Statistics - nandbox Native App Builder Build Native Mobile Apps in Minutes! Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:39:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Statistics - nandbox Native App Builder 32 32 How To Create a Successful Social Media Campaign for Your App Tue, 07 Nov 2023 12:32:32 +0000 Unleashing the Power of Social Media: How to Create a Successful Campaign for Your App Social media is becoming an essential tool for businesses to reach and interact with their target audience in the digital age. Utilizing the power of social media might be crucial when it comes to promoting your app. But where do […]

The post How To Create a Successful Social Media Campaign for Your App appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Unleashing the Power of Social Media: How to Create a Successful Campaign for Your App

Social media is becoming an essential tool for businesses to reach and interact with their target audience in the digital age. Utilizing the power of social media might be crucial when it comes to promoting your app. But where do you even begin? How can you design a social media strategy that will encourage app downloads, promote user engagement, and ultimately raise your app’s success? Look nowhere else! We will reveal the techniques for maximizing the potential of social media for your app in this step-by-step manual. How to create a successful social media campaign for your app is a question we will be answering in this guide.

We’ll guide you through each step of the process, from developing an effective content strategy to choosing the best platforms and maximizing your visibility. So, whether you’re an established app developer or just getting started, get ready to raise the profile of your app with our in-depth guide to launching a fruitful social media campaign. Don’t pass up the chance to engage with your target market and create buzz about your software. Let’s get started and get to know social media’s full potential for your app!

Define and Understand Your Target Audience

 Your Target Audience

It’s essential to have a thorough understanding of your target demographic before starting to develop a social media campaign for your app. This will enable you to customize your content, pick the best platforms, and make your campaign more effective as a whole.

To begin, carry out in-depth market research to determine the characteristics, interests, and online habits of your target market. Surveys, interviews, or data analysis from your current user base can all be used for this. You may develop buyer personas to direct your social media strategy if you have a strong knowledge of who your target audience is.

Consider aspects like age, gender, region, interests, and pain points while developing buyer personas. This will assist you in developing content that appeals to and meets the needs of your target audience. For instance, your material should center on subjects like workouts, good eating, and motivation if your app is a fitness tracking app aimed at young adults.

You can choose the tone and style of your social media material by understanding your target demographic. Do they respond better to a friendly, conversational tone, or do they prefer a more formal one? You may develop a more interesting and successful social media strategy by adapting your content to your target audience. Setting goals for your social media strategy is the next step once you have a firm grasp of your target market.

Knowing Your Goals for Your Social Media Campaign

Setting goals for your social media campaign is essential for measuring its success and determining its impact on your app’s growth. Without clear goals, it will be challenging to track progress and make informed decisions. It’s crucial to establish goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound).. Here are some examples of goals you might set for your social media campaign:

  • Increase app downloads by 20% within three months.
  • Boost user engagement by 15% in the next six months.
  • Drive traffic to your app’s landing page and increase conversions by 10% within a month.

By setting specific goals, you’ll be able to track your progress and make adjustments to your social media strategy if needed. It’s also important to align your goals with your overall business objectives. For example, if your app generates revenue through in-app purchases, your social media goals might focus on increasing conversions and driving sales. Once you have set your goals, it’s time to move on to the next step: choosing the right social media platforms for your app.

How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your App’s Campaign

Choosing which social media channels to concentrate on for your app might be difficult with so many of them available. It’s important to choose platforms that reflect the tastes and preferences of your target audience. Additionally, choose ones that will help them interact with your material or content. Here are a few well-known social networking platforms and some crucial demographic information to assist you in making the best decision:

  1. Facebook: With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a platform that can reach a wide range of demographics. It is particularly popular among adults aged 25–54.
  2. Instagram: Known for its visual content, Instagram is popular among younger audiences, especially millennials and Gen Z. If your app has a strong visual component or targets a younger demographic, Instagram can be a great platform to focus on. Since it has 1.386 billion daily active users worldwide.
  3. Twitter: With its fast-paced nature and real-time updates, Twitter is popular among users who want to stay informed and engage in conversations. If your app offers timely and relevant content, Twitter can be an effective platform to reach your target audience.
  4. LinkedIn: If your app targets professionals or businesses, LinkedIn can be a valuable platform to connect with your audience. With its focus on professional networking and industry-specific content, LinkedIn can help you build authority and establish meaningful connections.

What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing a Social Media Platform?

Simply put, when choosing social media platforms, it’s important to consider factors such as user demographics, features, and the type of content you plan to create. It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to be present on every social media platform. Once you have selected the right platforms for your app, it’s time to move on to our next step, which is creating compelling content for your social media campaign.

Compelling Content Creation for Your Social Media Campaign

Content Creation (1)

Successful social media campaigns are built on appealing content creation. It’s what will pique the interest of your audience, hold their interest, and ultimately motivate them to take action. The following four important tips will help you produce engaging content for your social media campaign:

  • Tell a story: People love stories. I even admit that I’m one of them! Whether it’s through captivating visuals, relatable anecdotes, or user testimonials, storytelling can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. Use your social media content to showcase how your app solves a problem or improves people’s lives.
  • Use high-quality visuals: In the age of social media, visuals are king. Invest in high-quality images, videos, and graphics that align with your brand’s style and resonate with your target audience. Visuals should be attention-grabbing, shareable, and representative of your app’s key features.
  • Create interactive content: Engage your audience by creating interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and contests. This not only promotes engagement but also offers insightful information about the preferences and interests of your audience.
  • Incorporate user-generated content: User-generated content is a powerful way to build trust and showcase the real-life experiences of your app’s users. Encourage your audience to share their stories, reviews, and photos using your app and feature them on your social media channels.

Advice from the wise: Don’t forget to adapt your content to each social media site. While maintaining consistency is crucial, it’s also crucial to modify your content to match the specific requirements of each platform. For instance, Instagram’s visual nature can necessitate a greater emphasis on photographs and videos, but Twitter’s character constraint necessitates short, interesting captions. It’s time to enhance your social media profiles after you’ve produced engaging content.

Implement an “Influencer Marketing” Strategy

An increasingly common method of app promotion is influencer marketing. You may use their influence to reach a larger audience. That is done by collaborating with influencers who have a sizable and active following. Here are three major tips to follow when putting an influencer marketing plan into practice:

  1. Find relevant influencers: Look for influencers who share your target audience’s interests and genuinely care about the specialized field in which your app operates. Take into account elements like their following, interaction rate, and the kind of material they provide.
  2. Create connections: Make contact with influencers and establish sincere connections with them. Share their posts, interact with their content, and genuinely express interest in what they do. By doing this, you’ll be able to build trust and strengthen your relationship.
  3. Track and evaluate results: Keep an eye on how your influencer marketing initiatives are performing and keep tabs on important stats like reach, engagement, and conversions. This will enable you to evaluate the success of your plan and, if necessary, make changes.

Influencer marketing is something that we define as an effective strategy to boost your social media campaign and connect with a niche audience. But it’s crucial to pick influencers that actually support your company or business. Moreover, choose influencers who connect well with their audience.

Final Thoughts!

If you have an app, it is of great importance that you develop a marketing strategy that will help you gain the right amount and rate of exposure. That is why you should keep up with the latest market trends and implement them within your strategy to attract a larger number of people. On the other hand, if you have a bomb business but no app, maybe it’s time you consider developing one that empowers it!

We come to you today with the perfect no-code solution that will help you create an app from scratch and within minutes. Our no-code native app builder nandbox has every feature and option you need to create a seamless app for your business, Sign up now and dive into the no-code community to empower your business with a tech-revolutionary app!

The post How To Create a Successful Social Media Campaign for Your App appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? Wed, 11 Oct 2023 05:00:46 +0000 Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? The reason why iOS is so powerful when it comes to brand loyalty or user loyalty is a mystery to some. Most Android users don’t get it. What’s so special about iOS is that people tend to keep it on demand that way. That is why […]

The post Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android?

The reason why iOS is so powerful when it comes to brand loyalty or user loyalty is a mystery to some. Most Android users don’t get it. What’s so special about iOS is that people tend to keep it on demand that way. That is why in this article, we will analyze the reasons behind this commitment. Additionally, delve into the special features and experiences that iOS delivers to its users. That is in order to better understand why do users never switch from iPhone to Android.

Reasons Why People Tend to Opt for an Android Device

In the past, Android smartphones offered a greater variety of personalization options and features. In addition to being far less expensive than iPhones. But the price gap between the flagship devices for Android and iOS is getting smaller and smaller. Also, most of the capabilities that are accessible on Android are also accessible on iPhones.

In addition, Apple has made numerous enhancements to its software. As well as its hardware over the course of the years. As a result, it is currently considered to be one of the finest companies in its field. That is in terms of efficiency, longevity of battery, software support, and other similar aspects.

If you are in the market for a new phone right now, it makes a lot more sense to go with an iOS device rather than an Android one. Some of the reasons why this is the case include the variety of devices available, how affordable they are, and how quickly they can be charged. In this article, I will provide evidence to support this claim. Simply, by demonstrating that iOS is superior to Android on the basis of substantial factors that you just cannot ignore.

