iOS - nandbox Native App Builder Build Native Mobile Apps in Minutes! Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:56:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iOS - nandbox Native App Builder 32 32 Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? Wed, 11 Oct 2023 05:00:46 +0000 Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? The reason why iOS is so powerful when it comes to brand loyalty or user loyalty is a mystery to some. Most Android users don’t get it. What’s so special about iOS is that people tend to keep it on demand that way. That is why […]

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Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android?

The reason why iOS is so powerful when it comes to brand loyalty or user loyalty is a mystery to some. Most Android users don’t get it. What’s so special about iOS is that people tend to keep it on demand that way. That is why in this article, we will analyze the reasons behind this commitment. Additionally, delve into the special features and experiences that iOS delivers to its users. That is in order to better understand why do users never switch from iPhone to Android.

Reasons Why People Tend to Opt for an Android Device

In the past, Android smartphones offered a greater variety of personalization options and features. In addition to being far less expensive than iPhones. But the price gap between the flagship devices for Android and iOS is getting smaller and smaller. Also, most of the capabilities that are accessible on Android are also accessible on iPhones.

In addition, Apple has made numerous enhancements to its software. As well as its hardware over the course of the years. As a result, it is currently considered to be one of the finest companies in its field. That is in terms of efficiency, longevity of battery, software support, and other similar aspects.

If you are in the market for a new phone right now, it makes a lot more sense to go with an iOS device rather than an Android one. Some of the reasons why this is the case include the variety of devices available, how affordable they are, and how quickly they can be charged. In this article, I will provide evidence to support this claim. Simply, by demonstrating that iOS is superior to Android on the basis of substantial factors that you just cannot ignore.

The Reasons Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android: Let’s Start by the Secret of iOS’s Appealing Apps

The same program from the same developer frequently looks and functions better. That is if we’re comparing the functionality on iOS and Android. However, there is an obvious explanation for this.

Because there are only a limited number of iPhone models with a certain range of dimensions and OS versions, developing an iOS app is simpler. On the other side, Android poses extra difficulties for developers, who must ensure that their apps work well and are compatible across a wide range of brands, models, sizes of screens, OS skins, etc.

This is also one of the reasons why popular apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and others, as well as some of Google’s own apps, look better, run better, and occasionally even receive newer features early on iOS compared to Android. You may have heard or noticed that iOS has far superior video and photo quality than Android when using applications like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.

This is due to Android’s OS constraints, which prevent apps from directly recording video from the camera like they can on iPhones. Instead, they record the screen. So, the primary factors that make iOS superior to Android in this regard are the caliber of its apps and a better user experience in terms of functionality and speed. It is also one of the reasons for my steadfast refusal to use an Android phone again.

The Amount of UX and Animation Fluidity in iOS Is Way Better Than on Android


I can say with certainty that using an iOS smartphone as opposed to an Android one is considerably smoother and more fluid after using my mom’s Note 20 and my iPhone 11 side by side. Even though both phones have a 60 Hz refresh rate, iOS has generally smoother transitions and animations.

I think this is because Apple controls every aspect of the iOS experience, from the hardware to the software, but with Android devices, different manufacturers choose the hardware requirements while Google develops the software interface. The graphics are still not as fluid as those on iOS devices, especially in the case of Google’s own Pixel family of smartphones, where they have complete control over both the hardware and the software.

In addition to this element, makers like Samsung and Huawei have their own unique custom skins on top of Android, which affect performance and the user experience as a whole.

Therefore, the lack of smoothness in the motions and transitions, as well as the overall user experience, is another reason I would not think Android is a feasible alternative for my future phone.

Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android: Intrusive Ads in System Applications on Any Android Device

This is one of the main reasons that I hold on to the idea of an iOS device. On my phone, I have never experienced intrusive advertisements in any of my device’s system applications. Some people don’t mind it. I am definitely not one of them. I could smash my phone or hit my head against a wall. That is if an ad interrupted me from something that I was doing.

As I mentioned, one of the aspects of iOS that I appreciate the most is that it comes equipped with fantastic system apps that are not only really helpful but also don’t get in the way and, most importantly, do not contain any advertisements.

Built-in applications, such as Memos, Calendar, Podcasts, and the News and Weather app, for example, are highly designed and focus on giving a wonderful user experience while additionally enhancing the user’s life in some way. This is especially true of the built-in apps that come standard on iOS devices.

When you have spent hundreds of dollars on a smartphone, it is completely unacceptable for it to have unwanted advertisements or notifications, but iOS does not have this problem. Another advantage of iOS is that it does not contain bloatware, unlike Android, and the system apps do not have these problems either. I don’t want to be harassed with advertisements and spam on a device that I have already spent hundreds of dollars on, which is why I intend to keep buying iPhones for the time being and avoid most Android phones.

Taptic Engine Improves System-Wide Responsiveness

The iPhone is clearly the winner when compared to the vibration motors found in the majority of leading Android handsets.

The iPhone’s vibration motor, dubbed the Taptic Engine. It uses haptic feedback to simulate the click and feel of a physical button. While both Android and iOS phones have a vibration motor, Apple has the edge. That is because they produce its own Taptic Engine and operating system. Which gives them the ability to set the vibration motor to operate at the ideal resonance and frequency.

The majority of Android devices have an independent vibration motor that was obtained from an unidentified manufacturer, thus they lose this advantage because they can’t fully combine the software and hardware to provide the optimum user experience. Therefore, the iPhone is the clear choice if you want to possess an electronic device that feels quick and intuitive to operate.

Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android: The Built-in Apps Are Genuinely Beneficial and Far Superior

If you use the default apps on an iPhone and a Samsung phone running the latest iOS and Android, respectively, you can readily tell which apps are more effective and valuable. The Android file manager software is better organized, has more functions, and is easier to use than the iOS one.

After the file manager app, iOS applications like Notes, Freeform, and Fitness are objectively better than Android apps. Some manufacturer’ built-in Android apps are superior at monitoring sleep in the Health app and multi-account compatibility in the Mail app. iOS apps have the best system apps overall.

The Safari browser is the only iOS program that cannot be replaced by a third-party Android version with more features and capabilities. Safari remains one of the quickest and best mobile browsers, but it’s not accessible on Android. It supports extensions, privacy reports, pop-up previews, and online security. The absence of the Safari browser alone would make me never want to move to Android again. Not that crucial as a feature to some but if you’re like me, you wouldn’t want to switch either

Lost Your Phone Before? With Apple You’re Guaranteed to Never Experience This!

Lost Your Phone Before 

The Find My network of Apple products is one iOS feature that Android phones would probably never be able to master. You may already be aware of Find My. A vast network of Apple users and their devices, which enables you to locate any of your Apple devices or a someone who owns one. Additionally, airtags make it possible to monitor and find whatever you want. Which is a compelling argument for sticking with iOS and never moving to Android.

The best thing regarding the Find My function is that it still functions even if the missing device is off. It does this by forcing any nearby Apple device to send you its most recent location using Bluetooth sensors. You may counter that there are good third-party apps that do this as well as Google and Samsung’s own choices for recovering lost Android devices.

However, none of them can compare to Apple’s Find My’s enormous network size or iOS’s hardware and software capabilities. Being a part of the Apple ecosystem, in my opinion, is more than justifiable given the certainty that, even if you lose your iOS device, you have a good likelihood of locating it, as opposed to losing an Android one.

Final Thoughts on Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android

The overall summary is that I support iOS with all my heart. That is because it offers users a system that is nearly flawless. Till this day I get impressed with each and every system update. My iPhone simply opens up new options in technology that I didn’t think I needed to be honest. Now that we’re done talking about the pros and cons of each system. Let’s discuss how iOS app making is made easier with nandbox.

What is nandbox? nandbox is a native no-code app builder that helps you create seamless apps in no time. Our app builder can help you in creating the perfect iOS app and for fraction of the cost. You can simply depend on our easy drag-and-drop feature addition method and voila! you will have yourself a merry app! Sign up now and enjoy our 14-day free trial that will allow you to get to know our app builder. Additionally familiarize yourself with each and every feature and module.

The post Why Do Users Never Switch From iPhone to Android? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

ASO: An iOS 2023 Comprehensive Guide Sun, 24 Sep 2023 08:54:08 +0000 ASO: An iOS 2023 Comprehensive Guide In July 2008, the App Store debuted with only 500 apps. The app store was the home of millions of apps during the past ten years. Other additional app stores (such as the Google Play Store and Amazon App Store) have also appeared. In this comprehensive guide, we will […]

The post ASO: An iOS 2023 Comprehensive Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


ASO: An iOS 2023 Comprehensive Guide

In July 2008, the App Store debuted with only 500 apps. The app store was the home of millions of apps during the past ten years. Other additional app stores (such as the Google Play Store and Amazon App Store) have also appeared. In this comprehensive guide, we will explain to you what ASO is in iOS. Additionally, how it will help you expose your app to more users and increase your download rate.

The process of creating an app is just the start of a lucrative app business, given the fierce competition. Discovery, or how consumers will find your software, becomes a legitimate problem and a source of worry. In order to enhance app installs and conversion rates, app store optimization (ASO) can help your app’s exposure in the app stores. Developers began using ASO over ten years ago, primarily through keyword optimization. However, in order to optimize your app listing, ASO today calls for a wide range of tools and abilities. Discover the top ASO strategies in this article to increase your iOS app’s exposure and encourage more downloads.

Understand the Importance of ASO (App Store Optimization)

What is ASO? And how important is it in your app development process? App store optimization is the process of raising an app’s rating and exposure in an app store. This makes it simpler for consumers to learn about and locate it. App store SEO, app search optimization, and ASO promotion are other names for ASO.

The purpose of ASO is to boost an app’s download volume. However, it can also raise brand exposure, encourage user interaction, and elicit reviews and comments.

The two primary app stores are Google Play and the Apple App Store. However, you can also carry out ASO in other app stores. Such as the Huawei AppGallery, Samsung Galaxy Store, and Amazon App Store. Different app stores have different available fields and ranking criteria.

What Are Some Common ASO Targets That You Should Focus On?

Targeting common items or app elements for ASO includes the following:

  • App title or name
  • Keywords
  • Downloads of the app’s description
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Updates

You have control over your app’s exposure and discoverability thanks to ASO in today’s fiercely competitive app marketplaces. According to some statistical studies, up to 82% of users find new apps through app store browsing. Others find it through following app recommendations given by the app stores themselves.

