’t have trouble using it. A type of testing that every app or piece of […]

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Mobile App Beta Testing Walkthrough for Beginners

Having worked hard on your app, you don’t want users to uninstall it because of a few bugs that can be fixed. Testing your app will minimize these bugs and guarantee that users won’t have trouble using it. A type of testing that every app or piece of software has to go through is beta testing, which comes after alpha testing. If you’re new to app development and want a guide on mobile app beta testing, this article is your complete walkthrough.

What is Beta Testing?

What is Beta Testing

Beta testing means exposing your product to real users who understand its objectives and purposes. After using it, they suggest changes and highlight strong points. The goal is to test the app against real users and see if it fits their interests and meets their needs.

Beta testing happens much later than alpha testing. The difference is that with alpha testing, only in-house staff get to try out the app. Both processes are similar; the difference is related to who gets to test the app. But in both cases, the testers install and navigate the app, then give feedback about what needs changing and what needs discarding.

Types of Beta Testing

There are two common types of beta testing; open beta testing and closed beta testing.

  • Open beta testing involves anyone interested in testing the app. They can sign up to join testers or download the software directly. In most cases, there are no limitations regarding the number of testers.
  • With closed beta testing, only those invited by app publishers or development companies test the app.

Other types of beta testing:

  • Technical beta testing: The testers here have a technical background, and the aim is to identify complex bugs and help the team collect quality test reports.
  • Focused Beta Testing: The development team releases the app for beta testing and gets feedback on a specific feature.
  • Marketing beta testing: This one aims to get the media’s attention when releasing the app and assess marketing channels.

Why Beta Testing Is Important

Alpha testing is crucial but not as conclusive as beta testing. Here’s why beta testing is important:

1.) It reveals hidden defects. Any given individual would navigate a mobile app differently. As the app’s user base grows, so does the number of reported issues.

2.) It saves money, as it costs significantly less to fix a bug in an app in its development phase than a released app.

3.) The app gets tested on a diverse set of devices since the testers use their own devices. In most cases, some of these devices aren’t available in-house.

4.) It helps in geolocation testing. Testers come from various regions, and through them, the developers can test if the app behaves the same in all areas and if the data complies with regional rules. For example, the testers will report if the app doesn’t display the time and date correctly.

5.) It ensures the app’s final version is high in quality and performance. The parameters tested are endless. So, after the data is collected, developers can identify and solve most problems before launch.

6.) Through the beta test, developers can analyze application logs and detect any security leaks.

Steps of Setting Up a Beta Testing Problems

Step 1: Have a Clear Objective

Without an objective, you’re wasting time and creating confusion. Before the test starts, you need to know the parameters of the test. For example, if you want to achieve stability, you can run the test for a longer time than when you’re testing a specific feature.

Then, you decide how many beta testers you need for the app. A small app will need fewer than ten testers, and a gaming app might require more than 200. If you have fewer testers than the app requires, it might be insufficient to identify issues that need changing. And if the number is too high for a small app, you might result in too much feedback that your team can’t keep up with. The number varies depending on your budget, too.

Lastly, in this phase, you should determine the test’s length and inform the testers of a deadline to abide by.

Step 2: Select the Testing Platform

The testing platform is where you find testers, manage feedback, and identify product flaws.

Most testers use Google Play Console for Android and Testflight for the iOS version. Google Play Console allows for both open and closed beta testing. And you can request up to 10,000 testers on Testflight by sharing a link or inviting users via email.

You won’t have trouble finding testers on both platforms, as they’re popular among testers. However, you might find more or better features on other platforms like Centercode, UberTesters, and TestRail.

Step 3: Recruit Testers

Recruit Testers

Recruiting testers is easy, but you should be concerned about recruiting the right testers. You want people who are motivated to try the app and are equally skilled.

If the app is new in the market and you don’t have a user base, you can look for professions on websites like The Beta Family and Reddit.

If you want to test a new feature on an existing app, you can look for dedicated users on forums and ask them to try this feature. You will almost certainly come across users who are eager to try out the new update before others.

Step 4: Gather Feedback and Act on It

Gather Feedback

Gathering feedback can be hectic. Try to find out what feedback delivery system is preferred by most testers. Most platforms have their own feedback processes, but you could also organize feedback on another platform like Jira. Utilize Jira templates for tickets by AppLiger to maintain consistency. After collecting feedback, you organize them by the most urgent to address to the least.

Testers should have to answer a few questions when reporting the problem, like what went wrong, what they had expected to happen instead, and if the problem repeats.

Lastly, you start fixing urgent issues, like bugs, and then decide if you want to make other changes. Remember that not all feedback calls for change. Sometimes, the testers make product modification suggestions that aren’t necessary.

Finally Reward Testers

Consider giving your beta testers rewards like discounts or coupons. They will feel like their effort is appreciated and will be loyal to your brand. Moreover, it will incite them to participate in the next beta test.

The nandbox native no-code app builder makes it simple to test your app before releasing it. Once you’re satisfied with your app’s design and functionality, you can publish it to the Google Play Store or Apple’s TestFlight for iOS. Try the only native app builder on the market for free now!

