Google Play Store - nandbox Native App Builder Build Native Mobile Apps in Minutes! Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:39:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Google Play Store - nandbox Native App Builder 32 32 How To Get Featured On Google Play: A Step-by-Step Guide Sun, 03 Sep 2023 05:00:42 +0000 How to Get Featured on Google Play: A Full Guide Getting your app featured on Google Play can be a game-changer for your business. It can increase your visibility, downloads, and revenue. But how do you catch the attention of Google’s editorial staff? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you increase your chances of getting […]

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How to Get Featured on Google Play: A Full Guide

Getting your app featured on Google Play can be a game-changer for your business. It can increase your visibility, downloads, and revenue. But how do you catch the attention of Google’s editorial staff? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you increase your chances of getting featured on Google Play. Over 190 countries and millions of Android users can access Google Play. App store exposure and installs for featured apps are increased. It should therefore come as no surprise that many app developers strive to be highlighted on the Google Play Store. What measures can you take to include your app on Google Play? Let’s dive in.

From knowing how to navigate your development team to a step-by-step guide to help you add the right features that will make your app stand out from the app-making crowd and get noticed by millions of Android system users, this guide will include the tiniest details that you might need to get featured on the Google Play Store. Dive in with us and read below for more information!

Create a High-Quality App with a Unique Value Proposition

The first step to getting your app featured on Google Play is to create a high-quality app with a unique value proposition. Your app should solve a problem or provide a service that is not already available on the market. It should also have a user-friendly interface, be visually appealing, and have a smooth user experience. Make sure to test your app thoroughly before submitting it to Google Play to ensure that it is bug-free and works seamlessly on different devices. Remember, Google Play only features apps that are of high quality and provide value to its users.

We have to emphasize this very important point: your app must be exceptional, of high quality, and adhere to all Google guidelines in order to be displayed on Google Play. Use these metrics for evaluation: Ranking and feedback are subjective; effectiveness and operational stability are objective. Although Google Play hasn’t divulged all the details of the featured apps, it has provided several guidelines and tips for developers. It is a trade secret how the best-featured app is chosen. All of the listed apps, however, have a characteristic. Based on this, we identified 13 tips that will help your app be added to one of the highlighted Google Play Market app groups.

Maintain Your App’s High Performance

 Maintain Your App’s High Performance 

All applications up for consideration are first given a performance evaluation. Google services use three evaluation standards:

Rendering speed (picture downloading), the absence of frozen interface displays, how often an emergency program needs to be shut down, and battery discharge rate. The first two are the most important, while all of the aforementioned factors are important in terms of how apps are featured. While frozen screen response cannot take more than 700 ms, image downloading cannot take more than 16 ms. Fallback frequency must be kept to a minimum. Although the app could significantly drain the battery, it cannot be the cause of the device overheating.

Examine the app’s performance with various devices. Analyze the speed of downloads, the frequency of mistakes, and compatibility with other programs running concurrently. For both consumers and Google, each of those elements is essential. When connecting to several networks, verify server response and proper operation.

Optimize Your App’s Metadata: Through Three Main Factors

Once you have created a high-quality app, the next step is to optimize its metadata. This includes the app title, description, and keywords. Your app title should be catchy, memorable, and relevant to the app’s purpose. The description should be clear, concise, and highlight the unique value proposition of your app. Use keywords that are relevant to your app and its purpose, but avoid keyword stuffing. Google Play’s algorithm will use this metadata to determine if your app is relevant to a user’s search query, so it’s important to get it right. This step brings us to your localization process and how you should implement it.

Make Cultural Adaptation a Key Part of Your Localization Process

Localization Process

Games should pay extra attention to this issue. Google claims that the best apps should be simple to comprehend. So, your objective is to localize the service to a wide range of nations. You can modify the title and description, as well as add more keywords for each nation. You can enhance conversion in this manner. Additionally, the categorization of apps varies from nation to nation.

Localization includes both cultural adaptation and translation. Pay attention to the customs and distinctive features of each nation. A typical illustration is that it makes no sense to plan Christmas sales in Muslim nations or New Year upgrades for Chinese clients who celebrate the New Year two months later. Google Play’s metadata is editable at any time. After optimization, you can begin tracking changes a few hours later.

Encourage Positive User Reviews and Ratings to Improve Your App’s Ranking

Positive User Reviews and Ratings

Positive user reviews and ratings are an essential thing to focus on when it comes to knowing your users’ feedback. They can greatly increase your app’s visibility and chances of being on Google Play. Encourage users to leave reviews and ratings by prompting them within the app or through push notifications. This could help you know when your app has a bug or glitch. Additionally, it could allow you to fix these bugs and glitches so your users will give you positive ratings and reviews based on their level of satisfaction. Simply put, you should respond to any negative reviews in a professional and helpful manner, addressing any issues or concerns raised by the user. This shows potential users that you are committed to providing a high-quality app, which can improve your overall rating.

How To Get Featured On Google Play: Incorporate Google Technologies

What do we mean by Google technologies? These are tools that you can implement in your app through integrations that could help enhance it and allow your users to have a better user experience. You can use Flutter, for example, to build an app screen for any of these systems. You can build it for Android, iOS, Mac, Linux, and Windows. Another Google tool that could help you with your data is Firebase. This is a cloud service that could help you enhance your app’s data collection process to help your users experience better storage, recovery operations, and other data-related processes.