Different Stores’ ASO: Apple App Store vs. Google Play

These two stores are currently at the top of the market. If you’re aiming to have an app for your business. Focus on these two stores as they are very important for your app’s success. Both stores have certain factors that you should check in order. That is to reach the right level of their app store optimization conditions. Here is a brief comparison between both stores:

Despite the fact that the Apple App Store and Google Play share many similarities, a few significant differences will have an impact on your app store optimization (ASO) efforts. To begin, before an app can be made available in either platform’s app store, it must first pass through a review and approval process. The length of time needed to approve an application can range anywhere from twenty-four hours to over a week, based on the size and degree of difficulty of the application.

You should really consider submitting your app at least a week in advance if you are looking for a specified release date for the launch of your app or an update to it. In addition, Google Play lacks two features that are offered on the App Store: the keyword field and the subtitle. Both of these features are available on the App Store. On the other hand, in contrast to Apple, Google Play includes a field for a brief description of the product.

Apple’s ASO Ranking Factors:

There are certain key factors that Apple depends on when it comes to having an app published through their app stores. Here is a list of these factors:

  • The app’s name
  • A subtitle field
  • The app’s URL
  • keywords
  • Installs, downloads, and engagement
  • Ratings and user reviews
  • App updates
  • In-app purchase descriptions

ASO iOS: What Is iOS’s App Metadata?


Your app’s metadata consists of your app’s title, subtitle, keyword list, description, and app store promotional text. So what are all of these numbers? We’ll go through each one briefly to give you a quick overview and clarify things for you.

App’s Title:

A 30-character area is allotted for an app title, including spaces between words. The search algorithm views the terms that appear here as being the most pertinent for the app. Having stated that, the search algorithm gives the most influence and weight to the metadata in the title.

The brand name and a description of the main purpose of the app are best mentioned in the title. For instance, the title “Google Translate” is considered “non-optimized” because it contains the app’s name and brand but lacks an explanation keyword in the subtitle.

One important thing to keep in mind is that selecting the appropriate terms in this situation requires extensive keyword research and analysis.

Looking at the Google Translate example, “Translate text” may be one mix-and-match long-tail term. Despite the fact that “translate” and “text” are not listed next to one another in the metadata, as you may have observed, Apple has indexed Google Translate for this particular search phrase.

Long-tail keywords are created by combining any words in an app’s title, subtitle, and keyword list; this behavior is not restricted to the subtitle.

App’s Subtitles:

The number of characters that can make up an app’s subtitle, including spaces between words, is capped at 30. This area of metadata is used to define the capabilities of the program as well as its features, elements, and other components. It is ranked second in the hierarchy of effects that it has on the search algorithm. There is the example of Google Translate. It demonstrates that the name “Text, Photo, and Voice Translator” encompasses the many functionalities and features that the application possesses.

Keywords List:

Keywords List

This part of the app’s store listing is where any keywords that aren’t listed in the app’s title or subtitle can be targeted for optimization purposes. The keyword list is tucked away in a discreet part of the App Store Connect console’s store listing, behind the scenes, where no one else can see it. Only the app’s developers have access to this list, which is one hundred characters long.

Extensive keyword research and tracking are required in order to have a clear understanding of what should be targeted in order to make the most of this space.

It is essential to the process of improving your app that you be aware of the relevant keywords for which your app is ranking and the search scores associated with those phrases. It is also necessary to understand that wasting valuable space through the use of redundant keyword phrases in the title, subtitle, and keyword list is a wasteful practice.

App Description:

Although this section of the product page might not have any influence on the search algorithm, it is nevertheless an important component of any store listing because it adds value. Users should be provided with information regarding the app in the app’s description, which can be up to 4,000 characters in length. You need to make certain that the content you provide to your user base is appropriate for them.

The extensive description appears in two different ways, which is one of the most important aspects of this situation. On the product page of any app, only the first three lines (about 133 characters) of your app’s description will appear. This is known as being “above the fold,” and it is standard practice. The remaining part of the description can be seen by clicking the “Read more” button that appears after the initial three lines of text.

One more step that can be taken toward sending the appropriate message to a potential user and trying to optimize conversion rates is to organize the beginning of the app’s description in such a way that it highlights the most important aspects of the app.

App Store Promotional Text

Your product page’s advertising text can be found directly above the assets on that page. Because it provides users with a concise grasp of what your app or game has to offer before viewing any creative materials, it is an essential component of your listing. Although the promotional text is not indexed for keywords, it is nevertheless significant for ASO because it is the first text that the user sees that conveys the function of the app using words rather than graphics. The purpose of the promotional language is to persuade readers to download and make use of your product, in a manner that is analogous to the brief summary provided by Google Play.

There is room for up to 170 characters in the promotional material. Because the purpose of this section is to convince consumers to download your app, you need to make sure that it is written in a way that will appeal to those users.

Final ASO iOS Tip: Utilize High-Quality App Screenshots and Videos

One of the most important aspects of ASO is showcasing your app’s interface and functionality through high-quality screenshots and videos. These visuals give potential users a glimpse into what they can expect from your app. Additionally, it can be the deciding factor in whether or not they download it. Make sure your screenshots accurately represent your app and highlight its best features. Use captions or annotations to provide additional context and information. For videos, keep them short and to the point, highlighting the most important features and benefits of your app. Consider hiring a professional to create polished and engaging visuals that will make your app stand out.

Summing It up for You on Our ASO: An iOS 2023 Comprehensive Guide

Now that you know all of the details that come with iOS’s ASO process, let’s get started on the best way to develop an app. One that you can use to implement what you have just read. With nandbox, our native no-code app builder platform, the sky is the limit. No-code means that you don’t have to have any prior knowledge of any programming or coding languages.

That is why we’re saying that this technological solution will be the best option if you are not a developer yourself. We know how hiring developers can cost a lot of money that is why our advise to you if you’re on a limited budget is to opt for the no-code app builders option.

Our simple drag-and-drop feature addition method will help you add features to your app development window easily and in a hassle-free manner. Another thing to rely on is our fully detailed documentation section. This section will help you with our app builder’s navigation process

Nandbox helps you create native apps, which means our apps are fully compatible with both the Android and iOS systems. Sign up now and bring your idea to life for a fraction of the cost and in a very short period of time!

The post ASO: An iOS 2023 Comprehensive Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Will the Apple Watch Innovation Change the World? Thu, 31 Aug 2023 05:00:36 +0000 Will the Apple Watch’s Innovation Change the World? The Apple Watch has been making waves in the tech industry since its release. With many claiming it will change the way we live our lives. But will this innovation truly revolutionize the world as we know it? Will it be enough as a substitute for regular, […]

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Will the Apple Watch’s Innovation Change the World?

The Apple Watch has been making waves in the tech industry since its release. With many claiming it will change the way we live our lives. But will this innovation truly revolutionize the world as we know it? Will it be enough as a substitute for regular, classic watches? Let’s take a closer look at the features and potential impact of the Apple Watch.

The world simply spun with this technological evolution. I am not going to lie, though; some people were not interested (myself included). I thought to myself, “Why would I need to have a mini iPhone when I already own an iPhone? That question didn’t help either. I wanted to dive deeper into the matter. That is to understand what it is about the Apple Watch innovation that is making people so interested. It all made sense to me when I understood the real reason, and now I too can help you understand!

What Is the Apple Watch Innovation?

Apple Inc. created the Apple Watch, a piece of wearable technology. In April 2015, the watch was initially made available for purchase. Ever since then, it has undergone a number of revisions, updates, and upgrades. The watch is intended to function as a companion to the iPhone. This enables users to access apps, receive notifications, and track data pertaining to their fitness and health. In addition to that, it possesses functions such as messaging, mobile payments, and voice commands.

The Apple Watch Necessity Propaganda

The Apple Watch Necessity Propaganda

Who needs an Apple Watch innovation or product for real? The answer is simply no one.

I’m not trying to exaggerate here when I say that this product is a bit useless. It kind of is for people who can’t afford it. It simply makes your life easier. That is why it is not needed, but if you have the option to get it and make your life a much easier one, by all means, get it!

Here are some of the reasons why you should buy an Apple Watch:

  • Displays calls and texts: You can receive calls on your watch instead of from your iPhone.
  • You can track your sleep: Apple Watch users already have the ability to create Calm Down and Bedtime schedules. In addition to tracking their sleep to assist them in meeting their objectives, thanks to the Sleep experience on Apple Watch.
  • Tracks your fitness progress: The first health and wellness service created around the Apple Watch is called Apple Health+. It is intended to be accessible to everyone. Users of all skill levels are inspired from the beginning thanks to the clever integration of real-time workout metrics from the Apple Watch right on the screen with an iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV.
  • Comes with a smart assistant: the watch has Siri, which is Apple’s famous smart assistant.
  • The watch can call 911: The Apple Watch can actually monitor your heartbeats and call 911 in case of an emergency. Emergencies like cardiac arrest or sudden respiratory arrest
  • Enhances a swimmer’s life: The watch can simply help you with swimming enhancement. A SWOLF score, also known as a stroke count plus the amount of time, in seconds, it takes to swim one length of the pool, is now available for swimmers to use in order to monitor their efficiency. Within the workout summary, users are able to check their personal SWOLF average for each set.

How Does the Apple Watch Work?

The Apple Watch is a wearable device that connects to your iPhone via Bluetooth. It uses a combination of sensors, including an accelerometer, gyroscope, and heart rate monitor. That is to track your activity and fitness levels. It also has a variety of apps that can be downloaded from the App Store, allowing you to customize your watch to your specific needs. The watch can be controlled using touch, voice commands, or the digital crown on the side of the device. Overall, the Apple Watch is a powerful and versatile device that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live.

What Are the Potential Benefits of the Apple Watch?

What Are the Potential Benefits of the Apple Watch 

The Apple Watch has the potential to offer a wide range of benefits to its users. For example, it can help individuals track their fitness goals, monitor their heart rate, and stay connected with friends and family through messaging and phone calls. It also has the ability to control smart home devices, make mobile payments, and access a variety of apps on the go. Additionally, the Apple Watch has the potential to improve healthcare by allowing doctors to monitor patients remotely and track their vital signs in real time.

Overall, the Apple Watch has the potential to revolutionize the way we live by offering a wide range of benefits and capabilities. As we mentioned above, it is revolutionizing the concept of an “easy and healthy life.” This is why people have been all over it since it was released! However, let us not get distracted by how amazing the Apple Watch’s innovation is and mention some of its major potential drawbacks. Not to be pessimistic, but I really do believe in the concept that nothing will ever be perfect.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of the Apple Watch?