The Reasons Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android: Let’s Start by the Secret of iOS’s Appealing Apps

The same program from the same developer frequently looks and functions better. That is if we’re comparing the functionality on iOS and Android. However, there is an obvious explanation for this.

Because there are only a limited number of iPhone models with a certain range of dimensions and OS versions, developing an iOS app is simpler. On the other side, Android poses extra difficulties for developers, who must ensure that their apps work well and are compatible across a wide range of brands, models, sizes of screens, OS skins, etc.

This is also one of the reasons why popular apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and others, as well as some of Google’s own apps, look better, run better, and occasionally even receive newer features early on iOS compared to Android. You may have heard or noticed that iOS has far superior video and photo quality than Android when using applications like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.

This is due to Android’s OS constraints, which prevent apps from directly recording video from the camera like they can on iPhones. Instead, they record the screen. So, the primary factors that make iOS superior to Android in this regard are the caliber of its apps and a better user experience in terms of functionality and speed. It is also one of the reasons for my steadfast refusal to use an Android phone again.

The Amount of UX and Animation Fluidity in iOS Is Way Better Than on Android


I can say with certainty that using an iOS smartphone as opposed to an Android one is considerably smoother and more fluid after using my mom’s Note 20 and my iPhone 11 side by side. Even though both phones have a 60 Hz refresh rate, iOS has generally smoother transitions and animations.

I think this is because Apple controls every aspect of the iOS experience, from the hardware to the software, but with Android devices, different manufacturers choose the hardware requirements while Google develops the software interface. The graphics are still not as fluid as those on iOS devices, especially in the case of Google’s own Pixel family of smartphones, where they have complete control over both the hardware and the software.

In addition to this element, makers like Samsung and Huawei have their own unique custom skins on top of Android, which affect performance and the user experience as a whole.

Therefore, the lack of smoothness in the motions and transitions, as well as the overall user experience, is another reason I would not think Android is a feasible alternative for my future phone.

Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android: Intrusive Ads in System Applications on Any Android Device

This is one of the main reasons that I hold on to the idea of an iOS device. On my phone, I have never experienced intrusive advertisements in any of my device’s system applications. Some people don’t mind it. I am definitely not one of them. I could smash my phone or hit my head against a wall. That is if an ad interrupted me from something that I was doing.

As I mentioned, one of the aspects of iOS that I appreciate the most is that it comes equipped with fantastic system apps that are not only really helpful but also don’t get in the way and, most importantly, do not contain any advertisements.

Built-in applications, such as Memos, Calendar, Podcasts, and the News and Weather app, for example, are highly designed and focus on giving a wonderful user experience while additionally enhancing the user’s life in some way. This is especially true of the built-in apps that come standard on iOS devices.

When you have spent hundreds of dollars on a smartphone, it is completely unacceptable for it to have unwanted advertisements or notifications, but iOS does not have this problem. Another advantage of iOS is that it does not contain bloatware, unlike Android, and the system apps do not have these problems either. I don’t want to be harassed with advertisements and spam on a device that I have already spent hundreds of dollars on, which is why I intend to keep buying iPhones for the time being and avoid most Android phones.

Taptic Engine Improves System-Wide Responsiveness

The iPhone is clearly the winner when compared to the vibration motors found in the majority of leading Android handsets.

The iPhone’s vibration motor, dubbed the Taptic Engine. It uses haptic feedback to simulate the click and feel of a physical button. While both Android and iOS phones have a vibration motor, Apple has the edge. That is because they produce its own Taptic Engine and operating system. Which gives them the ability to set the vibration motor to operate at the ideal resonance and frequency.

The majority of Android devices have an independent vibration motor that was obtained from an unidentified manufacturer, thus they lose this advantage because they can’t fully combine the software and hardware to provide the optimum user experience. Therefore, the iPhone is the clear choice if you want to possess an electronic device that feels quick and intuitive to operate.

Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android: The Built-in Apps Are Genuinely Beneficial and Far Superior

If you use the default apps on an iPhone and a Samsung phone running the latest iOS and Android, respectively, you can readily tell which apps are more effective and valuable. The Android file manager software is better organized, has more functions, and is easier to use than the iOS one.

After the file manager app, iOS applications like Notes, Freeform, and Fitness are objectively better than Android apps. Some manufacturer’ built-in Android apps are superior at monitoring sleep in the Health app and multi-account compatibility in the Mail app. iOS apps have the best system apps overall.

The Safari browser is the only iOS program that cannot be replaced by a third-party Android version with more features and capabilities. Safari remains one of the quickest and best mobile browsers, but it’s not accessible on Android. It supports extensions, privacy reports, pop-up previews, and online security. The absence of the Safari browser alone would make me never want to move to Android again. Not that crucial as a feature to some but if you’re like me, you wouldn’t want to switch either

Lost Your Phone Before? With Apple You’re Guaranteed to Never Experience This!

Lost Your Phone Before 

The Find My network of Apple products is one iOS feature that Android phones would probably never be able to master. You may already be aware of Find My. A vast network of Apple users and their devices, which enables you to locate any of your Apple devices or a someone who owns one. Additionally, airtags make it possible to monitor and find whatever you want. Which is a compelling argument for sticking with iOS and never moving to Android.

The best thing regarding the Find My function is that it still functions even if the missing device is off. It does this by forcing any nearby Apple device to send you its most recent location using Bluetooth sensors. You may counter that there are good third-party apps that do this as well as Google and Samsung’s own choices for recovering lost Android devices.

However, none of them can compare to Apple’s Find My’s enormous network size or iOS’s hardware and software capabilities. Being a part of the Apple ecosystem, in my opinion, is more than justifiable given the certainty that, even if you lose your iOS device, you have a good likelihood of locating it, as opposed to losing an Android one.

Final Thoughts on Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android

The overall summary is that I support iOS with all my heart. That is because it offers users a system that is nearly flawless. Till this day I get impressed with each and every system update. My iPhone simply opens up new options in technology that I didn’t think I needed to be honest. Now that we’re done talking about the pros and cons of each system. Let’s discuss how iOS app making is made easier with nandbox.

What is nandbox? nandbox is a native no-code app builder that helps you create seamless apps in no time. Our app builder can help you in creating the perfect iOS app and for fraction of the cost. You can simply depend on our easy drag-and-drop feature addition method and voila! you will have yourself a merry app! Sign up now and enjoy our 14-day free trial that will allow you to get to know our app builder. Additionally familiarize yourself with each and every feature and module.

The post Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Apps for Foldable Devices: A New App Trend in 2023 Mon, 25 Sep 2023 05:00:41 +0000 Apps for Foldable Devices: A New App Trend in 2023 As foldable devices become more popular, app developers are starting to take notice. With the ability to fold and unfold screens, these devices offer new opportunities for app design and functionality. In this article, we’ll explore the latest trends. In the development strategies of apps […]

The post Apps for Foldable Devices: A New App Trend in 2023 appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Apps for Foldable Devices: A New App Trend in 2023

As foldable devices become more popular, app developers are starting to take notice. With the ability to fold and unfold screens, these devices offer new opportunities for app design and functionality. In this article, we’ll explore the latest trends. In the development strategies of apps for foldable devices and what you can expect to see in the coming years.

After Samsung debuted the Galaxy Z Fold in 2019, a brand-new competitor with an original design entered the market. Breaking the monotony of conventional smartphones.

The question remains, though: “Is it conceivable that foldable technology might make modern cellphones obsolete?”

The extent to which they are functional determines everything. Time will reveal. For the time being, we will observe how things grow. Additionally, consider how we may join the trend by creating some unique things for foldable gadgets. This is a great opportunity to start investigating the new technologies. Ones that are underlying Android foldables if you want to stay on top of the most recent trends and advancements.

What Is a Foldable Device in 2023?

A foldable device, or “foldable phone,” as some refer to it, is a smartphone that draws inspiration from vintage flip phones. The whole concept of this device is that it has something that makes it bendable in two. The screen of these devices is divided into two for the whole “folding” process to take place. The first company to attempt to create a device with inspiration from the old flip phone designs is Samsung. (Yes, the ones that were very trendy in the early 2000s.) The moment the very first flip phone came out, people’s curiosity was at a very high level. People were intrigued, wanting to know how a smart phone could become “foldable.”

The whole thing was new to people. Furthermore, these types of devices have certain applications that people develop in a certain way. In this article, we will discuss apps for foldable devices. That is, to get to know them better and broaden our app development horizons.

Simply put, foldable devices are a new type of mobile device that can be folded and unfolded. Allowing for a larger screen size without sacrificing portability. They are important because they offer a new form factor for app developers to design for. This can lead to new and innovative app experiences. Additionally, we expect that foldable devices are going to become more popular in the coming years. That’s why app developers who are able to create apps optimized for these devices will be at an advantage.

How Do Foldable Devices Impact App Development?