Keep New Seasons and Holidays in Mind When Optimizing Your App

Is it Christmas? Optimize your app based on this popular holiday. Add new features, release a new interface with your UI, and optimize it to have a Christmas theme.

Release additional releases during holidays like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, or the New Year. Google Play editors compile further lists of the seasonally featured apps on the eve of certain holidays.

Provide updates in advance. Google suggests submitting the feature request at least three weeks before your app is available. Therefore, if you want your app to be on the store during a specific season, you should deploy the update about a month before that holiday. Replace the app’s icon with a holiday-themed one, such as one with Christmas elements, to draw in new users and those who haven’t updated the app in a while.

How to Get Your App Featured on Google Play: A Checklist

Follow the following steps to guarantee constant app optimization:

  • Analyze the initial data, including performance metrics, ranking, feedback, and promotion.
  • Compared to other apps in the same category, evaluate your app. Analyze your service’s shortcomings.
  • Enhance the interface, features, and performance continuously.
  • Streamline the app’s store page.
  • Not only localize, but also customize the user interface to each nation’s unique cultural norms.
  • Support active promotion, and advertise and publicize your app.
  • Utilize the most recent Google technology integration.
  • Release updates on a regular basis, and plan to release seasonal updates in advance.
  • Clearly describe even modest innovations.

Continually keep track of downloads and participation. At each level, consider user feedback to continue enhancing the app. As we mentioned above, You can utilize Google services or specialized tools to accomplish this and facilitate the whole process for yourself.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Featured on Google Play: A Full Guide

If you want your app to reach millions of users, uploading your app on the Google Play Store will be something of great importance for you to achieve. Google’s Play Store will guarantee you millions of downloads and users if you only walk by their guide and start implementing them in your developmental stages. That is why we are writing down this article for you, to guide you through certain steps that will help you develop an app that will get you to the Google Play Store in no time.

The whole process of developing an app could actually be a little complicated or intimidating. That is because you keep thinking of the amount of app developers that you should hire to develop your app with tons of coding and programming languages that you might not be very familiar with.

This is where we come to you with our seamless product that will allow you to actually sleep without worrying about your app’s development method or development. Nandbox, which is a native no-code app builder can help you with pre-made templates build an app in literal minutes.

You have the freedom to lead the way through this process and can customize these templates to your preferences. Additionally, you can add all of our features and modules using our simple drag-and-drop addition feature. Sign up now and build with us an app that you could feature on Google’s Play Store.

The post How To Get Featured On Google Play: A Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide Wed, 16 Aug 2023 05:00:32 +0000 Android vs. iOS Development: A 2023 Guide Since you are here, that means that you have finally made up your mind and want to develop an app. This is the first step towards a journey filled with decision-making and choices that you will have to make. Intimidated? Don’t be. Because in this guide, we will […]

The post Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Android vs. iOS Development: A 2023 Guide

Since you are here, that means that you have finally made up your mind and want to develop an app. This is the first step towards a journey filled with decision-making and choices that you will have to make. Intimidated? Don’t be. Because in this guide, we will help you make the right decision. This decision will depend on whether you choose which platform to develop your app on first. You have to choose between Android and iOS development. Trust the process and read below to know the benefits, costs, and developmental details of each platform. When it comes to mobile app development, choosing the right platform can make all the difference. With the continued growth of the industry, it’s important to prioritize your app’s platform. The one that will give you the best chance of success. As we mentioned above, this guide compares the pros and cons of developing for Android vs. iOS in 2023. That is to help you make an informed decision about which app to develop first. There are several elements to consider, and this is exactly what we will be discussing and comparing.

Market Share and User Demographics

Market Share and User Demographics

When deciding between Android and iOS development, it’s important to consider market share and user demographics. Android has a larger market share globally, with over 72% of the market compared to iOS’s 27%. However, iOS users tend to have higher incomes and spend more money on apps. Which makes it a more lucrative platform for developers. Additionally, iOS users are more likely to be located in developed countries. On the other hand, Android users are more prevalent in developing countries. Consider your target audience and their spending habits when deciding which platform to prioritize. The Android platform may seem like the logical choice. That is when considering only demographics, but this may not always be the case. Simplicity and ease are good for everything. However, you have to put all aspects of your research into consideration to make the right decision.

Android vs. iOS Development: The Time and Cost Spent

The Time and Cost Spent

Another important factor to consider when deciding between Android and iOS development is the time and cost involved. Developing for iOS can be more expensive and time-consuming. Due to the need for specialized hardware and software, as well as the strict app review process. For example, submitting an iOS app can actually take up to one month to be approved. Additionally, at the slightest error, your app may get rejected due to their strict review.

On the other hand, Android development can be more flexible and cost-effective. As it supports a wider range of devices and development tools available. The app submission process takes around three to four days, specifically. Furthermore, you have a better chance of publishing your app on the Google Play Store than on Apple’s App Store. Consider your budget and timeline when deciding which platform to prioritize.

Another major point of comparison is the number of times you can update your app on both stores. While an app on the Android platform can theoretically be updated at any time and with an endless number of times. App upgrades on the iOS app store are only permitted three to four times per month. Which takes us to the next point.