There are a number of potential advantages to using the Apple Watch, but there are also some potential disadvantages to think about. The Apple Watch can be fairly pricey in comparison to other smartwatches now available on the market, which is something that gives rise to concern. In addition, some users may find it difficult to navigate the device due to the small screen size. Furthermore, the battery life might not last as long as they would like it to.

There are also concerns about privacy and security because the Apple Watch gathers and maintains personal data, which hackers may or may not be able to access at some point in the future. Last but not least, there is always the possibility that certain people are not interested in donning a smartwatch and would rather wear conventional watches instead. This is exactly why I love old-fashioned people who would actually still prefer to stay out of the new technological box the world and its innovations are imposing on them.

The Technology Behind the Apple Watch Innovation

For every piece of machine designed, there is a tech team behind it all that does all the hard work in order for us to have a seamless device. Here are the main technological features that form this device and make it work seamlessly:

Apple’s Digital Crown

The digital crown substitutes the physical crown on a traditional watch—the knob used to wind a watch, change the time, and so on—and has a similar appearance while enabling panning and zooming on the Apple Watch user interface.

Consider this electronic crown as a hybrid of the Home button on the iPhone and the click wheel on the iPod. Clicking on the digital crown will return you to the Apple Watch’s home screen, in addition to zooming and panning.

The motions seemed to be quite fluid and precise. Which is what most impresses me about this new type of input. Although I obviously can’t say for sure without actually using the device, the movies were sufficient to persuade me that it would be an enjoyable and accurate method of input.

The Watch’s Smart Touch Screen

We’re talking about a high-resolution retina display that can display seamless graphics, crisp, vibrant photos, and some amazingly clear and various fonts. Its OLED display, provides the energy efficiency this tiny gadget requires. A compact device inevitably has a smaller battery, after all. But what’s even more intriguing is the idea behind a brand-new Force Touch gesture. The Apple Watch can discern between a gentle tap and a hard press or finger touch thanks to the small electrodes encircling the flexible Retina display, which causes the appearance of special contextually relevant controls.

Apple’s Taptic Engine: A New Introduction to the Phrase “Scary Good”

To create a nearly human factor in Apple’s forthcoming wearable designers are developing and enhancing the watch’s haptic engine. You will experience a different tactile sense for each type of interaction, whether it is receiving alerts, using the digital crown, or tapping the screen. As a result, a feedback engine that offers a keen awareness and subtlety is created. But most crucially, the Taptic Engine offers users a subtle interaction that enables close engagement with other Apple Watch wearers.

Heart Rate Built-in Sensor

The Apple Watch also includes a heart rate sensor. This is not surprising; rather, it was inevitable. I believe everyone anticipated that Apple’s wearable would include a heart rate sensor. That is among other sensors, and it did not let us down in this regard. The Apple Watch’s heart rate sensor is housed on the device’s back. The designers protect by sapphire lenses to keep the specifically crafted sensor, which uses LEDs for visible light as well as infrared and light-emitting, from damage. This sensor, an accelerometer, and your iPhone’s GPS and WiFi radios can all work together to more precisely monitor physical movements. Amazing, right?

How Applications Are Built for an Apple Watch?

Today, the majority of Apple Watch apps are created in Swift, utilizing the SwiftUI framework. The framework includes every function and tool the watch requires to design the user interface for the app. The framework also supports declarative programming, which greatly simplifies the process of building apps for developers.

You may quickly and effectively use the automated tools and features provided by the SwiftUI framework when looking for ways to develop an Apple Watch app without writing any code. Since users of declarative programming are not obliged to write intricate algorithmic codes. The platform will handle the rest; they only need to describe the planned user interface.

SwiftUI functioning: The framework just asks users to describe the outcomes they are looking for, not “how” to get there. People refer to SwiftUI as a low-code technology framework since it doesn’t require much programming. Additionally, the SwiftUI-based application will work with all Apple products, including iPhones, iPads, iWatches, and even TVs.

Final Thoughts On: Will the Apple Watch’s Innovation Change the World?

To answer this briefly, yes! it will. The concept of changing the world through enhancing it in this scenario isn’t by feeding the hungry and helping the earth go green to avoid apocalyptic danger. It will change the world from a technical point of view and help people enhance their daily lives.

If you have an app idea for a wearable device such as the Apple Watch, by all means, build it and compete in the market. With nandbox, which is our no-code app builder, this can be more than possible. You can create a no-code application easily and without any hassles through our native app builder.

Utilize our simple drag-and-drop feature addition method and add your desired features to a pre-made template that you will have all the freedom to customize to your preferences. Sign up now, and don’t miss the fact that you get a 14-day free trial. A trial that will help you familiarize yourself with the whole app-building navigation process. Furthermore, it will allow you to get to know our features, modules, configuration settings, and more!

The post Will the Apple Watch Innovation Change the World? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide Wed, 16 Aug 2023 05:00:32 +0000 Android vs. iOS Development: A 2023 Guide Since you are here, that means that you have finally made up your mind and want to develop an app. This is the first step towards a journey filled with decision-making and choices that you will have to make. Intimidated? Don’t be. Because in this guide, we will […]

The post Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Android vs. iOS Development: A 2023 Guide

Since you are here, that means that you have finally made up your mind and want to develop an app. This is the first step towards a journey filled with decision-making and choices that you will have to make. Intimidated? Don’t be. Because in this guide, we will help you make the right decision. This decision will depend on whether you choose which platform to develop your app on first. You have to choose between Android and iOS development. Trust the process and read below to know the benefits, costs, and developmental details of each platform. When it comes to mobile app development, choosing the right platform can make all the difference. With the continued growth of the industry, it’s important to prioritize your app’s platform. The one that will give you the best chance of success. As we mentioned above, this guide compares the pros and cons of developing for Android vs. iOS in 2023. That is to help you make an informed decision about which app to develop first. There are several elements to consider, and this is exactly what we will be discussing and comparing.

Market Share and User Demographics

Market Share and User Demographics

When deciding between Android and iOS development, it’s important to consider market share and user demographics. Android has a larger market share globally, with over 72% of the market compared to iOS’s 27%. However, iOS users tend to have higher incomes and spend more money on apps. Which makes it a more lucrative platform for developers. Additionally, iOS users are more likely to be located in developed countries. On the other hand, Android users are more prevalent in developing countries. Consider your target audience and their spending habits when deciding which platform to prioritize. The Android platform may seem like the logical choice. That is when considering only demographics, but this may not always be the case. Simplicity and ease are good for everything. However, you have to put all aspects of your research into consideration to make the right decision.

Android vs. iOS Development: The Time and Cost Spent

The Time and Cost Spent

Another important factor to consider when deciding between Android and iOS development is the time and cost involved. Developing for iOS can be more expensive and time-consuming. Due to the need for specialized hardware and software, as well as the strict app review process. For example, submitting an iOS app can actually take up to one month to be approved. Additionally, at the slightest error, your app may get rejected due to their strict review.

On the other hand, Android development can be more flexible and cost-effective. As it supports a wider range of devices and development tools available. The app submission process takes around three to four days, specifically. Furthermore, you have a better chance of publishing your app on the Google Play Store than on Apple’s App Store. Consider your budget and timeline when deciding which platform to prioritize.

Another major point of comparison is the number of times you can update your app on both stores. While an app on the Android platform can theoretically be updated at any time and with an endless number of times. App upgrades on the iOS app store are only permitted three to four times per month. Which takes us to the next point.

App Store Approval Process

One major difference between Android and iOS development is the app store approval process. Apple has a strict review process that can take several days or even weeks to complete, while Google’s process is generally faster and more lenient. This means that, like we mentioned above, iOS apps may take longer to get to market, but they are often more polished and reliable. For example, you will find that on the App Store, there are much fewer apps with glitches or bugs. Android apps, on the other hand, may be released more quickly but may have more bugs or compatibility issues. It’s important to factor in the app store approval process when deciding which platform to prioritize for your app development.

Android vs. iOS Development: Monetization Options

Another important factor to consider when deciding between Android and iOS development is the monetization options available on each platform. Both platforms offer in-app purchases and advertising as ways to generate revenue, but there are some differences. For example, iOS users tend to spend more money on in-app purchases than Android users, but Android has a larger market share overall. Additionally, Apple takes a 30% cut of all in-app purchases, while Google takes a 15% cut for the first $1 million in revenue and 30% after that. It’s important to weigh these factors when deciding which platform will be more profitable for your app.

Android vs. iOS Development: UI Development and Design

 UI Development and Design 

iOS is often far more UI/UX-friendly than Android because of features like Interface Builder that are built into Xcode. Because iOS frameworks are so simple to use, developers can devote more time to creating wonderful experiences for their users.

Android is the best option if you value having access to a greater range of customization options for building and design. However, it should be remembered that all of this independence requires a lot more time. Additionally, the end-user usually doesn’t care how fancy the back end is; they only care that it functions positively in a clear and understandable way.

However, it should be noted that Google’s design principles for producing easier-to-use, better-designed apps for Android platforms, Material Design, were unveiled at the 2014 Google I/O Developer Conference. Therefore, although not quite there yet, Android is on track to develop a more user-friendly development platform.

Future Trends and Predictions

As mobile app development continues to evolve, it’s important to stay up-to-date on future trends and predictions. One trend that is expected to continue is the rise of mobile commerce, with more and more consumers using their smartphones to make purchases. Another trend is the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in mobile apps, allowing for more personalized and efficient experiences. It’s also predicted that the demand for augmented reality and virtual reality apps will continue to grow. There is a theory that is trending nowadays that, at some point in the near future, the Metaverse that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg created will have actual people depending on their lives to be lived inside the Metaverse. Unbelievable, I know! Keeping these trends in mind can help you prioritize which platform to develop for and what features to include in your app.

When Should You Develop Android First?

If you wish to reach a larger audience globally. Additionally, if you wish to receive more app downloads, you can choose to design for Android first. You can take advantage of the best return on investment in these countries as more people utilize Android apps, especially if your target market resides in India, China, or the United Arab Emirates.

Developing the app for Android may be a better investment due to the increased number of Android users and downloads, if you are interested in advertising your app with in-app advertisements. Think about the features your target audience prefers as well as whether Android gives you more flexibility to integrate those features.

When Should You Develop iOS First?

When you want to create a minimum-viable product, iOS should be your first option. Additionally, as iOS is more popular in the USA and UK, it would be more suitable if the audience you are targeting resides in these countries.

Because iOS users are more likely to make in-app purchases, iOS is a better option if you want to monetize your apps without in-app ads and if you want to offer users free and premium versions of your app. The platform you select will therefore depend on the kind of app you want to make and the intended user base.