Do Foldable Devices Impact App Development

This is a major question that we found frequently asked in tech communities. Let us discover the impact of foldable devices on mobile application development. The approach that app developers take to the design and development of their software is shifting as a result of foldable smartphones. These devices have a unique form factor thanks to their ability to fold and unfold, and as a result, they need to optimize certain applications for both the folded and unfolded states of the device.

This indicates that app developers need to explore new design elements in order to offer a smooth user experience. Some examples of these new design elements are split-screen capabilities and support for multiple windows. In addition, foldable devices require applications to be versatile and adaptive to a variety of screen sizes and aspect ratios, which can be a challenge for software developers. However, those that are able to grasp app development for foldable devices will be well-positioned to take advantage of this growing market. That is why we expect this market to grow significantly over the next several years.

According to Statista, the market for foldable smartphone displays will in fact reach 75.6 million units by 2025. It’s time that you became familiar with the fundamentals of app development for foldable devices.

Designing Apps for Foldable Devices: Key Considerations

When it comes to building applications for foldable devices, developers have a number of important concerns that they need to keep in mind. Apps need to be optimized for both the folded and unfolded states, which means they need to be able to adjust to multiple screen sizes and aspect ratios. This is the first and most important thing that needs to be done.

In order to accomplish this, the design process must be fluid and malleable, and it must take into account the specific dimensions of foldable devices. In addition, programmers need to think about additional design aspects, such as capability for split-screen viewing and support for multiple windows, in order to make the user experience as smooth as possible. App developers may create apps for foldable devices and take advantage of this new market if they keep these aspects in mind while developing apps for mobile devices.

The Benefits Foldable Devices Bring to the App Development Market

  • The primary objective of manufacturers developing foldable electronic gadgets is to give users an immersive experience by making a huge screen available to them.
  • The foldable technology combines the functionality of two panels into a single, much larger screen. This is considered very handy by certain people.
  • Users now have to decide whether they want a large screen or a small form factor in their electronic devices. They get everything they need in a single gadget thanks to foldable technology.
  • Foldable smartphones have the potential to offer screens that are twice as large as those found on regular devices.
  • New kinds of material will be able to be produced as a result of the availability of greater screen space, and these new kinds of content will make full use of the expanded display area.
  • Creators will be able to release these new kinds of content.

More features: the screens of today’s smartphones are very small, which means that they cannot accommodate all of the functions that are required. Users will be able to access a greater number of features on a single display by taking advantage of foldable devices, which will make it easier to develop multi-screen applications.

Tablets and smartphones that can fold into themselves will one day dominate the market for such gadgets, and when they do, they will bring with them a wealth of new possibilities.

Apps for Foldable Devices: The Challenges That Come With It All

 Apps for Foldable Devices

With every new technological evolution, there are certain challenges that you will find yourself facing. Make sure you are aware of the difficulties you will face before starting to create an app for foldable smartphones. In order to create a top-notch and user-friendly foldable application, take into account the following factors:

A High Quality Standard

Nobody is claiming that creating apps for foldable devices is a piece of cake, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. You will need to keep in mind that foldable smartphones are required to offer several viewing angles and have a different aspect ratio than conventional smartphones.

Despite this, the expectations of users have not changed. When using your app, they want to enjoy a smooth experience without any hiccups. Therefore, you must be familiar with the process of developing applications for foldable smartphones; otherwise, your app won’t succeed.

Testing and Optimizing Apps for Foldable Devices

Testing and optimizing apps for foldable devices is crucial to ensuring a seamless user experience. It can be challenging as it will require more testing. Developers should test their apps on different foldable devices to ensure compatibility and functionality. They should also optimize their apps for different screen sizes and aspect ratios, as well as take advantage of new design elements like split-screen functionality and multi-window support. By doing so, developers can create apps and optimize them for foldable devices. Moreover, provide a unique and engaging user experience.

Adjustments and Changes

As soon as your application is available to the public, you will have to implement a number of modifications depending on the comments and suggestions that users make. If you currently have an app and you want to make it compatible with foldable devices, then this is extremely vital for you to do.

Examples of Successful Apps for Foldable Devices

As foldable devices become more popular, developers are creating apps that take advantage of their unique features. One example is the Samsung Galaxy Fold. Which has a built-in app continuity feature that allows users to seamlessly switch between the cover screen and the main screen.

Apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Microsoft Office have all been optimized for the Galaxy Fold. Providing users with a more immersive and engaging experience. Another example is the Huawei Mate X. It has a foldable screen that allows users to multitask and use multiple apps at once. Apps like WeChat and QQ have been optimized for the Mate X, providing users with a more efficient and productive experience.

Final Thoughts

In the realm of portable technology, foldable devices are only getting their feet off the ground. The foldable smartphones produced by Samsung and Huawei are a particularly expressive example. We expect the future of the technology industry to have a huge multitude of foldable devices. That is according to the predictions of experts. This is why we offer you a simple solution. If you aim to develop an app for foldable devices.

Our no-code app builder, nandbox, will help you create a seamless app with multiple crucial features in no time. All you have to do is add your desired features. Also preferred modules by dragging and dropping them into our app development window. You only need to simply customize our pre-made template (of your choice, of course).

It is simple, costs a fraction of the cost, and consumes no time at all. Sign up now for nandbox’s native no-code app builder and take application development to the next level.

The post Apps for Foldable Devices: A New App Trend in 2023 appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How Do You Develop an App Idea: A 2023 Guide Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:08:44 +0000 How Do You Develop an App Idea in 2023? Applications are the future. If you ask any website that holds worldwide statistics, it will tell you that apps will overpower websites by at least 60% in 2023. This isn’t a small percentage. This means that in a few years, apps will be the dominant technology. […]

The post How Do You Develop an App Idea: A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


How Do You Develop an App Idea in 2023?

Applications are the future. If you ask any website that holds worldwide statistics, it will tell you that apps will overpower websites by at least 60% in 2023. This isn’t a small percentage. This means that in a few years, apps will be the dominant technology. This means that businesses will have to empower themselves for better exposure with an app creation strategy. Why are we starting this introduction with the importance of apps while the title is all about how you develop an app idea nowadays?

Well, that is because we are trying to emphasize the importance of holding on to an app idea if you have one. If it’s your problem or a major issue that you can’t actually bring your app idea to life, we’re here to help you. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps that you should be taking in order to know how to develop an app idea that will boost your success.

How Do You Develop an App Idea: The Best Way to Do It

Want to know a secret? There are millions of ways to develop an app idea that actually has a chance in the market. However, only one will clear the way and shorten your path to success. The best way to develop an app idea is to look for a problem that people are facing. A problem that the market might be overlooking or hasn’t detected yet. This method will help you come up with an app idea that will be the solution to this problem, thus gaining the attention, success, and high exposure that you will need.

Take into consideration that not all problems can be fixed with an app. This means that you have to identify a problem within your actual capability to fix. In other words, don’t bite off more than you can chew, because we know how enthusiasm can spark you to do things that might make you regret them later. Your app idea should be unique, but if it isn’t, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t valid. Bear with me. If you have a messenger app, for example, you may have a successful app if you did a full competitor’s analysis and understood what features are lacking in most messenger apps that are in demand. Read more, and you will have better clarity on how to develop an app idea in 2023.

How Do You Develop an App Idea? Advise from the Tech-Wise: Take Your Mind to a Stroll

It sounds like a weird thing to say on a tech blog, right? What we mean by that is that you shouldn’t just depend on surveys, user feedback, or even social media polls to create or come up with an app idea. Contemplating the world around you will help you see the daily problems people struggle with.

That is why we’re advising you to take yourself to a park, walk your dog (if you have one), observe people at cafes, or even check them out at train stations or metro subways. This kind of observation may help you identify a general problem that might inspire an app idea. You can even ask random strangers what type of app they would they like to have that they might be missing in their lives. As tiring as this might sound, we found that this traditional method is one of the best ways that could help you develop an app idea.

Research the Market and Competition

  Research the Market and Competition

Like we mentioned above, before you start developing your app idea, it’s important to research the market and competition. This will help you understand what similar apps are already available and how they are performing in the market. Look for gaps in the market that your app can fill. Search for all the problems that have not yet been met with a solution. Moreover, consider how you can differentiate your app from existing competitors. There are a lot of ways that you can do that.

You can also conduct surveys or focus groups to gather feedback from potential users. You can also send people some questions in a poll form, leveraging social media and the great influence it has. Another way is to read the user reviews on the competitor’s sites or app store pages in order to learn from their mistakes and see what makes them strong enough. This will help you refine your app idea based on users’ needs and preferences. By doing thorough market research, you can increase your chances of developing a successful app that meets the needs of your target audience.

Define Your Target Audience

Define Your Target Audience

A thing that is easier said than done. The whole process is not as complicated as we might’ve made it sound; it just needs you to be observant and aware of the market classes. Defining your target audience is a crucial step in developing an app idea. You need to understand who your app is for and what their needs and preferences are. This will help you create a user-friendly interface and design features that are relevant and useful to your target audience.

Consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and behavior when defining your target audience. You can also use tools like Google Analytics to gather data on your potential users and gain insights into their behavior and preferences. This is a step that will help you make futuristic decisions later when it comes to designing your app’s UI/UX interface. By understanding your target audience, you can create an app that resonates with them and meets their needs.

Create a Unique Value Proposition

You need to have a distinct value proposition if you want to differentiate yourself in the competitive mobile app industry. This requires determining what distinguishes your software from others that are in the same category as it. Ask yourself this question: “What issue or problem does my app offer to solve?” What advantages will my users gain from it? What sets it apart from other apps that fall into the same category as it does? Your one-of-a-kind value proposition needs to be crystal clear and easy to understand, and it needs to be expressed consistently throughout the design of your app and the marketing materials you use. This will allow users who are looking for a solution to their specific needs to become interested in and continue using the platform.

Develop a Wireframe and Prototype


Once you have a clear idea of your app’s unique value proposition, it’s time to start developing a wireframe and prototype. A wireframe is a basic visual representation of your app’s layout and functionality, while a prototype is a more advanced version that includes interactive features. These tools will help you test and refine your app’s design and functionality before investing in full development. There are several tools that are available and can help you create wireframes and prototypes. Tools like Sketch, Figma, and InVision. Choose the one that works best for you and start building your app’s blueprint.

Pro Tip: Attend Meetups, Events, and Hackathons

Out of choices and ideas completely? Feeling like you’ve burned out your brain with brainstorming? Fret not, you will never be out of options after this guide. Another method that can help you answer the “How do you develop an app idea” question is attending meetups, Tech events, and hackathons. These types of events will help you meet different people with the same mindset as yours. Their idea-sharing process can help inspire you to develop your own app idea. You might get indulged in a conversation with someone who might help inspire you with something or spark an old idea that might take a more modern intake from your point of view.

Check Your Budget: A Strategy on How to Avoid Developmental Frustration

Why are we mentioning this while you still haven’t even decided on your app idea? Because if you have a certain budget that you wouldn’t want to break, then you will have to think of ideas that parallel your budget. Some ideas are very pricey to bring to life. That is why we’re advising you to brainstorm ideas within your financial range to avoid getting frustrated if the whole developmental process goes south because of lack of money.

Pro Tip #2: Focus On Your User Experience and Add Unique Features in Your App Idea Map

Put the user experience first: Think about the user when creating your app. Make sure the app has a simple, user-friendly interface that is straightforward to use. Your target audience analysis will help you determine what designs should you include in your app. Additionally, it will help you understand what to offer your users from features, app options, and settings. Consider adding distinctive features to your app to help it stand out from similar ones already on the market. These aspects ought to be beneficial to and pertinent to your intended audience.

Wrapping It up on “How Do You Develop an App Idea”

By now, you should have a good idea of how do you develop an app idea. Done with reading? Let us get to the part where you start to actually develop an app. We know how complicated it sounds to “develop an app” but hey, we’re in the 21st century so …. we definitely have a solution for you to avoid any complications or potential hassles. Our no-code native app builder nandbox is exactly what you need and what will help you build an app in a matter of minutes.

You can simply drag-and-drop your desired features and voila! You will have an app in your hands that operates on both systems, iOS and Android. Sign up now and enjoy our 14-day free trial that will allow you to familiarize yourself with our app builder’s navigation process. Bring your idea to life easily with nandbox’s native no-code app builder and introduce the market with your great app solution idea!

The post How Do You Develop an App Idea: A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How to Create a Job Board Using a No-Code App Builder? Sun, 30 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000 How to Start a Job Board Business App Using a No-Code App Builder Job Board business applications are nowadays like a lifeline keeping us all from unemployment. They are one of the most efficient and useful applications and web pages to ever exist. They facilitate connecting people who are unemployed with a company that might […]

The post How to Create a Job Board Using a No-Code App Builder? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


How to Start a Job Board Business App Using a No-Code App Builder

Job Board business applications are nowadays like a lifeline keeping us all from unemployment. They are one of the most efficient and useful applications and web pages to ever exist. They facilitate connecting people who are unemployed with a company that might be the right fit for them. Starting a job board business app can be a lucrative venture. That is because not everyone has the coding skills to create one from scratch. Fortunately, with the help of a no-code app builder, you can easily create a professional-looking job board app. That is for sure without any coding knowledge. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started with us. Learn how to start a job board business app using a no-code app builder using this guide.

What Is a Job Board?

A job board, usually referred to as a job search engine, is a website or platform. It simply enables both job searchers and companies to post job openings and accept applications.

Employers can often post thorough job vacancy postings on job boards. Which can be complete with details about the position’s responsibilities, qualifications, and location. Then, job seekers can use the job board to immediately apply for positions and search for job ads based on numerous parameters, including area, job type, and industry.

Both companies and job seekers frequently use job boards. Job boards offer employers an affordable opportunity to connect with a variety of suitable candidates. Job boards provide job seekers with a practical approach to looking for employment possibilities and submitting applications without having to go through the laborious procedure of submitting separate applications to each business.

What Are the Types of Job Boards?

These three different types of job boards:

  • General job boards
  • Niche job boards
  • Company-specific job boards (much more business personalized)

Let’s dive in and discover what are the features that define each type. In addition to what makes it different than each other

General Job Boards

The most common and prevalent type of job board is a general job board. These employment sites or apps include a variety of job listings for different job types and industries. For job searchers who are unsure about the kind of position they are looking for or who wish to investigate a wide range of employment options, general job boards are an excellent option.

As opposed to traditional job boards, which only offer positions that are placed natively, large general job boards frequently serve as a job marketplace for employees, which are websites or applications that list job posts pulled from thousands of different internet sources. A very known example internationally of a general job board website and app is LinkedIn.

Niche Job Board

Specialty job boards and niche job boards both concentrate on particular employment categories or industries. These job boards are an excellent resource for job seekers looking for openings in a certain industry, like tech or healthcare. Although niche job boards may feature fewer job listings than general job boards, these listings are frequently more specialized and personalized. For a variety of businesses, there are employment boards that are industry-specific. An example of a niche job board is The “Demand Curve” job board.

Company-Specific Job Boards

Individual businesses operate company-specific job boards (sometimes called company career sites) to promote their own job openings. Instead of looking across many firms, these job boards enable job seekers to look for openings within a single company. Job searchers who have an interest in working for a particular company or who want to be informed about the most recent employment possibilities at that company might consider company-specific job boards. The employment boards on the websites of businesses like Google and IBM are examples of company-specific job boards.

The Advantages of Using a Job Board as an Employee

When searching for a job, there are many advantages that you can reach as an outcome when using a job board website or application. Here are some of the benefits a job board offers you:

  1. Job boards provide a convenient approach for job seekers to look for work opportunities from a number of firms in various industries. A wide selection of career opportunities in one location. Instead of having to hunt for job advertisements on numerous websites or in various areas, job searchers or seekers may now access a broader variety of employment prospects in one location.
  2. Simple application procedure: Most job boards provide a basic and easy application process. Typically, job applicants can send their applications directly to employers through the job board, eliminating the need to send separate applications to each business. Job explorers can save a ton of time and effort by using a job board.
  3. Availability of various job listings that might not be posted elsewhere. Some employment opportunities might only be posted on job boards rather than the employer’s website or other places. As a result, job applicants who use job boards may have access to employment prospects that they otherwise would not have discovered.
  4. Email job alerts: Job searchers can benefit from email job alerts by receiving information when new positions that meet their search criteria become available. This facilitates their job hunt and provides them a very personalized option of having the opportunity they wish for reach them without having to actually search for it.

Advantages of Using a Job Board as an Employer

Employers, too can actually benefit from using a job board for employment. Here are some of the main benefits they can have:

  1. Cost-Effective: Employers can reach out to a large number of potential candidates for jobs. That is by posting job vacancies on various job boards, which is considered a cost-effective method of doing so. This can help businesses find the best candidate for the job that is offered and connect with a bigger pool of job seekers than they could with conventional recruitment tactics.
  2. Easier management of job listings and updates: Most job boards provide tools that enable firms to easily manage and update their job postings. This implies that businesses can manage their employment process simply by posting new job ads, updating old listings, and removing irrelevant listings or occupied vacancies.
  3. Job seekers’ variety: Typically, a wide spectrum of job seekers, such as those with various levels of education, experience, and abilities, are drawn to job boards. This allows organizations to create a diverse and inclusive workplace and identify the best candidates for their open vacancies or opportunities.

Create a Job Board Business App with a No-Code App Builder

As we mentioned above, job boards are considered of great importance nowadays. They benefit both employers and employees know what the market is offering from both sides. Creating a no-code app is very easy, but choosing the right one for your business might get a bit overwhelming because the market is swarming with no-code app builders. Here are some steps that could help you decide how to choose the right no-code app builder for your job board application development.

Research All No-Code App Builder Platforms

The first step in creating your job board business app is to choose a no-code app builder platform. There are many options available, such as nandbox, buildfire, Bubble, Adalo, and Goodbarber. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s crucial to conduct research and pick the option that most closely matches your requirements. Some factors to consider include ease of use, pricing, and available features. Once you’ve chosen a platform, sign up for an account and start exploring its features.