App Store Approval Process

One major difference between Android and iOS development is the app store approval process. Apple has a strict review process that can take several days or even weeks to complete, while Google’s process is generally faster and more lenient. This means that, like we mentioned above, iOS apps may take longer to get to market, but they are often more polished and reliable. For example, you will find that on the App Store, there are much fewer apps with glitches or bugs. Android apps, on the other hand, may be released more quickly but may have more bugs or compatibility issues. It’s important to factor in the app store approval process when deciding which platform to prioritize for your app development.

Android vs. iOS Development: Monetization Options

Another important factor to consider when deciding between Android and iOS development is the monetization options available on each platform. Both platforms offer in-app purchases and advertising as ways to generate revenue, but there are some differences. For example, iOS users tend to spend more money on in-app purchases than Android users, but Android has a larger market share overall. Additionally, Apple takes a 30% cut of all in-app purchases, while Google takes a 15% cut for the first $1 million in revenue and 30% after that. It’s important to weigh these factors when deciding which platform will be more profitable for your app.

Android vs. iOS Development: UI Development and Design

 UI Development and Design 

iOS is often far more UI/UX-friendly than Android because of features like Interface Builder that are built into Xcode. Because iOS frameworks are so simple to use, developers can devote more time to creating wonderful experiences for their users.

Android is the best option if you value having access to a greater range of customization options for building and design. However, it should be remembered that all of this independence requires a lot more time. Additionally, the end-user usually doesn’t care how fancy the back end is; they only care that it functions positively in a clear and understandable way.

However, it should be noted that Google’s design principles for producing easier-to-use, better-designed apps for Android platforms, Material Design, were unveiled at the 2014 Google I/O Developer Conference. Therefore, although not quite there yet, Android is on track to develop a more user-friendly development platform.

Future Trends and Predictions

As mobile app development continues to evolve, it’s important to stay up-to-date on future trends and predictions. One trend that is expected to continue is the rise of mobile commerce, with more and more consumers using their smartphones to make purchases. Another trend is the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in mobile apps, allowing for more personalized and efficient experiences. It’s also predicted that the demand for augmented reality and virtual reality apps will continue to grow. There is a theory that is trending nowadays that, at some point in the near future, the Metaverse that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg created will have actual people depending on their lives to be lived inside the Metaverse. Unbelievable, I know! Keeping these trends in mind can help you prioritize which platform to develop for and what features to include in your app.

When Should You Develop Android First?

If you wish to reach a larger audience globally. Additionally, if you wish to receive more app downloads, you can choose to design for Android first. You can take advantage of the best return on investment in these countries as more people utilize Android apps, especially if your target market resides in India, China, or the United Arab Emirates.

Developing the app for Android may be a better investment due to the increased number of Android users and downloads, if you are interested in advertising your app with in-app advertisements. Think about the features your target audience prefers as well as whether Android gives you more flexibility to integrate those features.

When Should You Develop iOS First?

When you want to create a minimum-viable product, iOS should be your first option. Additionally, as iOS is more popular in the USA and UK, it would be more suitable if the audience you are targeting resides in these countries.

Because iOS users are more likely to make in-app purchases, iOS is a better option if you want to monetize your apps without in-app ads and if you want to offer users free and premium versions of your app. The platform you select will therefore depend on the kind of app you want to make and the intended user base.

When Should You Develop an App for Both Platforms?

Both of these platforms are the best options if you want to enter the market head-on. You’re going in with both barrels, sure that your app will succeed. Usually, established businesses are the ones to make this leap. Since they have the resources to do so, it makes sense for them if we’re talking about not lacking any resources like money, time, or effort. Additionally, an app could create a stir on one platform but go unnoticed on another. Therefore, if you have the money, go for it. Your chances of success rise as your product becomes more widely available. The number of downloads for the app will increase as more people gain access to it.

To Conclude This Android vs. iOS Development Topic

In conclusion, we would like to state that both platforms are of great importance. They both have their pros and cons. Furthermore, each platform could actually benefit your business in a certain aspect depending on your features, budget, project management, and other app development factors to consider and research.

If your business is a startup and you aim to empower it with an app, we have a solution to offer you. Most developers or IT teams require too much planning, money, and effort. That is why we advise you to opt for a no-code app builder solution. Our app builder, nandbox, is a no-code native app builder that could help you develop apps supported by both the Android and iOS systems in a matter of minutes. You won’t need any prior knowledge of any programming or coding languages.

Our app builder guides you through a detailed documentation section that will help you understand the app builder’s features and modules. It will also show you how to configure some of the features and modules of your app, with screenshots and detailed explanations.

Upon signing up, a free trial will be activated for you in order to have a good time span to familiarize yourself with the app builder’s navigation process. Bring your idea to life with nandbox’s native no-code app builder and publish your app easily, either for Android or iOS!

The post Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Google Developer Account Explained: From Steps to Price Wed, 08 Feb 2023 12:19:00 +0000   Google Developer Account Explained: From Steps to Price Imagine yourself as an app developer going through the development journey. You’ve completed all the essential steps that are necessary to make an app functional. Starting from conducting research, learning your app’s purpose, settling on your app’s branding, and choosing the features. All of this may […]

The post Google Developer Account Explained: From Steps to Price appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.