When Should You Develop an App for Both Platforms?

Both of these platforms are the best options if you want to enter the market head-on. You’re going in with both barrels, sure that your app will succeed. Usually, established businesses are the ones to make this leap. Since they have the resources to do so, it makes sense for them if we’re talking about not lacking any resources like money, time, or effort. Additionally, an app could create a stir on one platform but go unnoticed on another. Therefore, if you have the money, go for it. Your chances of success rise as your product becomes more widely available. The number of downloads for the app will increase as more people gain access to it.

To Conclude This Android vs. iOS Development Topic

In conclusion, we would like to state that both platforms are of great importance. They both have their pros and cons. Furthermore, each platform could actually benefit your business in a certain aspect depending on your features, budget, project management, and other app development factors to consider and research.

If your business is a startup and you aim to empower it with an app, we have a solution to offer you. Most developers or IT teams require too much planning, money, and effort. That is why we advise you to opt for a no-code app builder solution. Our app builder, nandbox, is a no-code native app builder that could help you develop apps supported by both the Android and iOS systems in a matter of minutes. You won’t need any prior knowledge of any programming or coding languages.

Our app builder guides you through a detailed documentation section that will help you understand the app builder’s features and modules. It will also show you how to configure some of the features and modules of your app, with screenshots and detailed explanations.

Upon signing up, a free trial will be activated for you in order to have a good time span to familiarize yourself with the app builder’s navigation process. Bring your idea to life with nandbox’s native no-code app builder and publish your app easily, either for Android or iOS!

The post Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Top Ways to Promote an App: A Complete Guide Mon, 14 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Top Ways to Promote an App Publicity and promotion are two things that form the main keys to any app’s success. If both are executed correctly, your app will gain the publicity it deserves. Creating an app is just the first step in a long journey toward success. Once your app is live, you need […]

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Top Ways to Promote an App

Publicity and promotion are two things that form the main keys to any app’s success. If both are executed correctly, your app will gain the publicity it deserves. Creating an app is just the first step in a long journey toward success. Once your app is live, you need to promote it effectively to reach your target audience and increase your downloads. In this guide, we’ll explore the top ways to promote an app in general and help you achieve your goals.

Let me ask you a question: “How many apps do you use per day?” “Is it one, three, or even ten?” The average mobile user can use an average of only two apps per day. With this information, we know that app development might sound a bit intimidating. You will be thinking, “How can I make my app one of the two apps that an average user uses per day?” In this complete guide, that is exactly what we will be discussing.

What Is App Promotion?

Mobile app promotion, or marketing, is the process of correctly advertising your app. That is in order to reach the right rates of success and downloads. App promotion comes in different shapes and through many methods. You can promote your app using different methods or means of promotion. You can do so through a website, online campaigns, or social media platforms. Additionally, you can promote your app through app store optimization (ASO), influencers, or traditional word of mouth.

There are three main stages for app promotion. Any marketer that is marketing for a certain app has to go through the following stages:

  • The pre-launch stage (awareness phase): This is the phase where you start conducting thorough market research. In order to understand all the important insights. This is where you design the first website layout. Furthermore, conduct a full competitor analysis, and create your final marketing and social media posts or campaign content. The awareness phase aims to understand user needs. In addition to spreading the word that your app has a solution for the market problem users are facing.
  • The user acquisition stage: In this stage or phase, users are actually acquired. You accomplish this via app store optimization (ASO), as well as a number of sponsored and promotional techniques.
  • The user retention stage: The retention phase or stage, which is also one of the most crucial, is to ensure that your users continue to engage with your app by using push notifications, frequent communication, surveys, loyalty programs, and in-app messages.

App Promotion: iOS vs. Android Users

You should most likely market your software to both iOS and Android users in order to increase your user base. You must be aware of some distinctions between these groupings before you begin. iOS users typically have better incomes, are more devoted to their devices, and report feeling more satisfied with the entire user experience. Android users, on the other hand, are less devoted to certain apps. However, since users automatically receive push notifications, they don’t need to opt-in, making it simpler to interact with them and keeping your app top of mind. Below, we will be discussing what steps you should be taking to promote your app effectively.

Optimize Your App Store Listing

Your app store listing is the first impression potential users will have of your app, so it’s important to make it count. Start by choosing a clear and catchy app name and including a compelling description that highlights the key features and benefits of your app. Use high-quality screenshots and videos to showcase your app in action, and don’t forget to include keywords in your listing to improve your visibility in app store search results. Finally, encourage users to leave reviews and ratings to help boost your app’s credibility and visibility.

Ways to Promote an App: Leverage Social Media

Leverage Social Media

Promoting your app through social media will help you reach more people and expand your audience significantly. Create social media accounts for your app on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and use them to share updates, news, and promotions. Consider running social media ads to target specific audiences and drive downloads. You can also partner with influencers in your niche to promote your app to their followers. Don’t forget to include links to your app store listing in all of your social media posts and profiles. This is a very important step that you should be using and making sure it is used effectively. Everyone now uses social media. A study proved that in 2025, social media will be the top advertising tool that everyone will be using.

Run Paid Advertising Campaigns

Run Paid Advertising Campaigns

Paid advertising campaigns can be a great way to promote your app and reach a wider audience. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads enable you to target particular demographics and interests, ensuring that the right people see your ads. You can also use app store ads to promote your app within the app store itself. Be sure to track your results and adjust your campaigns as needed to get the best return on your investment.

Ways to Promote an App: Leverage Public Relations to Your Side

They assert that there is no such thing as bad press, unless, of course, there is none at all for you. Influencers and media mention help a lot when it comes to building buzz and credibility. There are other approaches to take; however, the following are just a few to think about:

Make a Video Introduction for Your App

With this, you ought to exercise caution. Only if your app’s concept has been validated, you’ve achieved some traction, and you’re confident that you have a winner should you consider making a video for it. In order to create a video for an app that has undergone three changes since its introduction, you wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money. Put that into consideration, and don’t make the mistake of ignoring the fact that promotions do actually cost money.

Ways to Promote an App: Have a One-On-One Conversation With Users

This is very important. Retaining users through user retention rather than user acquisition should be your first priority when developing your app. You will overcome a lot of problems. Additionally, the biggest obstacle will be over if you can gather a small group of devoted users who can give you the critical feedback you need to confirm the value of your software. In general, no matter what level you are at, try to engage a user directly in dialogue. Ask them questions, consider their comments, give assistance, and make them happy. Even with all the new technological solutions, nothing compares to word-of-mouth advertising.

Focus on What Problem Your App Solves

This is a crucial step to take. By focusing on the problem your app solves, users will be able to understand what benefits they will actually gain from downloading it. This helps users understand that your app is actually aiming for something that they need. That is why advertising your value proposition or unique selling proposition is of great importance. Through it, you spread awareness about what your users are missing and what they will gain from their app usage experience.

Add the “Tell a Friend About Us” Feature to Your App

Ever downloaded an app that had a button that said, “Recommend us to a friend” or “Tell a friend about us”? These buttons are a very effective way to promote apps. Sometimes, when users are actually in awe of a certain app or its services, they become willing enough to promote it by suggesting it to their friends, family, or acquaintances. Imagine if they’re willing to share it, and additionally, find a button to help them do that! This ensures that your app actually reaches a wider audience—a much larger one, for sure.

Ways to Promote an App: Traditional Advertising Through Stores

I know how traditional and old that sounds. However, you can still effectively promote your app through in-store advertisements. We are well aware of how some techniques have evolved and that most of the new generations are actually opting for technological solutions, but we can’t deny the fact that some people still prefer old-school techniques and methods.

App Referral Programs

App Referral Programs  

Create referral programs that offer existing customers an incentive to recommend your software to their friends and family. Members who are successful in recruiting new users should be rewarded with special privileges, such as discounts or special features.

Final Thoughts on App Promotion Techniques

To summarize it all, we’ve listed for you ten different methods to promote your app. This is because we highlighted the importance of app promotion in order for your app to succeed. From our point of view, every business should have an app to empower it and build a stronger base in the market for it. That is what we aim to do here in the nandbox, which is to help you create an app for your business that is seamless and supports the market’s needs.

Considered the only native no-code app builder currently on the market, nandbox guarantees you a great app development process with ease of navigation and a vast variety of features and modules that you can add to your app. You can depend on our documentation section in order to understand every module, feature, and branding option that our app builder offers you.

Sign up now and bring your idea to life with nandbox’s no-code native app builder. You’ll create a native application that is compatible with both iOS and Android. Furthermore, you will be given a 14-day free trial to discover and play around with the app builder to familiarize yourself with the whole app development process!

The post Top Ways to Promote an App: A Complete Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How Much Does It Cost to Publish an iOS App on the App Store? Sun, 13 Aug 2023 05:00:05 +0000 The Cost to Publish an iOS App on the App Store: The Full Guide Whenever you think about something you would like to execute, you look at it from all angles. You also study every factor that could contribute to its success. The same goes for app development. This is the exact scenario here. If […]

The post How Much Does It Cost to Publish an iOS App on the App Store? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


The Cost to Publish an iOS App on the App Store: The Full Guide

Whenever you think about something you would like to execute, you look at it from all angles. You also study every factor that could contribute to its success. The same goes for app development. This is the exact scenario here. If you’re thinking that you want an app for your business. You will conduct research on what it will take to develop that app. Additionally, you will look at every aspect related to your developmental process. In this guide, we will be discussing the details of the cost of publishing an iOS app on Apple’s App Store.

If you’re an app developer looking to publish your iOS app on the App Store, you may be wondering about the costs involved. From developer fees to marketing expenses, there are several factors to consider. This guide will provide a breakdown of the costs you can expect when publishing an iOS app on the App Store.

What Is Apple’s App Store?

Let’s start by defining the store we mentioned earlier. Customers can download or buy apps through an app store, which is an online publication platform for app developers. Only in 2008, with the debut of the App Store and Google Play Stores, was the idea for an app store born. With the popularity of smartphones and tablets, the motivation behind the development of app stores became more widely known, but it has since expanded to include desktop software and web browsers as well. Users can download and install Web apps from the respective app stores of internet browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

A range of pre-approved apps, both free and paid, are available in an app store for customers’ smartphones. Through the app store on their device, they may browse the app, buy it, download and install it, and update it.

Users can manage the programs that are available on app stores from any of the major mobile operating system providers, including Google, Microsoft, and Apple. The Amazon App Store for Android smartphones and Cydia for jailbroken Apple iOS devices both offer some third-party apps that may be downloaded online.