The post Mobile App Beta Testing Walkthrough for Beginners appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile Application Quality Assurance: Ultimate Guide https://nandbox.com/mobile-application-quality-assurance-ultimate-guide/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mobile-application-quality-assurance-ultimate-guide Sun, 14 May 2023 05:00:16 +0000 https://nandbox.com/?p=29001&preview=true&preview_id=29001 Introduction to Mobile Application Quality Assurance Everything is bound to have flaws; nothing is completely perfect on the first try. And as we say everything, we literally mean it, but let us be more specific for now. In the software and application industry, faults and errors are very common, either during or after the development […]

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Introduction to Mobile Application Quality Assurance

Everything is bound to have flaws; nothing is completely perfect on the first try. And as we say everything, we literally mean it, but let us be more specific for now. In the software and application industry, faults and errors are very common, either during or after the development process. This, in turn, made testing a major and fundamental phase of any development process. Testing comes in different approaches and methods; each is based on the development process and the application or software developed. One of these approaches is QA, or quality assurance testing. In this article, we will demonstrate everything regarding mobile application quality assurance and the best QA tools you could use.

Role of Testing in the software development

The role of testing in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) is enormous and undeniable. Throughout the testing phase, developers run through all the codes written and elements integrated into the software and application. and they don’t just do it once; they continuously run through the entire process to make sure the application or software is completely free of any bugs or errors and functions properly every time. Thus, ensuring that the user will get a great and optimized user experience.

What is Quality Assurance (QA)

Each industry has its own standards that all products should be developed to meet and work in accordance with. This includes design guidelines, specific security measures, etc. Quality assurance testing is the process of measuring the degree to which your application or software matches these standards and guidelines.

Unlike many other testing approaches that focus on a specific part of the application or software, such as codes, QA testing focuses on all the app’s processes. This includes all the phases in the software development process, such as design and implementation. People may assume that QA is the same as testing. Although QA technically is a part of testing, both can differ in some aspects, such as focus or goal. While testing’s main goal is to find bugs and errors and fix them, QA focuses on improving the overall user experience and performance of the application.

A group known as the QA team typically oversees mobile application quality assurance. This team’s goal is to ensure that all the application’s elements are of good quality and compiled according to industry standards. For example, both Google and Apple have a set of standards for application design, with specific measurements, colors, and ratios. The QA team’s role is to compare these guidelines with the ones found in the application and make sure that the application or software follows them.

The QA process

Now that we’ve had an overview of QA, it is time to learn about the QA that developers and the QA team go through. They are usually 5 steps;

1.) Analyze Requirements

Analyze Requirements

The first step in the QA process is analyzing requirements. Throughout this step, the QA team should analyze and comprehend all the software development requirements that they will use later on in comparing and testing. These requirements are the ones set by developers during the planning and development phases as to how the app should look and perform exactly. There are two types of requirements: functional requirements and non-functional requirements. The functional requirements focus on the mobile application or software features that the users would use. Non-functional requirements focus on the overall performance of the app and how it should work.

2.) Test Planning and Preparing

After analyzing the requirements of the application or software and gathering all the information needed, the QA team should work on planning the tests. Planning the test means that they will get to set everything, such as what approaches or testing strategies they will use. Such things are later planned and prepared in something called test cases.

3.) Design Test Cases

Designing the test case is one of the important steps of the QA process. During this step, the QA team starts designing the test case. The test case is a document that includes a detailed vision of everything concerning the test. This includes the testing environment, methods, procedures, and expected results that would be compared later with the actual ones. Crafting and structuring such components for effective testing is the primary focus of test case design.

4.) Report and Measure Errors

Report and Measure Errors

In this step, the QA team start running all the test they established in the designed test case. These tests are run at all levels across the mobile application or software. All the errors and bugs measured and found are then reported in a tracking and reports system to be evaluated effectively. All these errors are usually shared across the whole team to be discussed and fixed later on.

5.) Re-run Tests and Regression Tests

Throughout this step, the QA team reports any problems to the development team. The developers assess the situation and begin working to correct the problems. In order to ensure that all of the fixes have been implemented correctly, the QA team will rerun all of the tests once they have caught up. In addition, a test known as a regression test is conducted to ensure that all features are functioning correctly and that no feature is affected or influenced by any other feature.

Top QA Testing Tools


Mabl is a cloud-based automated QA testing platform that helps teams quickly test their applications. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms and systems to detect and track changes across the application and run tests continuously, allowing the QA to identify issues faster. This software guarantees all QA teams an effective QA testing process as well as a perfectly functioning application.


Kualitee is a QA testing tool that automates the testing process. Allowing teams to quickly and easily verify the proper performance of their mobile application. With its intuitive and easy-to-use user interface, teams can easily create test cases, set up multiple test runs, and monitor the complete results with detailed reports. Kualitee also has an extensive library of plugins to customize tests according to team and application needs.


Appium is a popular automation testing tool that’s designed to allow teams to quickly and easily test mobile applications. It can be used with Android and iOS devices and allows users to run tests on multiple devices at once. With Appium, testers can quickly create cases for automated tests. Appium also supports web-based testing, which makes it an ideal QA tool for both Native and Hybrid mobile application tests.


Testsigma (2)

Testsigma, one of the best QA tools on the market, is gaining a lot of popularity among teams for its ability to quickly and efficiently create automated tests for complex test cases. Its Machine Learning powered AI system and algorithms can detect any changes across the application, and report all the modifications needed to be done by developers. What makes Testsigma a great mobile application quality assurance tool is that it supports all types of applications; native, web, and hybrid apps.

The post Mobile Application Quality Assurance: Ultimate Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.