Define Your App’s Purpose and Target Audience

App’s Purpose and Target Audience  

Before you start building a job board business app, it’s important to define its purpose and target audience. What kind of jobs will be listed on your app? Will it be focused on a specific industry or location? Who is your target audience – job seekers, employers, or both? Defining these factors will help you create a more focused and effective app. Conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of your target audience, and use this information to guide your app development process.

Design Your App’s User Interface and User Experience

Once you have defined your app’s purpose and target audience, it’s time to design its user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The UI refers to the visual elements of your app, such as buttons, menus, and icons, while the UX refers to how users interact with your app and the overall experience they have. A good UI/UX design is essential for creating a user-friendly and engaging app. This will help you have your own name and brand the moment you create something that isn’t repeated in the market. Use a no-code app builder that offers pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop tools to create your app’s UI/UX. Make sure to test your app’s design with real users to ensure it’s intuitive and easy to use. Furthermore, gather your app’s users’ feedback and decide what needs to be changed, edited, or eliminated from your app’s features.

Add Necessary Features Such as Job Posting, Resume Submission, and Search Filters

Job Posting, Resume Submission

Once you have designed your app’s UI/UX, it’s time to add the necessary features for your job board business. These features include job posting, resume submission, and search filters. Job posting allows employers to post job openings on your app, while resume submission allows job seekers to submit their resumes for potential employers to view. Search filters allow users to search for jobs based on specific criteria, such as location, industry, and job type. Make sure to test these features thoroughly to ensure they work properly and provide a seamless user experience. That is in order to gain user satisfaction and higher app download rates.

Test and Launch Your App, and Market It to Potential Users

Once you have completed the design and development of your job board business app using a no-code app builder, it’s time to test and launch it. Test all the features thoroughly to ensure they work properly and provide a seamless user experience. Once you are satisfied with the app’s performance, launch it on the app stores and start marketing it to potential users. Use social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies to reach your target audience and promote your app. Keep track of user feedback and make necessary improvements to ensure the success of your job board business app.

Final Thoughts

A no-code app builder is a very useful tool that could help you develop an app without having to have any prior knowledge of any coding or programming languages. Its easy drag-and-drop interface will help you add your desired features in a matter of minutes. That is why we come to you with nandbox’s no-code native app builder solution if it is your aim to build a no-code app.

Our app builder has everything you need from various pre-made customizable templates to hundreds of branding options, features, and modules. This variety will help you build a complete and seamless app for your users.

Start a job board business app with nandbox’s native no-code app builder. Moreover, don’t miss the opportunity to achieve your goal at a fraction of the cost. Sign up now and enjoy nandbox’s 14-day free trial that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the app builder’s navigation process.

The post How to Create a Job Board Using a No-Code App Builder? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile App Download Rate & Usage Statistics for 2023 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 05:00:49 +0000 Mobile App Download Rate & Usage Statistics for 2023 It’s not surprising that the mobile app industry is growing rapidly given that there are more than 6.3 billion smartphone users worldwide. There are no immediate signs that the steady growth of app use and smartphone adoption will slow down. Add to that the 1.14 billion […]

The post Mobile App Download Rate & Usage Statistics for 2023 appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Mobile App Download Rate & Usage Statistics for 2023

It’s not surprising that the mobile app industry is growing rapidly given that there are more than 6.3 billion smartphone users worldwide. There are no immediate signs that the steady growth of app use and smartphone adoption will slow down. Add to that the 1.14 billion tablet users worldwide, a figure that has increased by nearly 36% over the last six years. In this article, we’ll be discussing mobile app download rates and usage statistics.

I’m sure you’ll notice that everyone else is staring at a mobile device as well if you look up from your phone for a moment during the day. We use our phones everywhere, including at work, at home, while out and about, during meals, while sleeping, and even in our cars. Perhaps you’re reading this right now on a mobile device. What are people using their phones for? Well, applications account for 88% of all mobile time. This is great news for anyone who plans to develop apps. But, two things must take place in this area for success. These two things are

  • Users need to download your app
  • Users need to keep using your app

Mobile App Download Rate for 2023

If you’re aiming to develop an app, then its download rate must be your top priority. This is crucial to take into consideration, as it will determine if your app is actually going to succeed or fail. Simply put, if you have the perfect and most amazing mobile app ever, but no one is downloading it, you won’t be able to generate any kind of revenue. What you should be doing is conducting the right mobile app download rate research. This is going to help you take the first step in your app success journey. To make it easier for you, I’ve conducted a little research for the most relevant mobile app download rate statistics for this year, 2023. Read below to learn more.

People all over the world are currently using smartphones and tablets all the time. The popularity of mobile app usage is causing worldwide app downloads to rise. From 2016 to 2020, the rate at which people downloaded mobile apps went up gradually and significantly. People downloaded approximately 218 billion apps in 2020, which is 78 billion more than in 2016.

Mobile App Usage Statistics for 2023

The following app usage statistics will shed light on the answer to the question of how much time people actually spend on their apps daily. Globally, 3.8 billion people use smartphones. 7.9 billion people lived on Earth as a whole in 2021. Almost 50% of the population has cell phones. During 2016, when only 2.5 billion individuals used the gadgets, the number increased significantly. Of course, given that the devices are app-friendly, it presents a huge chance for apps to thrive.

Major Mobile App Statistics for 2023

Here is what we conducted for the year 2023 when we made our research for the app statistics:

  • Around $935 billion in revenue from mobile apps is anticipated in 2023.
  • There are 1.96 million apps available to be downloaded on the Apple App Store.
  • The Google Play Store also offers around 2.87 million apps for daily download.
  • 21% of Millennials open an app more than 50 times every day.
  • 49% of users open an app 11 or more times each day.
  • Mobile apps account for 70% of all American digital media consumption.
  • The typical smartphone user uses 30 applications per month and 10 applications per day.

Steps to Know How to Conduct Your Mobile App Download and Usage Rate Research

It doesn’t matter if you know the facts and simply read about them in a blog post. What really matters is conducting research related to your app’s industry. It’s important for you to know how to track your app’s downloads to get a monthly rate; moreover, it’s important to know how to leverage certain factors to increase your app’s usage. Below are some quick tips and steps to help guide you.

Analyze App Store Ratings and Rankings

Ratings and Rankings

It’s essential to understand how your app ranks in the app store among competitor apps. App store rankings and ratings reveal what users think about your app, so use these metrics for your research. Check out the reviews, read the customer feedback, look at the number of downloads, and analyze the ratings across all categories. A thorough analysis of these statistics can help you identify areas for improvement.

Know Your User Retention Rate

Retention Rate

User retention rate is a key metric for figuring out how well your mobile app is doing. It measures how often a user returns to an app after installing it. If you understand this stat, then you can better understand what users are looking for and what drives them away. Use the user retention rate to measure and compare the success of your different advertising campaigns or points of engagement.

Understand Average Session Lengths

The average session length is another important metric for measuring how well a mobile app is used and how well it works. This measures how long a user engages with an app in one particular session. A longer session length shows that the user is spending more time on certain features and engaging deeper with the app than in a shorter session. Understanding this statistic allows developers to enhance usability, improve engagement, and accommodate the specific needs of their users.

Track Downloads Over Time

Track Downloads

By monitoring downloads over time, you can gain a better understanding of trends in usage and popularity. By keeping track of how many downloads happen daily and weekly, you can see when special things happen that affect how engaged users are. Tracking downloads also allows you to track return users, giving you insight into whether they are returning to your app with the same frequency as new users.

Leverage Advertising to Increase Usage

Advertising your mobile app can help you increase downloads and, ultimately, your usage rate. Employing a user acquisition strategy, such as social media ads or cross-promotions, can not only attract new downloads but also help you understand which promotions work best and why. You should also develop an email marketing strategy and use push notifications to keep users coming back to the app.

Create Your App With nandbox’s Native N-Code App Builder

As desktop internet usage keeps decreasing, mobile app internet usage is on the rise. We see how the market is thirsty for more apps each day. That is why we advise you to go native and no-code if you have an app idea that you think will break the market’s numbers and bring it to life with us. nandbox’s native no-code app builder allows you to create native applications that are supported by both the Android and iOS systems.

With us, you won’t need to learn any coding or programming languages to create an app. You can make a professional application without much trouble and get it on the market in no time. Sign up for nandbox’s app builder and enjoy our 14-day free trial that will help you accommodate yourself with our templates, features, and modules. nandbox also provides you with a full and detailed documentation section to help you through your app builder’s navigation process. Get started with us now and bring your app idea to life!