The Cost You Pay to Publish an iOS App on the App Store

If you are using a certain service anywhere, 99.9 percent of the time you will pay for that service, and it won’t be for free. This is the case here: if you developed or built an app and would like to publish it on Apple’s App Store, you will have to pay an annual fee that ranges from $99 up to $299. But that isn’t it; there are additional costs that you should look out for. Here are some of the costs that you should keep an eye out for:

Developer Program Membership Fees

The first cost to consider when publishing an iOS app on the App Store is the developer program membership fee. Apple offers two membership options. These options are the standard individual membership for $99 per year. The other one is enterprise membership for $299 per year. The individual membership is suitable for most developers, while the enterprise membership is designed for larger organizations that want to distribute apps internally. Both memberships provide access to the App Store, development tools, and technical support. As pricey as it may sound compared to Google’s $25 that you pay per app, Apple’s whole system is actually way different and doesn’t accept random apps to be published on their app store.

App Store Review Fees

In addition to the developer program membership fee, there is also a fee for submitting your app for review on the App Store. This fee is $99 per app for most developers, but there are some exceptions. For example, if you are a nonprofit organization or a government entity, you may be eligible for a waiver of the review fee. Additionally, if you are submitting a free app, you may not have to pay the review fee. It’s important to note that this fee is non-refundable, even if your app is rejected during the review process.

In-App Purchase Fees

In addition to the fees associated with publishing your app on the App Store, there are also fees for in-app purchases. If your app offers in-app purchases, Apple takes a 30% cut of the revenue generated from those purchases. This means that if a user spends $10 on an in-app purchase, Apple will take $3, and you will receive $7. It’s important to factor in these fees when deciding on pricing for your in-app purchases.

Advertising and Marketing Costs

Advertising and marketing costs are another expense to consider when publishing your iOS app on the App Store. While Apple does offer some free promotion through features like the “New Apps We Love” section, it’s important to invest in your own marketing efforts to increase visibility and downloads. This can include social media advertising, influencer partnerships, and paid app store optimization (ASO) services. The cost of these efforts can vary greatly depending on your strategy and budget.

Localization and Translation Expenses

If you plan on releasing your iOS app in multiple countries, localization and translation expenses should be factored into your publishing costs. This includes translating your app’s content, such as descriptions and the user interface, into different languages. You may also need to consider cultural differences and adjust your app’s content accordingly. The cost of localization and translation services can vary depending on the number of languages and the complexity of your app’s content.

App Design and Architecture Costs


An additional 10% of the project is devoted to developing a user interface and application design that will satisfy your needs. This covers the organization of the code, any necessary backend services, and the completion of the front-end design that will be implemented.

A Quick Comparison Between Apple’s iOS and Google’s App Development and Submission Process

Apple (iOS) Android (Google Play Store)
Takes a longer time when publishing the app. A much more simpler publishing process.
Higher Cost of $99 annually for the individual plan and a $299 for an organization. Lesser cost when it comes to publishing or submitting an app. Costs $25 per submission.
Excellent comments from the app review team. When an app is denied, there is less guidance and no detailed feedback.
App approval takes time. The estimate time approval is for 3-4 days maximum.
Lesser repeated app idea rates Increase in the number of apps that provide the same services.

Is Apple’s iOS App Development and Submission Fee Considered Expensive?

Millions of app developers have asked this question. Given Apple’s reputation for pricey products and systematic costs, this is a lot of speculation. To rest the case, here’s a detailed answer to this highly asked question:

Particularly for inexperienced and student developers, the fees of entering the iOS application development industry can be excessive. A developer license costs $99 per year and is necessary to publish apps to the app store. Furthermore, Apple has various limitations on the hardware and software used for coding.

The average developer will require a Mac computer costing over $800 and an Apple smartphone or tablet, both of which will likely cost over $500. Before accounting for development time and other expenditures, getting your first app into the app store is likely to cost you upwards of $1,400 in hardware and license charges alone.

Google’s Android platform, in comparison, has a one-time cost for development and is significantly more flexible in terms of the hardware that may be used for development. The amount of money you can make with each platform, though, is probably where the two systems diverge most. Compared to Android consumers, iOS app store users pay nearly double as much on mobile apps and games.

Final Thoughts on the Cost to Publish an iOS App

Creating an app can have its own hassles and can be a little bit tiring. You can easily get overwhelmed by all the research on many things. Like development steps, costs, publishing hassles, and other potential developmental problems that might face you. That is why we have the perfect solution for you: a no-code app builder. These types of app builders give you the freedom to create a seamless app. You will create it from scratch without having to use a single line of code.

nandbox is a native, no-code app builder. This means that you can easily create a native app. Which is an app that works on both Apple’s and Android’s operating systems using our app builder. Build a native app using our simple drag-and-drop interface. An interface that will allow you to add your desired features easily. By simply dragging and dropping them to your app development window.

Our app builder also has a full section that is detailed with explanations. Like how to navigate the app builder and has everything you need to understand nandbox’s features, modules, and branding options. Sign up now for nandbox’s native no-code app builder. Don’t miss the opportunity to publish your app easily and for a fraction of the cost. That would save you the cost of hiring a developer. Upon signing up, you will activate our 14-day free trial. This trial will allow you to familiarize yourself with the whole app-building process.

The post How Much Does It Cost to Publish an iOS App on the App Store? appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

The Ultimate Guide to Auto Renewable Subscriptions on iOS Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:00:44 +0000 Auto-Renewable Subscription iOS Tutorial Guide If you’re an iOS developer looking to implement auto-renewable subscriptions in your app, you’ve come to the right place. This auto-renewable subscription iOS tutorial guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, from setting up your app in the App Store Connect to handling subscription renewals and cancellations. Get ready […]

The post The Ultimate Guide to Auto Renewable Subscriptions on iOS appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Auto-Renewable Subscription iOS Tutorial Guide

If you’re an iOS developer looking to implement auto-renewable subscriptions in your app, you’ve come to the right place. This auto-renewable subscription iOS tutorial guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, from setting up your app in the App Store Connect to handling subscription renewals and cancellations. Get ready to take your app to the next level with this essential guide.

Accessibility to content, services, or special features in your app is offered through auto-renewable subscriptions. Until the user decides to cancel them, they renew automatically at the end of their time frame. Users of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and TVOS can subscribe.

Great subscription apps continue to improve the app experience and offer ongoing value to justify the recurring fee. Therefore, If you’re thinking about using the subscription model. You have to prepare to update your app frequently with new features or more content.

Apps that offer new game levels, serial material, software as a service, or cloud assistance are just a few examples of the many sorts of apps that might benefit from subscriptions. However, Apps that provide regular, substantive updates or access to libraries or content collections are examples of other subscriptions that are appropriate. Subscriptions, a kind of in-app purchase, can be made available together with other in-app purchase types.

Understanding iOS’s Auto-Renewable Subscriptions


Auto-renewable subscriptions are a popular way for app developers to monetize their products. With auto-renewable subscriptions, users are charged automatically on a recurring basis (usually monthly or yearly) until they cancel the subscription. This model provides a steady stream of revenue for developers and allows users to access premium content or features on an ongoing basis. But how do auto-renewable subscriptions work, and what do you need to know to implement them in your app? Let’s dive in.

Setting Up Your App for Auto-Renewable Subscriptions

Before you can start offering auto-renewable subscriptions in your app, you need to set up your app in the App Store Connect portal. This involves creating a new app ID, setting up a new app in App Store Connect, and configuring the app’s in-app purchase settings. You’ll also need to create the subscription products themselves, which involves setting the pricing, duration, and other details for each subscription tier. Once your app is set up and your subscription products are created, you can start integrating the subscription functionality into your app.

Creating Subscription Groups and Products

In order to offer auto-renewable subscriptions on iOS, you need to create subscription groups and products within your app. A subscription group is a collection of subscription products. These products are related to each other, such as different tiers of a monthly subscription. Within each subscription group, you can create multiple subscription products with different durations and pricing options. For example, you might offer a monthly subscription for $9.99, a quarterly subscription for $24.99, and an annual subscription for $89.99. Once you have created your subscription groups and products, you can start integrating them into your app’s user interface and logic.

Auto-Renewable Subscriptions on iOS: Family Sharing Option

With Family Sharing, a subscriber can provide up to five family members access to an auto-renewable subscription account. Additionally, they can do that across all of their Apple devices. The “Family Sharing” feature can help you draw in new subscribers, encourage paid subscriptions, boost engagement, and enhance retention with a simple, intuitive user experience. Also, in App Store Connect, you can turn on family sharing for your membership. Please be aware that this cannot be reversed.

Provide the correct level of access to users and their family members after confirming subscription access using purchase validation. This depends on the subscriber’s subscription sharing preferences. In addition to whether the purchase was made before or after the subscriber enabled Family Sharing in App Store Connect, a subscription may or may not be shared by default with the subscriber’s family. Moreover, Apple sends push notifications to subscribers whose settings do not automatically share the subscription to let them know that it can be shared with their family.

Handling Subscription Purchases and Renewals

Once you have set up your auto-renewable subscriptions on iOS, it’s important to understand how to handle subscription purchases and renewals. When a user purchases a subscription, you will receive a notification from Apple’s servers with information about the purchase. You can then use this information to grant the user access to the subscription content within your app. It’s also important to handle subscription renewals properly, as users may choose to cancel their subscription or their payment method may expire. By implementing proper handling of subscription purchases and renewals, you can ensure a smooth and seamless experience for your users.

Managing Subscriber Data and Analytics

Data and Analytics

One of the key benefits of implementing auto-renewable subscriptions on iOS is the ability to track and analyze subscriber data. Furthermore, this can include information such as the number of subscribers, subscription revenue, and churn rate. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into the performance of your subscription offering and make informed decisions about pricing, content, and marketing strategies. It’s important to use a reliable analytics tool to track this data, such as App Annie or Mixpanel, and regularly review and analyze the results to optimize your subscription offering.

Subscription App Needs and Must-Have Features

The difficulty for developers has greatly increased with the advent of auto-renewable memberships and subscription offers. There are numerous details you must take into account. Most likely, a back-end will be required for an app with a subscription to:

  • Verify in-app receipts for purchases.
  • Keep tabs on the status of each user’s subscription.
  • Determine a user’s suitability for a promotion.
  • Create a signature for an offer of subscription.
  • Notify current users about a subscription offer via notifications.
  • If a problem with the user’s bill occurs, the app can send them a message.
  • Monitor permission for price increases and upgrades.