Google Developer Account Explained: From Steps to Price

Imagine yourself as an app developer going through the development journey. You’ve completed all the essential steps that are necessary to make an app functional. Starting from conducting research, learning your app’s purpose, settling on your app’s branding, and choosing the features. All of this may seem like more than enough, however, you still have one essential step left to take. That is publishing. It is becoming increasingly important for businesses to have an online presence. In order to take advantage of the many tools available to them. All app developers have the option of choosing between two platforms. To publish on the Google Play Store, businesses need to have a Google Developer Account. This article will discuss what a Google Developer Account is, its price, and how it can be used to benefit a business.


What is a Google Developer Account

A Google Developer Account is an account that enables app developers to publish their apps on the Google Play Store. It provides access to the Google Play Store, as well as other features and integrations that enhance the app even more. With a Google Developer Account, developers are able to make their apps available to millions of users and monetize them. It is an essential tool for app developers to ensure their success in the app market and increase business exposure.

Benefits of Having a Google Developer Account

Get Discovered

Having a Google Developer Account gives you access to the Google Play Store, which is one of the largest app stores in the world. Among the 2.5 billion active users on the Google Play store and over 111 billion downloads. This gives your app the opportunity to be seen by millions of potential users, increasing your chances of success. With Google Play Store’s advanced targeting features, such as keywords, you can also make sure that your app is reaching the right people.

Monitor App Performance

Google Developer Account provides all the metrics and analytics that you need to track your app’s performance. You can use these insights to identify potential areas for improvement, as well as to stay up to date with the latest trends in the app market. Additionally, the data provided by the Google Developer Account can be used to modify and update existing features, so that you can provide users with the best possible experience. This can help you to ensure that your app is always running optimally and is as up-to-date as possible so that you can stay ahead of the competition and remain competitive in the market.

Generate Revenue

With a Google Developer Account, you can also monetize your app by enabling in-app purchases and running ads. This can help you generate additional revenue for your business and make your app more profitable. You can also use the Google Play Store’s promotional tools to increase downloads and get more users to try out your app. If you are also willing to develop a luxurious paid app or even convert your free app into a paid one, a Google Developers account is your companion. You will be able to set your pricing and closely monitor your profit.


Cost of a Google Developer Account

The cost of a Google Developer Account is a one-time fee of $25. This fee is non-refundable and must be paid in order to access the Google Play Store. Once you have paid the fee, you will be able to publish your app and make it available to millions of users. You have no limit to the number of apps you may publish to your Google Developer Account. Once the fee is paid, the sky is the limit. With the Google Developer Account, you can also take advantage of all the features that the Google Play Store has to offer, such as analytics, promotional tools, and in-app purchases.


How to Create a Google Developer Account

First, you are going to access the Google Play Console page, through which you will open your Google Developer account.

Keep in mind that in order to open the developer’s account, you need to have a Google account. So, make sure to create one if you don’t have any.

After signing in to your Google account, you need to choose your account type. You will have two options. The first is to choose “yourself.” This option is optimal if you are developing your app for fun or as a pursuit. The second is to choose “organization.” This option is ideal if you are developing your app for your business, whatever its type. We’ll walk through both options


For Yourself

Following your selection of an option, you will be redirected to an “about you” section. If you have any previous experience with the Play Station or Android, you will need to write them down. Then you’ll be asked if you’ve accessed or used any other Google accounts with Play Console in the previous six months. Finally, you can provide a URL for your website if you have any or a social media profile to verify your identity. You can choose “I don’t have a website or social media profile” if you’d like to provide either.



Proceeding from there, you will set up your account by choosing your developer’s account name, contact name, contact email address, preferred language for further e-mail communications, your contact address, and your phone number. Keep in mind that you will need to verify both the email address and phone number. After entering each, you will click on “verify my email address/phone number.” Once you get both codes, you are good to go.



Getting to the pre-final step, which is the “apps” section. In this section, you would provide general information about the app you created and wish to publish. Such as the number of apps you would like to publish if you are planning on monetizing in the future, and your app’s categories.



Lastly, you would get to “terms.” To be able to finalize your account and pay the one-time fee, you need to read and agree to both the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement and the Google Play Console Terms of Service. Once you have read them carefully and thoroughly and agreed to them. It will instantly redirect you to the payment page. Now, you are ready to take off and publish as many apps as you want. Just make sure to stick to the Google Play Store guidelines to avoid reactions and ensure a seamless publishing process each time.



For An organization


The steps for creating a Google Developer Account for an organization would be the exact same except for one additional step. In this step, you must provide Google with all of your organization’s information.  As organization’s name, company or business name type, size, detailed address, phone number, and website. You also need to provide a reason as to why your organization doesn’t have a website to be able to proceed forward with the steps.


Next, In the “About you” section, you will only need to provide any previous experience with android or Google Play Console

You will get to continue with the steps as they are, with no alterations. And there you have it, a Google Developer account for your organization where you can easily develop an app for your business and help it grow and flourish.