The post Mobile App Download Rate & Usage Statistics for 2023 appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile App Analytics Metrics: What to Monitor to Ensure Success Wed, 01 Mar 2023 14:00:47 +0000 Mobile App Analytics: A Complete Guide Some people may associate analytics with a lot of information, data, and research that is only done for large organizations and that only professionals care about. Yes, part of this is true. However, analytics is beneficial to any-sized business, regardless of its size or industry. As for mobile apps, […]

The post Mobile App Analytics Metrics: What to Monitor to Ensure Success appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Mobile App Analytics: A Complete Guide

Some people may associate analytics with a lot of information, data, and research that is only done for large organizations and that only professionals care about. Yes, part of this is true. However, analytics is beneficial to any-sized business, regardless of its size or industry. As for mobile apps, in particular. Analytics can provide deep insight and an understanding of users and their behavior. As a result, this would benefit the business, helping them to maximize their performance. In this article, we will discuss mobile app analytics, how to set it up, and what mobile app analytics metrics businesses should keep an eye on.

Definition of Mobile App Analytics

Mobile app analytics is a critical tool for businesses to understand how their users interact with their apps. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting accurate data to gain valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and needs. This data can then be used to improve the user experience and optimize the performance of the app. By having an understanding of the different types of mobile app analytics metrics, businesses can develop strategies to improve their apps and enhance their profits.

Benefits of Mobile App Analytics

The significant surge in the number of apps, as well as the number of users reaching 3 billion app users worldwide, is shocking. This, in turn, left businesses no choice but to look for mobile app analytics to be able to analyze and track their performance and interpret their users’ behaviors and needs. It almost became a necessity. The benefits of mobile app analytics are countless, and one article wouldn’t be enough. However, we are going to highlight the most important three.


1.) Give Businesses Better an In-Depth Understanding of Users

Mobile app analytics are the perfect tool for gaining deeper insights into your users and how they interact with your app. With accurate mobile app analytics metrics, you can gain a better understanding of the users’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, enabling you to provide them with a better user experience. By taking advantage of the data that mobile app analytics provides, you can make better decisions about how to optimize your app for your users and create a better product for them.

2.) Help Improve the Rate of Investment

Rate of Investment (1)

In such a heavily competitive industry as the mobile app industry, businesses need to sort their priorities. Business owners cannot afford to take the risk of investing in the wrong areas and receiving no returns. Mobile app analytics can be used to identify areas where you are spending too much money on development or marketing. By examining the performance of your app, you will be able to identify which areas need to be cut and which areas need to be improved in order to maximize your return on investment. Additionally, you can use mobile app analytics to analyze your marketing campaigns and identify which ones are generating the most ROI for your business.

3.) Help With Customization and Maintenance of the App

Another benefit of mobile app analytics, which is consequent on gaining a better understanding of your users, is identifying any room for improvement. This includes the app’s customization and functionality. By identifying your users’ needs, app developers can customize the app experience to better meet their preferences. Additionally, mobile app analytics can help you identify any areas for improvement or any bugs that need to be fixed. As a result, this would help you maintain your app and keep it up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.


Common Mobile App Metrics

Now that we have discussed the benefits of mobile app analytics, let’s look at some of the most common mobile app metrics.

I.) Active Users

Active users are the number of users that are actively engaged with an app throughout a specified time period. For instance, the daily active user (DAU) is a unique user engaging with your app in a 24-hour window. The monthly active user is the unique user engaging with your app during a 30-day window.

II.) Engagement


Engagement is a measure of how often users interact with an app and for how long they use it. There are several methods to measure engagement, such as time spent in the app, the average number of sessions a user spends per day, week, or month, and the number of interactions per user. It’s important to measure engagement to understand how users interact with your app.

III.) Retention


Retention is the percentage of users that continue to use an app over a specified period of time. Let us say that you have 1000 users, and 500 of them use your app continuously or frequently. Thus, your retention rate is 50%, which indicates that your app is performing well. It is important to measure retention in order to understand how successful your app is at retaining its users and keeping them engaged. Retention can be measured in terms of daily, weekly, and monthly retention.

IV.) Downloads

Downloads are the total number of times an app is downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It is important to monitor the download rate of your app in order to measure the success of your app and to understand which marketing channels are working the best. In addition, which segment of the audience is your app receiving the most attention from?

V.) Uninstalls

Uninstalls are the number of times an app is deleted from a user’s device. It is important to monitor the uninstall rate of your app in order to understand why users are deleting it. This can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize the user experience.

VI) User churn

User churn is one of the most important metrics that every app and business owner should keep an eye on. It is the number or percentage of users who stopped using your app during a certain period of time. User churn is calculated by subtracting the number of users you had at the start of the specified period from the number of users you end up with at the end of the specified period. It is important for every app owner to try as hard as they can to always make this number or percentage as close as they can get to zero. This can be done by improving the app and always keeping it up-to-date.


Popular Mobile Analytics Tools

There are a plethora of mobile analytics tools available to help businesses track and interpret their data. Some of the most popular analytics tools are Google Analytics, App Radar, Apple Analytics,, and AppsFlyer. Each of these tools provides detailed metrics and insights into user engagement, app performance, and more. For instance, AppsFlyer provides real-time data and insights into user behavior, while Google Analytics provides detailed information about in-app payments and revenue. App Radar provides powerful analytics with predictive analytics. A business can learn a lot about its users and the way they use its apps by utilizing any of these powerful analytics tools.

In Summary

The impact of mobile analytics on a business cannot be overstated. When used properly, mobile app analytics can help organizations track user engagement, identify areas for improvement, and increase their return on investment. By understanding the different types of mobile app analytics metrics, businesses can develop powerful strategies. In order to optimize their app’s performance and drive it to success. But what if you discovered a platform that allows you to easily develop your app while also tracking mobile app analytics metrics? I know it seems implausible, but trust me when I say it’s absolutely real. nandbox was successfully able to accomplish that. The nandbox app builder provides businesses with an easy-to-use platform for both developing and tracking their mobile app analytics. With nandbox, businesses can access powerful analytics tools with predictive analytics, in-app payments, and revenue tracking.

Not only a powerful tool for analytics but also for developing a fully-functional native app. You can choose from a vast collection of features that would be beneficial for any business or app category. As well as plenty of templates, including clones of popular apps like Facebook and Instagram. What could be better than having everything you need in one place? Try the nandbox app builder today!


The post Mobile App Analytics Metrics: What to Monitor to Ensure Success appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Mobile App Statistics on Download & Usage Habits Wed, 01 Feb 2023 08:00:57 +0000  Mobile App Statistics on Download & Usage Habits  We love our phones. More specifically, we love smartphones. And why wouldn’t we? They’re no longer just a compact communication device. Smartphones are now high-quality cameras and entertainment devices that also support learning, productivity, communication, and so much more. Smartphone ownership has nearly doubled in the last […]

The post Mobile App Statistics on Download & Usage Habits appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


 Mobile App Statistics on Download & Usage Habits 

We love our phones.

More specifically, we love smartphones. And why wouldn’t we? They’re no longer just a compact communication device. Smartphones are now high-quality cameras and entertainment devices that also support learning, productivity, communication, and so much more.

Smartphone ownership has nearly doubled in the last six years, growing from 3.668 billion in 2016 to 6.567 billion (estimated) in 2022. Of course, ownership isn’t equally distributed. Smartphone penetration in the US is at more than 70 percent of the population. But in other countries, it can be lower than 40 percent.


Why does this matter?

Whether you’re a seasoned or novice app developer, you need to have some knowledge of the market. Particularly if your app is targeting specific geographical regions. Using nandbox to develop your own native app will make the process less complicated. But you still need to know your market.

But knowing how many people own a smartphone isn’t the only statistic that can be of benefit. Which is why we have compiled this summary of interesting—and useful—mobile app statistics on download and usage habits.

Essential Mobile App Statistics

In 2021 there were a little more than 2 million apps on the Apple App Store and 3.5 million apps on Google Play. By the third quarter of 2022 the number of apps in the Apple App Store had dropped to 1.6 million. Google Play showed a growth in the number of apps, adding another 500,000 to the 2021 figure.

Since 2018 Apple has become stricter with their review guidelines, which led to them removing spam, clone, and abandoned apps. This accounts for some of the drop in the number of apps available on the App Store.

The average smartphone user has 40 apps installed on their device. However, 89 percent of the usage time is spent on only 18 apps. Young adults spend the most amount of time using apps, an average of 112 hours a month. Users aged 65 and older only average 51 hours a month.


The activity most users report engaging in on their smartphones is chatting and messaging, followed by sending emails.

By 2025, global revenue from mobile apps is expected to nearly double the $318-billion generated in 2020.

Mobile App Download Statistics

The shrinking of the Apple App Store shouldn’t make you cautious about creating your own mobile app. The app ecosystem is very healthy, showing continuous growth in annual app downloads. Since 2016, app downloads are up 64 percent, reaching 230 billion in 2021.


The bulk of those downloads—and growth‑come from Google Play. But downloads from the Apple App Store have remained consistent, averaging close to 8 billion downloads per quarter.

Free Apps & Paid Apps Statistics

If the app you’ve just built is meant to support your business, then it should be available free of charge. But for all other types of mobile apps, you want to consider how you can monetize it. The most popular methods for monetizing apps are:

  • To charge a once-off fee for the app. With this option, you also need to consider if you are going to charge for major updates too.
  • To display ads in the app. Here you could also decide to offer a freemium upgrade with users paying a once-off fee to remove the ads.
  • Charging a subscription fee. Users can download the app and access basic features for free. But to access premium features requires a monthly, quarterly, or annual subscription.