Steps for Restoring a Subscription Upon Expiration

Here is a list of steps to follow when you want to restore your subscription if it has expired:

  • Join a monthly membership plan.
  • Exit or close your subscription app after waiting for a duration that lasts from 35 to 40 minutes.
  • The app should restart in the unsubscribed state after being launched.
  • Select “Restore Purchases” from the menu.
  • There should be no current “active subscription” to be seen, and the user should be informed of this.

Upgrades, Downgrades, and Crossgrades: A Quick Overview

As of iOS 14, the Settings app’s sandbox subscription management panel is accessible. You’ll need to expose buttons or use another method within the app to test purchases that result in upgrades, downgrades, and crossgrades if you’re testing older iOS versions. Here’s what to do exactly:

  • Join a monthly subscription plan.
  • Close your app and then restart it.
  • Select your current subscription by going to the Settings app > App Store > Your Sandbox Account > Manage > Subscriptions.
  • By choosing a different product from the available alternatives, you can modify your subscription.
  • Wait five to ten minutes if you downgraded your subscription.
  • Start your app.
  • The user ought to have a subscription to the new item.

Final Thoughts on Our Auto-Renewable Subscription iOS Tutorial Guide

To remind your customers of your worth, we think it is crucial to consistently communicate with them. In an app subscription model where reducing churn is essential for generating predictable business development, this becomes vital. In nandbox, we only aim to have you on board with us to empower your own business with us. Additionally, this is possible because you can create a native, no-code app to empower your business. A no-code solution like ours helps enhance your chances of not getting tired through the app development process.

To make it easier for you, nandbox depends on a simple drag-and-drop interface. This allows you to add your features and create your app by simply dragging and dropping whatever you want to add into your app’s building window. This guarantees that you won’t need a team of developers in order to create an app from scratch. Moreover, you will be the only person in control of your own app-building process. No one will tell you what to do with your branding or any other visionary alterations.

We also provide you with a documentation section that gives you an overview of every single detail about all of our app builder’s modules and features. You can access it, follow its navigation steps, and check out all the tips it offers for you to apply to your industry-related app. Sign up now for nandbox’s native no-code app builder, and develop the app that your business deserves for a fraction of the cost. Upon signing up, you will activate your 14-day free trial. This trial was created to help you familiarize yourself with the app builder’s templates, features, modules, and branding options.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Auto Renewable Subscriptions on iOS appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

iOS App Testing: How to Test Your App on TestFlight Wed, 05 Jul 2023 05:03:24 +0000 What Do You Need to Know About TestFlight and iOS App Testing? We all know that testing is the most crucial step in the app development process. It is when developers can identify where they went wrong and if there is any area for improvement that can enhance the user experience later on. However, what […]

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What Do You Need to Know About TestFlight and iOS App Testing?

We all know that testing is the most crucial step in the app development process. It is when developers can identify where they went wrong and if there is any area for improvement that can enhance the user experience later on. However, what you didn’t know is that the testing process differs from one operating system or platform to another. Android app testing differs significantly from iOS app testing. Testing Android apps revolves around generating APKs, while iOS app testing depends on Test Flight. But, what exactly is iOS’s test flight? In this article, we will explain everything concerning test flight, the iOS testing platform, and the whole iOS app testing process.

What Is Test Flight?

It is a universal fact that the iOS development process is very complex. That is because the iOS application’s requirements and the guidelines developers need to follow are very precise. In addition, it also takes much time and effort, from designing and developing to testing. With many developers aiming to develop apps and many users asking for them, Apple focused on a very important aspect, which is testing, and offered iOS developers an efficient solution.

Apple created and unveiled Test Flight, a testing platform, in 2010. You’d also be surprised to learn that TestFlight was first made for both testing iOS and Android applications. However, it stopped supporting testing Android apps in 2014. TestFlight is available in the Apple App Store as a regular app. Developers will need to install it to be able to test their applications. It supports testing for all Apple devices, and developers can test up to 100 applications at once. Testing at TestFlight is divided into two categories: internal testing and external testing.

Internal testing

Internal testing is the process of testing your application among your development team and the whole organization. Or it can be conducted with a much smaller circle of users that doesn’t exceed 100. Through TestFlight, you can easily invite up to 200 users to test the application. You can also divide them into groups and assign a different build to each group to get feedback from more than one perspective.

External Testing

External testing is a broader version of internal testing. It is the process of beta testing your app on a large number of random users and anyone else you’d like. So that you can gather final feedback and make all the final modifications before releasing it on the Apple App Store. Through TestFlight, you can invite more than 10,000 users by sharing public links or sending invitations via email and inviting them to test your app. The same goes for external testing; you can also create test groups and assign them to users so that they can experience different versions of the apps with different elements.

How to Test Your iOS App on Test Flight: Step-By-Step Guide

Now that you have a brief knowledge of what TestFlight is, we will now guide you through the steps of iOS app testing on this platform.

Here are the steps to test your iOS app using TestFlight:

1.) Create a new app in the App Store Connect

The first thing you need to do is join the Apple Developer Program, which will allow you to access the app store and connect later on. Keep in mind that the app developer program costs $99 per year as an enrollment fee. After enrolling, you will create an app in App Store Connect. Apple’s App Store Connect is an online tool for developers to manage their applications and control their App Store presence. Creating a new app in Apple Store Connect involves entering all your app’s information, in addition to a unique identifier that you need to generate from the app developer program.

2.) Upload a Build of Your App to App Store Connect and Submit It for Review

The next step after creating a new app in App Store Connect is to upload a build of your app and request a beta app review. Once you access your app in the App Store Connect, you will find a TestFlight tap where you will create your build. The app build is usually done using Xcode. Also, your app’s name, description, and several screenshots must be uploaded to App Store Connect throughout this procedure. Once, you are done with all these steps, you can submit your app for review. Apple will then check your app for compliance with its App Store Review Guidelines after you submit it for iOS app testing review. If your app makes it past the beta app review, you can now start your testing journey.

3.) Invite Testers to Your App

Once your app has been reviewed and approved for iOS app testing, you can invite testers, as we mentioned above. By conducting either internal or external testing, you can add users’ email addresses to the TestFlight section of your app in App Store Connect. The maximum number of testers for an iOS app is 10,000. By accessing a public link or receiving an email, users will be invited to install the TestFlight app on their iOS devices. But remember that for users to try out your app and test it, they will need to download TestFlight on their iOS devices.

4.) Monitor Users’ Feedback

In App Store Connect, you can keep an eye on users’ feedback as a developer. App Store Connect will provide you with issue reports and suggestions made by testers. These will give you valuable insight into how to enhance your app and identify areas for improvement.

5.) Submit Your App to the App Store

Now that you know your pitfalls and the feedback on your app and how it operates, you will make all the necessary alterations to reach the final version of your application. Once you are done with all the alterations, the iOS app testing phase is finally complete. You can now go on, submit your app to the Apple App Store, and provide users with a great and perfectly functioning app.

Create and Test Your iOS App with nandbox!

As nandbox truly understands how time- and effort-consuming developing and testing an iOS app is. The app-building platform has put in a lot of work to make it simple for anyone, not just developers. Anyone can develop, test, and release an iOS app. With nandbox, iOS app testing only takes a fraction of the time it normally would. That is because all you need to do is enter your app developer account information, invite nandbox as an app manager in your Apple developer account, and enter your bundle ID or identifier that you got earlier from the App Developer Program.

After that, the team at nandbox will take care of all the technical aspects required to test and publish your application; you will only need to invite your users to test it. Not only did it make app development more enjoyable, but nandbox successfully made iOS app testing even better and easier. Try the nandbox app builder now and build your app with an affordable cost, a streamlined process, and a one-of-a-kind experience.

The post iOS App Testing: How to Test Your App on TestFlight appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

The Best WYSIWYG iOS App Builder for Beginners Thu, 18 May 2023 05:00:17 +0000 Create an iOS App Using a WYSIWYG App Builder In light of this fast-paced (never-ending) environment in all industries. People had to come up with solutions to be able to adapt to this pace. The food industry now has great machines to produce food 10 times faster. The healthcare industry is employing novel technologies, and […]

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Create an iOS App Using a WYSIWYG App Builder

In light of this fast-paced (never-ending) environment in all industries. People had to come up with solutions to be able to adapt to this pace. The food industry now has great machines to produce food 10 times faster. The healthcare industry is employing novel technologies, and apparently, robots can now perform surgeries. As per the app development industry, it is a bit of a long story. The app development industry has seen a major transformation and is expecting more in the future. Now, developers are looking to develop a large number of apps in the shortest amount of time. But how? Many development approaches appeared to replace the traditional ones, such as no-code and low-code. In this article, we will discuss one of the most popular platforms and approaches, which is WYSIWYG. Whether you are looking to develop an Android or iOS app, WYSIWYG Builder has got your back.

What are WYSIWYG Builders?

Let us first start with a very important question, what is WYSIWYG? And, yes, we know it sounds like a spell; you could sense it is quite similar to expelliarmus and would disarm someone if you said it out loud. However, it is a very important approach in the development sector, and it does have a meaning. WYSIWYG is an acronym that actually means “what you see is what you get” (see, not a spell). The term literally means what it indicates. It is a development approach where anything the developers integrate will be exactly the same in the final product. There are no tricks or gimmicks, simply, what the developer sees and expects is what he gets.

The WYSIWYG builders came to developers as an ideal solution. With the exceptional and increasing demands from users, developers needed a more efficient and quick way to accomplish all their tasks. With WYSIWYG builder, there is no need for hours, weeks, or even months of writing codes. These types of builders are based on pre-made components, with all the codes already written and tested. The developer’s only task is to expand this vision, get creative, and start building the application with these components. It’s as simple as that. All WYSIWYG app builders allow developers and even non-developers to experience the development journey in a fun and intuitive way. Now, all people have the chance to create iOS and Android apps in a matter of minutes.

Benefits of WYSIWYG builders

As we further explore the WYSIWYG app builder, let’s analyze some of the many advantages it provides, both to developers and non-developers.


WYSIWYG builders also provide users with a great level of customization. With these tools, developers can customize the look and feel of their applications with ease. Branding components like the app name, icon, and colors can be adjusted with a few clicks. Plus, developers would have access to many advanced features such as stores, authentication, and payments that can also be employed with one click and make the app unique.


WYSIWYG builders can help you speed up the development process significantly. Think of them as something like Lightning McQueen—faster than fast, quicker than quick. With WYSIWYG builders, developers wouldn’t need to spend time on traditional coding practices. Instead, everything is ready at the same time and is of the same quality. This means that today, more than ever, developers can get their work done much faster while still creating excellent apps.