There you have it: everything you need to know about a Google Developer Account. From the price to the detailed and in-depth guide to developing one. Now, that you have the easy and simplified key to publishing your app on one of the most powerful platforms available on the market. It is also important to stick to some high standards while developing your app. You can easily do so with nandbox. Nandbox is a no-code app builder that lets you develop a native app of any type and category. You can choose from a variety of templates, including many from popular apps like Facebook and Instagram. You will also get to integrate up to 200 features that will enrich the user experience. Swing into action and try the nandbox app builder now!


The post Google Developer Account Explained: From Steps to Price appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Google Play Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store Tue, 03 Jan 2023 09:42:51 +0000 Google Play Store Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store Android is currently the most popular OS in the world of smartphones. Because it’s an open-source operating system, third-party smartphone manufacturers use it globally to power their phones. Now smartphones can do anything with the help of mobile apps. Fortunately, Google, which owns […]

The post Google Play Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Google Play Store Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store

Android is currently the most popular OS in the world of smartphones. Because it’s an open-source operating system, third-party smartphone manufacturers use it globally to power their phones. Now smartphones can do anything with the help of mobile apps. Fortunately, Google, which owns the Android OS, launched an official store to provide a distribution platform for publishing these apps. And in this article we are going to discuss Google Play Store statistics and what the top apps on the store are.

Users can feel safe and more secure when downloading apps because the Google Play Store offers them extra protection. This blog post provides fascinating Google Play Store statistics, along with the top apps in the store by category.

How It Started

Before 2012, the store for downloading Android apps wasn’t as we know it now. People downloaded their apps from the Android Market. It had a different UI and UX. Here’s an old screenshot to refresh your memory:

The Android Market was launched in 2008 for users to download Android apps. That was back when Android was a newcomer. Apps were free before Android started supporting paid apps in 2009, and in the same year, they released Google eBookstores. In 2011, one year before merging, they released Google Music.

Then, in 2012, Google decided to merge all apps into one to avoid confusion. They also announced that users would find their downloaded and purchased apps on all devices because the new Google Play store is cloud-based. The Google Play Store launched in August 2012 with around 450 thousand apps and will see that number multiply in the next five years.

The current Google Play Store interface:

google play store statistics

General Google Play Store Statistics 2022

This section briefly overviews the general statistics as of December 2022. The store currently has 3.759 million apps published by 1.12 million different vendors. On average, around sixteen thousand apps are released weekly, so that figure isn’t decreasing soon. Most published apps (96%) are free, while some may include optional in-app purchases. Apps on the Google Play Store fall into 49 categories. The top categories with the most apps are education, business, tools, entertainment, music and audio, and shopping.

Regarding ratings, only 52% of the apps, or 1.9 million, got rated by users. 29% of the apps are rated between 4-4.5 stars, 23% are 4.5–5 stars, and only 15% got a 5-star rating. It’s worth mentioning that the relationship between the star rating and the number of apps is directly proportional.

Most Popular Apps in Each Top Category in the US


Education has escaped the confines of the classroom. Below are the top educational apps on the Google Play Store. An extended list would include Google Classroom,, and Kahoot!

#1: Duolingo

Known for its haunting owl mascot, Duolingo is the most popular language-learning application. The free version of the app is fully functional, but it offers a premium subscription plan for additional features and ad removal. The app’s learning style focuses on exercises and quizzes to make the experience fun for the learner. The app has 41 languages, only 38 of which are available for English speakers. While the app gives language learners a fun way to start learning a new language, some may argue that it’s unlikely to make a beginner fluent. In 2022 alone, the app was downloaded 5 million times from the Google Play Store and currently has a 4.5-star rating.

#2: Photomath

google store statistics

A revolutionary approach to learning mathematics, Photomath scans a mathematical equation and solves it on the spot. Free and premium users get an explanation of how the problem is solved, although the paid subscription offers a more detailed one. Students and parents love the app, as evidenced by its 4.6-star rating. However, some teachers worry that some students may use it to cheat on their homework. The app ranks second among the top apps in the Education category in the US and has over 100 million downloads.


The business apps category caters to different types of apps. It includes Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Authenticator, Google Chat, and Indeed for job searching.


google play statistics

In 2020, with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, everything went online, and Zoom became the go-to platform for video conferencing. Today, it is still a popular choice for many businesses to use for online meetings, online classes, and more. The platform has great capabilities, offering users high-quality audio and video meetings. The free version of the app is limited, with a maximum of 40 minutes per meeting and three whiteboards, though. But users can choose one of three paid tiers to be able to host extended sessions. Zoom has more than 500 million downloads globally and a 4.2-star rating.

Microsoft Teams

Another popular app of the same type is Microsoft Teams. It has similar features and capabilities to Zoom, but some of its pricing plans are less costly. Teams give users a 30-day free trial before subscribing. But nothing is perfect; one of Microsoft Teams’ drawbacks is that the premium service requires an annual subscription. The app currently has a rating of 4.7, which is higher than Zoom but not by much, technically, since it only has over 100 million downloads.


The tools category contains Google-published apps that do basic functions, like the Clock or Phone tools. So, we decided to skip to the next one.


The entertainment category is the 4th top category on the Google Play Store, which is not surprising. People are now abandoning cable TV for on-demand online streaming services.