This results in somewhat skewed statistics when looking at free versus paid apps. More than 90 percent of apps are free in both the App Store and Google Play. Apps that allow in-app purchases are still shown as free apps if there is no upfront fee to download them.


When it comes to app revenue, Apple’s App Store outperforms Google Play. Total app revenue for both operating systems was $133-billion 2021, but $85 billion of that was for iOS alone.

67 percent of total app revenue in 2021 was from games, and subscription revenues amounted to $15 billion. Again, iOS took the lion’s share, with Google Play only responsible for 22 percent of subscription revenues.

Knowing which app categories are most popular is useful if you’re an entrepreneurial app developer. There might still be some value if you’re developing an app to support your existing business, but not much. Popular app categories give you an idea of the type of apps that are most in demand. But these categories also tend to be highly competitive, so your app is going to be less visible.


Mobile games account for more than half of app store revenue. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that games is the top category on both the App Store and Google Play. Just under 13 percent of the apps on the App Store are games, and on Google Play it is 13.8 percent. Second and third place go to business and education apps on the App Store. On Google Play the reverse is true, with education apps outnumbering business apps.


From there, the popular categories on the App Store can differ significantly from that of Google Play.

Most Downloaded Apps

Globally—and by country—the most downloaded apps tend to be social and communication apps for both iOS and Android.


It is only when looking at the most downloaded apps by country that you start to see other apps featured too. Still, large e-commerce apps, cash payment apps, and popular entertainment apps are overrepresented in the top 10.

As an app developer, you should look at the top 100 apps in your country and globally. It is a great way to discover app layouts and features that seem to appeal to users.

Mobile App Usage Statistics

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted how much time we spend on our phones, and more specifically, in apps. Several countries have recorded a 10, 20, and 40 percent increase in average daily hours spent in apps in Q1 2022. In 13 of 17 countries measured, the daily average is now above four hours, and above five hours in three.


RescueTime analyzed their user data in 2019 and found that:

  • We check our phones 58 times a day on average.
  • We rarely go longer than 1 hour and 43 minutes without touching our phones.

Time Spent by App Type

Naturally, we aren’t spending all our time in a single app. But time spent in apps is also not equally distributed across all types of apps. Social, gaming, and communication apps get the most use, followed by entertainment and music.


Users only open retail & e-commerce, travel, maps, and finance apps when necessary. However, users still spend quite a few minutes using e-commerce and finance apps. This is likely due to the transactional and decision-making nature of these apps.

App User Retention Statistics

An app is not successful simply because it is downloaded and installed by millions of users. An app needs to retain a healthy portion of users who originally installed it. And these users need to use the app on a regular basis. User retention after 30 days is a key metric app developers need to measure. Along with how frequently users open an app and how much time they spend using the app.


The average retention rates across 31 different app categories are:

  • Day 1 – 25.3 percent
  • Day 30 – 5.7 percent


The average Day 30 retention rate on iOS is 4.13 percent. On Android it is 2.59 percent. A low retention rate suggests users find no value in an app. And it is an opportunity for an app developer to improve their app.


Research also suggests that location-based and in-app messaging boost retention and usage rates.

Generational Screen Time Habits

More than 50 percent of each generation say they’re on their phone more than they would like to be. Gen Z users report the highest monthly hours spent on apps. But most Gen Z users also claim to spend too much time on their phones.


All generations also report taking steps to reduce screen time. But less than 40 percent of Millennials and Baby Boomers are doing this.

Now you know which phone operating systems and app categories are most popular. And you also have a better idea of how much time people spend on their phones and in apps. All that is left for you is to combine this info with your brilliant app idea. And then use nandbox to create your app in minutes, for either Android phones, iPhones, or both.

The post Mobile App Statistics on Download & Usage Habits appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:44:35 +0000   A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics Usually, what comes to mind when installing or looking for an app are the two most popular platforms, which are the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. Both platforms were a way to legalize the installation of apps back in the day. And to make […]

The post A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.



A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics

Usually, what comes to mind when installing or looking for an app are the two most popular platforms, which are the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. Both platforms were a way to legalize the installation of apps back in the day. And to make mobile phone users feel safer and more comfortable while using apps, avoiding any chance of risk. In this article, we will dive deep into the Apple App Store, the story behind it, and its statistics.


The Legacy of Apple

There is much to tell when it comes to the history of Apple. Apple is considered a leading and influential company in the tech industry. As it generated revenues of over 365 billion dollars in 2021 alone and continued to top this number in 2022 with revenues of nearly 395 billion dollars. Apple is now worth $3 trillion on the market. Which makes it the first company to ever reach a net worth of over a trillion dollars.

Apple sure revolutionized the way computers and mobile phones were both operated and manufactured. The company has been able to skyrocket since its launch in 1976, despite many pitfalls that happened in the beginning. Innovation and dedication were always by their side and never let them down.

After a while, they decided to enter the mobile phone industry and manufactured the renowned Apple iPhone in 2007. Apple was able to exceed all expectations and sell 1.4 million iPhone devices in just one year of their release, which was a great number back in the day. Despite everyone describing the device as flawless and very functional, they pointed out one missing thing. The iPhone back then didn’t allow any third-party applications, which caused major frustration as it only allowed pre-installed Apple apps. This was when the Apple App Store journey began.


How Did the Apple App Store Start?

It all started in 2008 when Steve Jobs announced that developers would be able to create apps for the iPhone and that a platform would be released in the next OS update to be a home for all these apps. The Apple App Store was officially in business in July 2008.

Exactly one year after the first Apple iPhone was manufactured. Developers rushed to create the most innovative apps and submit them to the app store, as Apple now offered a great window of opportunity for every app to get discovered and promoted. And many of the already well-established and well-known businesses started the development of an app version of their businesses to be available to all Apple users. Customers also didn’t waste any time and went on to download and try all types of apps made available on the App Store, which later became a major part of their lives.

What really made the App Store really successful and reach outrageous numbers of users and apps on a daily basis was that it offered one central safe space that users could turn to. Users can face a difficult task, and with only a click, they can search for an app that helps them accomplish the task successfully and effortlessly.

Users were also always assured that the apps they installed were 100% safe and secure and would never put their devices, information, or data at risk. So it really aimed to make people’s lives much easier than before and succeeded in doing so.

The Apple App Store Statistics

The App Store started with 500 apps upon its release in 2008, and this number began to flourish and increase. Until it reached 3000 apps in the same year, 2 months after its launch. The number of downloads was exceptional, as it had over 100 million downloads, with Facebook being among the most downloaded apps.

As of 2022, the Apple App Store now has around 1.64 million mobile apps and over seven hundred thousand app publishers and developers. with 13% of this number being game apps, followed by business, educational, and lifestyle apps consecutively. The average number of apps being published daily on the Apple App Store is over 1,000 apps per day, which is a great number.

It now has over 23 billion downloads from all around the world. Although over 90% of the apps on the Apple App Store are free, the company was able to generate a revenue of 85 billion dollars in 2021 and witnessed a spectacular 120% growth rate between the periods of 2017 and 2021.


Top Apps Ranked on the Apple App Store

Among the millions of apps developed and published on the Apple App Store. From game apps to music streaming apps, the charts are always changing on a daily basis and always in a dynamic way. We’ve compiled a list of the top apps currently available on the Apple App Store in all categories.




The game has taken the world by storm and got everyone playing it. It is the top-paid app on the Apple App Store and is considered one of the biggest games in the world. As a result, it had 121 million dollars worth of revenue and 93 million active users in 2021.

Minecraft is an online game where you can play with people all over the world. It is an open world where the player has to build, interact, and fight to live. The fact that possibilities of what could happen are endless. The game doesn’t follow a certain pattern is what makes it thrilling and drives people to be very attracted to it. Minecraft is available on the apple app store for $6.99



Temu has been at the top of the shopping app list on the Apple App Store for a while now. It is an online marketplace that primarily sells beauty and fashion items. It has a wide variety of fashion items, home décor, and beauty products. What really makes Temu special and has led it to be #1 in the shopping category is the trendy collection they offer, as well as the affordable prices that satisfy all types of customers.




Introductions aren’t really necessary when it comes to Tiktok. Tiktok is now the most used app in the whole wide world, and it is no surprise that it has made it to one of the top apps in the Apple App Store charts. Since its launch in 2017, Tiktok has been very popular among all people, especially the younger generations.

The platform mainly allows users to upload their video content, whether it is for fun or informational. In addition to that, users can generate profit from their own content, depending on the number of engagements they get. That is why it has grown in popularity and became the preferred social platform for influencers.


Cash App

The Cash app is the exact definition of making people’s lives easier. Cash App allows users to make payments in less than a minute and send, receive, and invest money with a single click. Users can also create custom debit cards using their Cash app balance to pay for anything. You also have the option to buy and sell stocks through it. With all these functions, it is no wonder it is featured on the list.