Saving Money and Effort

Saving Money and Effort

The cost was every developer’s first concern when it came to starting a new development process. Traditional development processes usually call for huge amounts of money and resources. This prohibited many developers from resuming many of their projects due to the shortage of money. Many WYSIWYG builders now offer their services at prices that everybody can afford. As for effort, there is no need for coding. Developers won’t need to exert all the effort they exerted back in the day. As there is no need to get familiar with programming languages and spend sleepless nights writing lines of code,

Best WYSIWYG App Builders

Appy Pie


Appy Pie is a popular WYSIWYG app builder that enables users to easily create mobile apps without any coding experience. The builder also offers a range of templates and features so developers can customize their apps. The WYSIWYG builder is based on a drag-and-drop interface that makes things even easier for developers. With Appy Pie, developers have the option to develop apps either for iOS, Android, or Windows platforms.


Bubble is another popular WYSIWYG app builder platform that focuses on making mobile app development accessible for everyone. It also has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to customize the whole app’s user experience, even if you don’t have any coding knowledge. With Bubble, developers can also integrate third-party applications and services to add even more features and functionality to their apps.


Glide is one of the most popular mobile app development tools, designed to help people create apps with no coding required. The builder has amazing capabilities, such as many customization options and many features to choose from. Glide also takes care of and provides the tools people would need to quickly develop an app and integrate APIs.


Always save the best for last. nandbox is a leading WYSIWYG app builder that comes with many specialties. The first one would be the builder’s capability to develop native apps, being the only builder that offers such services. The second one would be having a wide collection of unique features, reaching up to 200 features to choose from and integrate. The third one would be an intuitive and easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. The builder also offers many pre-made templates in all app categories to further make the development process easier and more quickly. With all these capabilities and even more, let us guide you through how to make an iOS app using nandbox’s WYSIWYG builder


How to Create an iOS app using nandbox’s WYSIWYG App Builder

So, how does one create an iOS app using the WYSIWYG builder? It is actually very easy. Despite being known for being the most difficult app to develop, nandbox was able to successfully improve the iOS development process for everyone looking to develop an iOS app. Without further ado, let us guide you through.

1.) Start with branding

The first thing you would need to do is branding. The branding section in nandbox is really a unique one. Here, you get to choose your app name, colors, and icon. All the branding elements are in accordance with Apple’s design guidelines. Thus, you don’t have to worry about anything, we’ve got you covered

2.) Dive Deep into Features

Coming up are features. All features would be available to integrate into two parts: the home menu and the side menu. On the right, you would find all the features you need, classified according to function, such as communication, where you would find the messenger and essentials that include the QR scanner feature. With a simple drag-and-drop feature into either the home or side menu, your app is ready to go.

3.) Testing


Think we would forget something as important as testing. Through the nandbox app builder, you can easily test your iOS app by releasing it to Apple’s TestFlight. There you could review and modify everything in your app.

4.) Publishing

Here is where Nandbox shines. Nandbox was able to successfully gather all the publishing setups in one place. This is due to complaining codes, as well as combining all the necessary setups to be done in one place efficiently with no need for any external intervention. So, all you need to do is just fill in the necessary information in the apple developer setup and you are ready to shine with your iOS app


In Summary

WYSIWYG app builders are an excellent choice for both developers and non-developers looking to create an app with ease. These tools provide users with a great level of customization, speed up the development process significantly, save both money and effort, and help develop the best iOS app ever. Also, with nandbox, the iOS development process is like never before. Everything from branding to integrating features and publishing. Everything is made easy and streamlined. So, if you are looking for a WYSIWYG builder to develop an iOS app, nandbox is always the answer.

The post The Best WYSIWYG iOS App Builder for Beginners appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

The Challenges of Publishing an iOS App and Overcoming Them Wed, 15 Mar 2023 07:37:24 +0000 The Challenges of Publishing an iOS App and Overcoming Them When building an app, you want it to be as accessible as possible. As half of smartphone users are Apple device users, releasing an iOS version of your app is a logical step. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. This article discusses the […]

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The Challenges of Publishing an iOS App and Overcoming Them

When building an app, you want it to be as accessible as possible. As half of smartphone users are Apple device users, releasing an iOS version of your app is a logical step. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. This article discusses the challenges of publishing an iOS app and tips to overcome them and get your app approved for release on the Apple App Store.

Why Publish an iOS App

Publishing an iOS app is sensible for any developer, especially if you want to reach a large audience. With half of all smartphone users using Apple devices, releasing an iOS version of your app can significantly increase your user base.

But the benefits of publishing an iOS app go beyond expanding your user base. The App Store is a trusted platform where users can discover new apps, and having your app listed there can give it more credibility. Additionally, iOS users tend to spend more money on apps than users of other platforms, which means more revenue for your app.

Overall, publishing an iOS app is a great way to expand your user base and increase revenue. Despite the challenges of getting your app approved on the App Store, the benefits are worth the effort.

But getting your app approved on the App Store can get challenging. Apple has a strict review process to ensure that apps meet its privacy, security, and quality standards. This review process can take some time, and there are requirements that your app must meet to be approved. In the following sections, we’ll discuss the challenges you may face and provide tips to help you overcome them.

The Publishing Challenges of an iOS app

1.) App Uniqueness

App Uniqueness

Challenge: iOS reviewers don’t accept applications they deem copycats or repetitive. They don’t want another messenger or dating app with the same features as many others. The app idea has to be fresh and the features innovative.

Solution: The solution might seem simple, but it is not. Devising a unique idea and developing new functions can take longer in the development process. Our advice is to research the market and take some time before starting the development process to ensure that the app idea is distinctive. The research will help you learn the common app categories that you might want to skip and other types to which you can add new features.


2.) Quality of Content

Challenge: Your app’s quality content has to be original, appropriate, and inoffensive. The Apple team knows that people of all ages and backgrounds view your app, so they shouldn’t encounter something that offends or exposes them to obscenity. Another crucial point is to create engaging content relevant to the app’s purpose.

Solution: To ensure that your app meets Apple’s quality standards, carefully review all the content in your app before submission. Ensure that all text, images, and videos are appropriate for all ages and do not contain offensive or inappropriate material. You can also consider using content filters or age restrictions to ensure that your app is only accessible to appropriate audiences. As for creating engaging content, you could hire a content creator skilled in different types of content to add the best content for your app.


3.) Style Guidelines

Challenge: Apple has strict stylistic guidelines, unlike its counterpart, Android. They are related to the font, color scheme, app icon design, and other visual elements. The guidelines are in place to provide a consistent user experience across all iOS apps. If your app doesn’t follow these guidelines, it may not get approved.

Solution: To ensure your app meets Apple’s style guidelines, follow the Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for iOS. These guidelines will help you design your app to match the look and feel of other iOS apps. And using the correct color scheme and font will ensure your app icon is unique and meets Apple’s requirements. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your app has a higher chance of getting approved.


4.) Hardware and Software Compatibility

Hardware and Software Compatibility

Challenge: Apple frequently updates its operating system, and apps must be compatible with the latest version. So, you must update your app regularly to ensure compatibility with new iOS releases. Failure to do so may result in your app being removed from the App Store.

Solution: Stay updated with the latest iOS releases and ensure your app is compatible with each new version. This may require updating your app’s code or design, but it’s crucial to keep your app working correctly. Additionally, test your app thoroughly before submitting it to ensure it works with the latest iOS release. By doing so, you can ensure that your app remains available on the App Store and accessible to users.


5.) Insufficient Data

Challenge: One of Apple’s requirements is to have complete data on your app, including the metadata, contact information, and legal disclosures.

Solution: Ensure that all information you add is accurate and complete. Try to be in the customer’s shoes; what information do they need to know before using your app? Metadata will give them a brief idea about what to expect from your app. Contact information is vital if they want to contact you for any reason. And for sure, legal disclosures are indispensable to avoid any legal-related hassle.


6.) Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security (1)

Challenge: Apple has strict privacy and security requirements that apps must meet. Apps must protect user data and provide clear information on how data is collected, used, and shared. Inability to meet these requirements can get your app rejected or removed from the App Store.

Solution: To ensure your app meets Apple’s privacy and security requirements, implement data protection measures such as encryption and secure storage. Clearly outline your app’s data collection and usage policies in your app’s privacy policy and display a link to the policy within the app. Additionally, be transparent about any third-party services or SDKs used in your app and how they handle user data. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your app is secure and meets Apple’s requirements.


One of the challenges of developing an iOS app is the cost. Making a native app for both Android and iOS can get pricey unless you use the only native no-code app builder in the market: The nandbox app builder. Try it now!



The post The Challenges of Publishing an iOS App and Overcoming Them appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing Thu, 02 Feb 2023 10:07:14 +0000 How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing Creating an app and getting it released on the Apple App Store requires many tedious steps. However, if you have the drive and determination, you just need the right information. Keep reading to learn how to get […]

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How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing

Creating an app and getting it released on the Apple App Store requires many tedious steps. However, if you have the drive and determination, you just need the right information. Keep reading to learn how to get an app published on the app store as easily as possible.

How To Get An App Published On The App Store In 2022/2023?

Before you begin taking steps to publish an app on the Apple App Store, you’ll want to ensure that your app meets all of the requirements for uploading.

Apple is notorious for cracking down on apps that infringe on copyright laws. So, it’s a critically important factor in knowing how to get an app published on the app store. Here, you will need to be careful when publishing your app to make sure that it is all original. Another important factor is that you must have the rights to any media that you use in your app.

For example, if your app uses images of famous celebrities or images from third-party brands, you’ll need to make sure that you have the rights to use those images. Otherwise, your app may be rejected for publishing on the App Store.

8 Tips For A Successful App Publishing:


1. Enhance Your App Idea

Before you proceed, you should understand how to publish your app on the app store. You’ll want to make sure that the app idea that you publish on the App Store is one that you’re truly passionate about. If you are not truly interested in your app, it may be hard to convince customers to download it.

Additionally, you may want to make sure that your app idea isn’t too similar to other apps that are already on the App Store.


2. Create A Business Plan

Here, you are still in your preparation phase, and you’ll need to create a business plan for your app before you publish it to the App Store. This will help you stay on track with your goals and objectives for the app, as well as make sure that you stay within your budget.


3. Build The App  

You can create the app yourself using a no-code app builder like nandbox, or you can hire a specialized app design company to do it for you.