Believe it or not, Netflix has been around since the 1990s. Then, users would rent a limited number of movies or TV shows in DVD format for a flat monthly fee. In 2007, the company started its online streaming services, and in 2013, it released the widely acclaimed television show House of Cards as its first piece of self-produced content. Now, the company has more than 2400 original titles and $29.7 billion in revenue. The Android app currently has more than 1 billion downloads and a 4.4-star rating.


NBC Universal launched Hulu in 2007; it became public in 2008. Their online subscription service started in 2010, giving users full access to full seasons of TV shows. Now, the company is owned by The Walt Disney Company and Comcast, with a share of 67% and 33%, respectively. However, Disney intends to buy the rest of the company’s interest after 2024 and become the only owner of Hulu. The Hulu app has more than 50 million downloads, which is little compared to Netflix but still remarkable given that it’s only available in the US, Puerto Rico, and Japan. With over 700k reviews, the app is rated 4.5 stars.

Music and Audio


Spotify started as a Swedish project in 2006 and is now one of the top audio streaming services in the world, with [more than 433 million users]( is the world’s leading,subscribers spread across 183 regions.). The freemium service allows users to listen for free but with limited controls over what they’re listening to; they can’t skip ads and get six skips only per hour. Moreover, only desktop and web player users can playback songs on demand. Paid subscribers get full access to all the app features, including downloading songs to listen to offline. Spotify has over 1 billion downloads and a rating of 4.3 stars.

YouTube Music

YouTube Music is another now-popular streaming service released by Google. While the service has the same prices as Spotify, it offers more functionalities for free users. Some users choose it over Spotify because they believe it has more intelligent AI. YouTube Music’s one disadvantage is that the quality of the music is lower than Spotify’s. YouTube Music also has more than one billion downloads. Its star rating is currently at 4.6 stars.


Amazon Shopping

google play store statistics

Jeff Bezos, one of the wealthiest men alive, founded and still owns it. He initially created the venture to sell books, but the company was met with justified skepticism and didn’t make much profit until 2001. Now, Amazon sells products of all types and operates in more than 15 countries, delivering products globally. The company has a 4.4-star rating based on 3.26 million reviews and over half a billion downloads.


While Jeff Bezos created Amazon, believing in the power of the internet, the founders of Walmart created the stores in the 1960s, before the internet was invented. This year, it celebrated its 60th anniversary with more than 10,000 stores in 24 countries, besides e-commerce websites. Their annual revenue is around $500 billion. The Walmart mobile app has a rating of 4.7 stars and over 50 million downloads.

Speaking of shopping apps, you can create a fully-operational e-commerce app with the nandbox native no-code app builder. All you have to do is sign up for the free trial, choose a template, and then add all the features you want with a few mouse clicks.


The post Google Play Statistics and the Top App Categories on the Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:17:22 +0000 Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature The final step of developing an app is bringing it to light. There’s no better way to incite downloads than publishing it on an official store, like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. They both add layers of protection […]

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Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature

The final step of developing an app is bringing it to light. There’s no better way to incite downloads than publishing it on an official store, like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. They both add layers of protection that provide users with security. Users don’t think twice before downloading an app from both official stores. That’s why we created this guide to show you how to publish an app on the Google Play Store and the App Store if you’re using the nandbox app builder and the store verification account feature.

Store Verification Account

If your application has an authentication system for logging in via email or phone number, you should provide both Google and Apple with a demo account that includes a login and password. nandbox represents the Store Verification Account feature, which helps you creating your demo account to accomplish the mission.

Important consideration must be given to the demo account before publishing your app, as Google and Apple store might reject your submission for skipping this step. Both Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store might reject your submission for skipping this step, so they require a demo account for any app that has login functionality to review them for several reasons:

  • Content Checking: They must ensure the app’s content meets store guidelines. This includes checking for inappropriate or harmful content, age-appropriateness, and deception.
  • Security: The app must be secure. It must be malware-free and secure user data.
  • Advertisements and Purchases: They must be able to verify that in-app purchases and ads comply with store policies.
  • App Functionality Verification: All app features must be tested, not just the login screen. They must interact with as many as possible to prevent fraudulent or harmful apps from being published and maintains app store quality.

How it works:

In the App setting page, scroll down till you find the Signup & Registration section. Click the arrow to configure a login method in your app.

The builder supports two methods: either via Email or Mobile. Choose the right one for your app and complete your configurations.

Here comes the role of the store verification account. Click the arrow to access the settings.

Click the method you chose in the login & signup section, then proceed with the process.

Now that you’ve created your demo account, you’ve generated login instructions for accessing your app. Copy your instructions and insert them in your Google Console account.

Since a demo account is for one-time usage, after you make your first copy, your status will be changed to inactive. You need to click “reactivate” to generate your second demo account with instructions. Copy and paste them into your Apple Developer account.

Google Play Console Account

At the App Content section, click App Access, mark “All or some functionality in my app is restricted”, then click Add instructions

1.) Add instruction name

2.) Add the email or the phone number used in your demo account

3.) Then add the instructions in the empty box

4.) Don’t forget to mark “No other information is required to access my app”

5.) Then click Add

Apple Developer account

From the side menu, click “Prepare for submission, scroll down till you reach App Review Information, and add the instruction in the empty box.