DoorDash is a prominent food and grocery delivery app that has gained major popularity and recognition in the last couple of years. With the wave of digitization that has reached everything, it has also reached the food delivery process. DoorDash enables users to order food from a wide list of local restaurants and grocery stores in their area. Each restaurant has a rating, and reviews from previous customers are displayed to help you further in choosing the perfect restaurant. it has more than 310,000 restaurants and 12,000 grocery stores and operates in over 4,000 cities across the US.




Spotify is the most popular music streaming app of all time, with 422 million active users. It is the #1 app in the music category on the Apple App Store. Spotify allows you to play and stream songs and albums from your favorite artists. With a wide library that has more than 29 million songs available from all genres; you can literally dream of a specific genre and it will be there.

It also has a great collection of original podcasts, reaching up to 2.9 million podcasts available in all fields of interest. Whether it is music, art, history, true crime, or anything else. Spotify lets you customize and add songs you like to your own library. As well as create your own playlists and share them with everybody else.



Apple is unstoppable and has proven this over the course of 42 years and 12 years of the Apple App Store. This astonishing success seems to be continuing forever, with no will to stop. You can now easily join the success chain by creating your own app and publishing it on nandbox. Nandbox is a no-code app builder that lets you develop your app in no time and with the lowest possible cost. With just a simple drag-and-drop gesture and more than 200 features to integrate. You can create a well-structured native app with great functionality. Nandbox offers 24/7 customer support to help you during the development and publishing processes. Don’t waste any more time! Try the nandbox app builder, publish your app, and be a part of the Apple App Store’s never-ending success journey.


The post A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Google Play Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store Tue, 03 Jan 2023 09:42:51 +0000 Google Play Store Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store Android is currently the most popular OS in the world of smartphones. Because it’s an open-source operating system, third-party smartphone manufacturers use it globally to power their phones. Now smartphones can do anything with the help of mobile apps. Fortunately, Google, which owns […]

The post Google Play Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Google Play Store Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store

Android is currently the most popular OS in the world of smartphones. Because it’s an open-source operating system, third-party smartphone manufacturers use it globally to power their phones. Now smartphones can do anything with the help of mobile apps. Fortunately, Google, which owns the Android OS, launched an official store to provide a distribution platform for publishing these apps. And in this article we are going to discuss Google Play Store statistics and what the top apps on the store are.

Users can feel safe and more secure when downloading apps because the Google Play Store offers them extra protection. This blog post provides fascinating Google Play Store statistics, along with the top apps in the store by category.

How It Started

Before 2012, the store for downloading Android apps wasn’t as we know it now. People downloaded their apps from the Android Market. It had a different UI and UX. Here’s an old screenshot to refresh your memory:

The Android Market was launched in 2008 for users to download Android apps. That was back when Android was a newcomer. Apps were free before Android started supporting paid apps in 2009, and in the same year, they released Google eBookstores. In 2011, one year before merging, they released Google Music.

Then, in 2012, Google decided to merge all apps into one to avoid confusion. They also announced that users would find their downloaded and purchased apps on all devices because the new Google Play store is cloud-based. The Google Play Store launched in August 2012 with around 450 thousand apps and will see that number multiply in the next five years.

The current Google Play Store interface:

google play store statistics

General Google Play Store Statistics 2022

This section briefly overviews the general statistics as of December 2022. The store currently has 3.759 million apps published by 1.12 million different vendors. On average, around sixteen thousand apps are released weekly, so that figure isn’t decreasing soon. Most published apps (96%) are free, while some may include optional in-app purchases. Apps on the Google Play Store fall into 49 categories. The top categories with the most apps are education, business, tools, entertainment, music and audio, and shopping.

Regarding ratings, only 52% of the apps, or 1.9 million, got rated by users. 29% of the apps are rated between 4-4.5 stars, 23% are 4.5–5 stars, and only 15% got a 5-star rating. It’s worth mentioning that the relationship between the star rating and the number of apps is directly proportional.

Most Popular Apps in Each Top Category in the US


Education has escaped the confines of the classroom. Below are the top educational apps on the Google Play Store. An extended list would include Google Classroom,, and Kahoot!

#1: Duolingo

Known for its haunting owl mascot, Duolingo is the most popular language-learning application. The free version of the app is fully functional, but it offers a premium subscription plan for additional features and ad removal. The app’s learning style focuses on exercises and quizzes to make the experience fun for the learner. The app has 41 languages, only 38 of which are available for English speakers. While the app gives language learners a fun way to start learning a new language, some may argue that it’s unlikely to make a beginner fluent. In 2022 alone, the app was downloaded 5 million times from the Google Play Store and currently has a 4.5-star rating.

#2: Photomath

google store statistics

A revolutionary approach to learning mathematics, Photomath scans a mathematical equation and solves it on the spot. Free and premium users get an explanation of how the problem is solved, although the paid subscription offers a more detailed one. Students and parents love the app, as evidenced by its 4.6-star rating. However, some teachers worry that some students may use it to cheat on their homework. The app ranks second among the top apps in the Education category in the US and has over 100 million downloads.


The business apps category caters to different types of apps. It includes Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Authenticator, Google Chat, and Indeed for job searching.


google play statistics

In 2020, with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, everything went online, and Zoom became the go-to platform for video conferencing. Today, it is still a popular choice for many businesses to use for online meetings, online classes, and more. The platform has great capabilities, offering users high-quality audio and video meetings. The free version of the app is limited, with a maximum of 40 minutes per meeting and three whiteboards, though. But users can choose one of three paid tiers to be able to host extended sessions. Zoom has more than 500 million downloads globally and a 4.2-star rating.

Microsoft Teams

Another popular app of the same type is Microsoft Teams. It has similar features and capabilities to Zoom, but some of its pricing plans are less costly. Teams give users a 30-day free trial before subscribing. But nothing is perfect; one of Microsoft Teams’ drawbacks is that the premium service requires an annual subscription. The app currently has a rating of 4.7, which is higher than Zoom but not by much, technically, since it only has over 100 million downloads.


The tools category contains Google-published apps that do basic functions, like the Clock or Phone tools. So, we decided to skip to the next one.


The entertainment category is the 4th top category on the Google Play Store, which is not surprising. People are now abandoning cable TV for on-demand online streaming services.


Believe it or not, Netflix has been around since the 1990s. Then, users would rent a limited number of movies or TV shows in DVD format for a flat monthly fee. In 2007, the company started its online streaming services, and in 2013, it released the widely acclaimed television show House of Cards as its first piece of self-produced content. Now, the company has more than 2400 original titles and $29.7 billion in revenue. The Android app currently has more than 1 billion downloads and a 4.4-star rating.


NBC Universal launched Hulu in 2007; it became public in 2008. Their online subscription service started in 2010, giving users full access to full seasons of TV shows. Now, the company is owned by The Walt Disney Company and Comcast, with a share of 67% and 33%, respectively. However, Disney intends to buy the rest of the company’s interest after 2024 and become the only owner of Hulu. The Hulu app has more than 50 million downloads, which is little compared to Netflix but still remarkable given that it’s only available in the US, Puerto Rico, and Japan. With over 700k reviews, the app is rated 4.5 stars.

Music and Audio


Spotify started as a Swedish project in 2006 and is now one of the top audio streaming services in the world, with [more than 433 million users]( is the world’s leading,subscribers spread across 183 regions.). The freemium service allows users to listen for free but with limited controls over what they’re listening to; they can’t skip ads and get six skips only per hour. Moreover, only desktop and web player users can playback songs on demand. Paid subscribers get full access to all the app features, including downloading songs to listen to offline. Spotify has over 1 billion downloads and a rating of 4.3 stars.

YouTube Music

YouTube Music is another now-popular streaming service released by Google. While the service has the same prices as Spotify, it offers more functionalities for free users. Some users choose it over Spotify because they believe it has more intelligent AI. YouTube Music’s one disadvantage is that the quality of the music is lower than Spotify’s. YouTube Music also has more than one billion downloads. Its star rating is currently at 4.6 stars.


Amazon Shopping

google play store statistics

Jeff Bezos, one of the wealthiest men alive, founded and still owns it. He initially created the venture to sell books, but the company was met with justified skepticism and didn’t make much profit until 2001. Now, Amazon sells products of all types and operates in more than 15 countries, delivering products globally. The company has a 4.4-star rating based on 3.26 million reviews and over half a billion downloads.


While Jeff Bezos created Amazon, believing in the power of the internet, the founders of Walmart created the stores in the 1960s, before the internet was invented. This year, it celebrated its 60th anniversary with more than 10,000 stores in 24 countries, besides e-commerce websites. Their annual revenue is around $500 billion. The Walmart mobile app has a rating of 4.7 stars and over 50 million downloads.

Speaking of shopping apps, you can create a fully-operational e-commerce app with the nandbox native no-code app builder. All you have to do is sign up for the free trial, choose a template, and then add all the features you want with a few mouse clicks.


The post Google Play Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.