In the agency case, you will need to ask them to make it optimized for iOS 16 and make sure that your app will be supported across all screens.

Frankly, this demands having a high budget. Because agencies and freelancers will cost you thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars, whereas nandbox’s app builder will cost you much less and allow you to have a fully customized app in less than a day. 


4. Make Sure Your App Works Well

You might think that your app is perfect, but if it doesn’t work properly, no one will use it. As a matter of fact, you need to make sure that your app is unique and useful. If you have a boring app, no one will want to download it.

Make sure that your app is something that people would actually use. So make sure that everything works perfectly before submitting your app to the App Store.  To install your app smoothly and quickly, you need to turn off two-step verification and turn on two-factor verification.

5. Use App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a process in which app owners optimize their apps for search results in Apple’s iTunes App Store.

A) The first thing you need to do is create a unique name for your app. If you have a great idea for an app, make sure you use a simple and creative name. Don’t just copy someone else’s name. When designing your app’s logo there should be no transparency in it. If your logo has transparency, these transparent areas will be painted black by Apple during your upload.

B) Your app description should be short and sweet. People don’t read long descriptions, so keep yours under 100 words. Include screenshots if possible. Your app’s screenshots in the market must reflect the in-app and not belong to any Android device. (Even if you take the screenshot from an Android device, you have to crop the status bar)

C) Keywords are the search terms people type into the App Store to find the apps they’re searching for. Choose a few relevant keywords and add them to your app description. You should not leave the Description, Keywords and Support URL fields blank.


6. Add Social Sharing Buttons

With social sharing buttons, your app’s content can be shared with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other sites. These buttons help increase downloads and engagement. Your application content should not only consist of your website. The Apple App Store rejects apps that offer the same experience as Safari but do not offer added value.


7. Pre-Promote Your App

Let people wait for your app and support you in your startup phase. All you need is to get some reviews. You can ask friends and family to write reviews for your app.

Also, there are many ways to promote your app, including posting about it on your blog, tweeting about it, writing reviews, and using social networks.


8. Submit your app

Once you’ve created and tested your app, submit it to the App Store. You’ll receive an email once your app is reviewed. To do this, go to iTunes connect. Click “Submit New Apps” and then “iTunes Connect Developer.” From here, you can upload your app and fill out any information that you may need.


Things to Avoid and to Do Before Publishing Your App on the Apple Store

Because we care about your app’s success, here are a few points to take in consideration before publishing your app:

  • You must fill in your contact information completely. People would want to reach you for specific bugs in your app or simple app support. That’s why your contact information should be fully completed.
  • You must fill in the required fields in App Privacy and click Publish.
  • If there is any section in your application that requires membership, you must create a demo account and specify the login information in the “Sign-in Required” field so that the Apple App Store can also review this section.
  •  If there will be in-app purchases in your application (product sales, subscription transactions, etc.), you must complete these transactions before your application is sent for review. Otherwise, in-app purchases in your application will not work. Here’s how to make an in-app purchase.

What is Apple’s In-App Purchase 

Apple’s top-notch commerce and payment solution makes in-app purchases a consistent and secure experience, making it simple for users to manage their transactions and subscriptions over time. In-app purchases allow users to:

  • Pay fast in 45 different currencies using the over 200 payment methods supported by their Apple ID, including Apple Pay, debit or credit cards, cash back, province methods, and more – all of which are securely recorded on file.
  • Access their paid content and you can also restore purchases on new devices.
  • Obtain assistance with content they’ve purchased or to get a refund, use Report a Problem.
  • Utilize Family Sharing to share qualifying purchases.
  • View the history of their purchases made with Apple products.
    They can all be managed in one location.

Apple’s In-App Purchase Steps

Follow the following steps to create apple’s in-app purchase in your app:

  • Select your app from the “My Apps” tab.
  • Click In-App Purchases from the sidebar under Features.

  • click the add button (+) to add in-app purchases.
  • Select the type: Consumable or Non-Consumable.
  • Add both the reference name and product ID, then click “Create”

How Publishing Your App On Apple App Store Will Benefit Your Business?

One of the biggest advantages of uploading a new app to the Apple App Store is that it will increase your app’s discoverability or the likelihood that customers will come across your app and download it.

With a larger audience, your app will likely have increased downloads, in-app purchases, and even subscriptions. This will lead to an increase in revenue and can help take your business to the next level. Also, uploading an app to the Apple App Store may help you build a loyal customer base, who may come back to you for future purchases.

Customers who download apps are usually interested in the product or services that the app provides, which can lead to repeat business. Furthermore, you may also be able to attract potential investors with a high-quality app on the Apple App Store.

Investors may be more willing to fund a company with a highly successful app on their portfolio, as opposed to an app with little to no downloads.

In Conclusion

The process of getting an app published on the app store may appear straightforward. But it requires a high level of focus and commitment to your app business. Knowing how to get an app published on the app store is not just a piece of knowledge for your app-building phase in your business journey. But you should use it repetitively focusing on improving your app’s quality as long as your app is live.

Publishing an app on the Apple App Store can be a huge undertaking, but it’s also a great way to make money and potentially grow your business. Before you begin publishing an app, make sure that you follow our tips on how to get an app published on the app store to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

Try nandbox app builder for free and build your app now.


The post How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

GPT-3 AI Chat: A New Replacement for Search Engines Sat, 28 Jan 2023 11:03:04 +0000 GPT-3 AI Chat: A New Replacement for Search Engines A new technological revolution is shaking the world nowadays. It is causing people to raise their hands with an unlimited capacity of questions. GPT-3 AI Chat, aka ChatGPT, is an OpenAI-developed natural-language chatbot. It is very good at having conversations and answering questions in a way […]

The post GPT-3 AI Chat: A New Replacement for Search Engines appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


GPT-3 AI Chat: A New Replacement for Search Engines

A new technological revolution is shaking the world nowadays. It is causing people to raise their hands with an unlimited capacity of questions. GPT-3 AI Chat, aka ChatGPT, is an OpenAI-developed natural-language chatbot. It is very good at having conversations and answering questions in a way that sometimes seems surprisingly human. I know what you’re thinking; it is indeed scary. We’re not suggesting that it will end the human element through its intelligence. People are simply asking how far it can go.

Since the launch of ChatGPT, a certain point has been of concern for some people. Will it be an alternative to search engines? So far, ChatGPT can answer questions in a non-robotic way and can even admit a mistake. Are we waving goodbye to Google and other search engines? Can we verbally ask anything to that bot and have an answer that makes us give up surfing the internet for answers? This is what we’ll be discussing in this article.

What is the Gpt-3 AI Chat Bot

GPT-3 AI Chat is a natural language processing technology that enables users to find the information they are looking for by asking questions in a conversational fashion. It uses an algorithm based on machine learning and natural language processing to generate responses that are more accurate than those of traditional search engines. It works by understanding your intent and returning results based on it, making it much faster and more intuitive than regular search engines.

How Does the Gpt-3 AI Chat Bot Work

GPT-3 AI Chat works by analyzing the words that you type in, understanding their intent, and returning relevant results. It is able to comprehend a variety of concepts, such as cause-and-effect relationships and user preferences. It can also detect query context and communicate through natural language, meaning it understands the flow of conversational topics. This helps it understand complex questions and offer more personalized results than traditional search engines.

From learning statistical patterns, facts, sample dialogues, and annotated sentences to having humor and emotions with every word, the GPT-3 AI chatbot is perfect for some, they feel it is the new thing in town to facilitate their lives even more. Others see this as a threat, from increasing unemployment rates to AI world dominance (thank Hollywood for that). The human perspective of something will definitely differ from one person to another. But facts are facts, so will the GPT-3 AI chatbot eventually replace search engines?

Can the Gpt-3 AI Chat Bot Erase or Replace Search Engines

This is a question that is being debated by millions right now. It’s all about what kind of information we’re talking about. Let’s check some facts and basics about where the Gpt-3 AI Chat Bot gets its information from. Let’s make a little comparison between the GPT-3 AI chatbot and any regular search engine. The bot works by collecting data from normal human beings like you and me. Yes, it can give you information. However, these bots or the majority of them are not designed for “truth”; they are unable to determine whether what they are saying is accurate. The model “strategizes to be believable instead of true,” as one expert put it. Additionally, neither do search engines claim to understand what they serve up. Their task is to scan the internet and select the search results that seem to be the most relevant to you using a specific algorithm.

At least, that was the case with any pure search engine before the evolution of search engine optimization (SEO). Now links can be manipulated to appear first when you type your search. Most businesses use SEO by sponsoring their links, and promoting themselves through ads, and paid links. Although the GPT-3 AI Chat Bot can theoretically be used for search, that is not how this particular version has been created. For starters, it is unable to search the internet for the information you need and tell you where it came from because it does not crawl the internet using a search algorithm.

As a matter of fact, OpenAI stated that its knowledge base would stop in 2021, meaning that if you asked the bot about everyone’s beloved late actor Robbie Coltrane (aka Hagrid in the Harry Potter movie franchise), it would tell you that he’s pretty much still alive.

Will There Be Models That Act Like a Search Engine

The direct answer is a potential “yes.” OpenAI’s co-founder John Schulman announced that they are currently developing an upgrade to the bot that is called “WebGPT.” He stated that It could be out in some of the few upcoming months. That doesn’t mean it will be replacing Google anytime soon because Google is also working on Google Brain, a world-class AI team, not to mention that Google also owns DeepMind, which is widely regarded as the best deep-learning engine available. Google released LaMDA last year, which can do the same thing as ChatGPT: chat with users and discuss any topic known to us. It was so lifelike, in fact, that one of the Google engineers, Blake Lemoine, claimed that it could perceive emotions. Google has also stated that LaMDA will be integrated into its search, voice assistant, Gmail, Docs, and Drive services.

Potential Uses for the Gpt-3 AI Chat Bot in the Future

GPT-3 AI Chat has a wide range of potential uses in the future, as the technology continues to evolve. Some of these include augmented customer service, personalized content recommendation, automated knowledge base creation, and support for natural language understanding tasks in a variety of areas such as finance, law, health, and more. Additionally, GPT-3 AI Chat could be used to power intelligent digital assistant services that are able to understand user intent accurately and efficiently.

In Conclusion

Whether ChatGPT replaces Google or not, in my opinion, it will do a few positive things: it will enhance our search experience, give Google and other powerful search engines a rival so that it begins to innovate, and hopefully replace Google’s advertiser-driven user interface with a user-driven one.


The post GPT-3 AI Chat: A New Replacement for Search Engines appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.