It can be a hassle to learn how to publish an app on the Google Play Store or the App Store. You have many steps to take, all while worrying if your application is approved for publication or not. The demo store verification account you create with nandbox facilitates part of the process. You can use it to upload and enlist your app for review with ease. Additionally, it doesn’t cost extra to upload both the Android and iOS versions of the first app you create. Sign up now to try out this feature and more on nandbox.


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Top Reasons Why Your App Might Be Rejected on Google Play Store (and how to solve them) Updated 2023 Mon, 28 Nov 2022 11:24:14 +0000   Top Reasons Why Your App Might Be Rejected on Google Play Store (and how to solve them) Updated 2023 The platform is the first thing any app owner should think about when conducting and developing an app. The platform on which you intend to publish your application is a major consideration and something that […]

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Top Reasons Why Your App Might Be Rejected on Google Play Store (and how to solve them) Updated 2023

The platform is the first thing any app owner should think about when conducting and developing an app. The platform on which you intend to publish your application is a major consideration and something that many factors depend on. The guidelines for platforms differ from one to another. So it’s not a standard that the guidelines you stick to for publishing your app meet. Following Google’s guidelines won’t certainly get it published on Apple’s App Store. It’s a very important step to understand these guidelines and work accordingly. To make it easy for you, we’re going to list for you the top 5 pitfalls that are common and usually get apps rejected on the Google Play Store.

Issue: Requesting Call Log and SMS Permission

Since Google Play Store updated its permission policy, Google has limited apps that are allowed to request Call Log and SMS permissions which means that many apps could be rejected if they do not provide sufficient justification to requesting call log and SMS permission.

We will explore how to request call log and SMS permission for call-based OTP account verification.

1.) Go to Google Play Console.

2.) Scroll down and select App content from the admin menu.


3.) Under Sensitive App Permissions, click Manage.


4.) Under SMS and Call Log Permission, click Manage.


5.) Select call-based OTP account verification.


6.) Under instructions for review, enter your justification for requesting call log and SMS permission which could be: “Verification of users’ phone number using flash call during signup”

7.) Click Save.


Issue: Missing Privacy Policy

One of the most common reasons Google might reject your app is a missing privacy policy, we will go through the two sections where you should have a link to your privacy policy page.

1.) Go to Google Play Console.

2.) Scroll down and select App content from the admin menu.

3.) Under Privacy Policy, click Manage.


4.) Enter your link for your privacy policy page and click Save/


5.) Next, log in to nandbox app builder, and click on App Settings.


6.) Scroll down until you reach Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and click on it.


Enter the link and click save.


Issue: Need Login Credentials for App Review


Which is displayed in the form of the following message from Google:


Follow these steps provided from Google.

In the “+ Add new instructions” filed, note that you have to include a step by step guide on how a user should be verified, an example is provided below:

1- Open the app.
2- Click the button: AGREE & START.
3- Enter the email address : ********* then press continue.
4- You should receive a verification code in the email *********
5- Enter the code received in step 4 and click the VERIFY NOW button.
6- Enter any display name then press Update public profile button.
7- You now have full access to all sections of the app.


You also have to provide access to Google for the demo account that you created by writing down the email and the password:

Email address : *********
Email Password : ***************


Continue the steps until you send your app for review.

These are a few common reasons why your app might be rejected on Google play, stay tuned as we update this article!


Copyright Issues

One of the most common reasons that lead to rejection by the Google Play Store is copyrighting. The Google Play Store has extremely stern guidelines against the infringement of copyright. Many cases of poorly copied successful apps were the reason behind these strict guidelines. Ranging from copying titles, visual design, or even the whole app.

To avoid this mistake, you should study your competitors’ apps thoroughly to steer clear of any similarities that may be present between the apps. And then go through your app and review your app’s icons, descriptions, titles, or in-app elements to ensure it’s not conflicting with any other app as a final assurance.

App’s bugs and errors

Bugs and crashes are other common reasons why the Google Play Store might reject your app. Poor app functionality is a big factor for a lot of rejections that you seriously need to take into consideration

Google doesn’t permit applications that freeze, force-close, crash, or behave in any other abnormal way. You need to test your application numerous times and on a variety of different devices first. Testing your app first before submitting allows you to see it from a user’s perspective and fix any errors or bugs. Making sure that your app is stable and provides an excellent user experience eliminates any chance of Google rejecting it.


Nature of your App and its Content

To ensure that its platform is safe for everyone, Google’s guidelines strictly prohibit a specified type of content. Breaching these guidelines will get your app instantly rejected.

The type of content that Google restricts is

  • Sexual Content and Profanity
  • Hate Speech
  • Promoting violence
  • Sensitive Events
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Promoting gambling

The inclusion of any of these types of content can put your app in a tough spot and eliminate all chances of it getting approved.

So how can you prevent this from happening? particularly if your app includes user-generated content, which may increase your risk. You should always revise, review, and monitor all the content on your app, remove any content that may pose a risk of restricting your app once and for all, and make all the necessary adjustments. You should also mention that in your policies to make it clear for all users. Repeated violations of the restricted content guidelines can result in the permanent termination of your account, so take good care of it.


Inaccurate App Rating

Similar to the first reason, Google Play offers content ratings, which are meant to help app developers share the right content ratings with users. This information was provided in advance to help users understand if this app is suitable for this age group or audience. It informs users, mainly parents, of potentially sensitive content that may be contained within an application.

Upon submitting your application, you will need to fill out a questionnaire providing information about the nature of your content and the specified audience that can use it. The Google Play Store doesn’t consider any app without a content rating. You should fill out the questionnaire with accurate and true information, as any misleading details or information that leads to the wrong app content rating will put your app at risk. Google gives you another chance to re-fill the questionnaire properly with the right information and submit your app once again. So make sure you don’t make the same mistake twice.

Presence of malware

Malware is simply any code present within the app that puts a user at risk and may lead to his data, device, or security being violated. Google’s guidelines about malware are straightforward and stern. As soon as the app is submitted, it will be immediately rejected if it contains malware or even has a link to malware in any of its parts or description.

So, to avoid the hassle of submitting and resubmitting, you have to go through your app and your app’s code to make sure all the links are clean with not even a 1% chance of the presence of malware. This can guarantee that you publish the app seamlessly.

After following this article and the Google Play Store guidelines thoroughly, you can now enjoy a prompt and easy submission process and enjoy your app without worrying about the Google Play Store rejecting it.


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How To Test Your App Before Publishing Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:26:26 +0000   How To Test Your App Before Publishing Releasing an untested mobile app is as bad as releasing an unfinished app. Few apps are complete—or even perfect—when first released, but many are at least a minimum viable product (MVP). And even then, they would have gone through at least one round of testing before being […]

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How To Test Your App Before Publishing

Releasing an untested mobile app is as bad as releasing an unfinished app. Few apps are complete—or even perfect—when first released, but many are at least a minimum viable product (MVP). And even then, they would have gone through at least one round of testing before being published.

There are a few platforms available for testing native and hybrid mobile apps. Some support only testing for a single operating system, either iOS or Android. But others allow you to test both versions of your app, assuming you are releasing it for both OS. However, most of these are services you pay to use. Both Apple and Google offer ways for developers to test their native or hybrid mobile apps at no cost. You should also test any web-based apps you develop. But since you do not publish these on the App Store or Google Play, the method for testing differs.

nandbox is the only no-code mobile app builder platform that makes it easy and affordable for anyone to develop a native mobile app. Other platforms deliver either a hybrid or web-based app. Below we will explain how to use Apple’s and Google’s free mobile app testing services. You can use these to test your native or hybrid mobile app, regardless of you developed your app.


Why Test Your App Before Releasing It?

You test your app before releasing it to ensure that all features work as you intended. This includes evaluating usability, and assessing the app’s stability. These are all things you can test yourself. But getting other people to test it can help identify issues you did not experience, overlooked, or did not anticipate.

Not everyone is using the very latest software release or the latest phone model. This applies whether you developed your app for iOS, Android, or both. And unlike iPhones, with Android, you have dozens of phones released by different manufacturers. Large-scale testing will allow you to pick up on issues only experienced on certain phone models or specific versions of the operating systems.

It isn’t unusual to have app developers stipulate that they optimized their app for recent phone and operating system releases. But this usually includes phones and operating systems released in the last 3-4 years.


Testing an iOS App Using TestFlight

  • If you have collected the email addresses of people interested in being notified when the app launches, reach out to them to see if they would like to test your app.
  • If your app is meant to support your existing business, speak to your current customers to enquire if any would want to be a tester.
  • Use social media (including Reddit) to ask for testers. You can public link allowing anyone to opt-in without any need to manually manage a list.

TestFlight allows up to 10,000 external users to test your app, and you can even have different users testing different builds of your app. Each build remains available for testing for 90 days after it was first uploaded. The App Store will review the first build you add for external testers. This is to ensure it adheres to the App Store Review Guidelines. Testing can only begin once they approve the app.

Testers can submit feedback directly to you via the TestFlight app and can also include screenshots to highlight issues they encounter. If you enable crash reporting, the system will prompt testers to send details of any app crashes to you.



Testing an Android App Using Google Play Console

Like TestFlight, Google’s Play Console allows users to test your app before you publish it. Using Play Console for testing is free and allows for open, closed, and internal testing. As the name suggests, internal testing is meant for having a small group of trusted users test your app before allowing a larger group of volunteers to test it. Open and closed testing has important distinctions you need to be aware of:

  • Closed Testing ­– internal testing allows you to have up to 100 trusted users test your app before you release it. Closed testing allows you to have a much larger group of users test your app without publishing it on Google Play first. As with TestFlight, you will need to find users for closed testing. You will need to create an email list and manually add testers for a closed test.
  • Open Testing – with open testing, you publish the test version of your app on Google Play and anyone can discover and install it. This saves you from having to manage an email list and users can still submit private feedback on the app. But your app and store listing must be ready to be shown on Google Play.

You can run multiple closed tests and one internal test at the same time. This can be useful for having different groups of testers focus on specific features or tests.


Things To Remember When Testing Your App

With TestFlight you won’t always know who your testers are. When testers submit feedback via the app, they can opt-out of including their email address. However, you will be able to see what device and iOS version the tester was using, along with other critical—but non-identifying—information.

Give testers information on what the purpose of the app is, even if you feel it is obvious. Ask them to perform specific tasks too, such as:

  • Creating an account and updating their profile.
  • Using Facebook, Apple, or Google to sign in (if offered in your app).
  • For e-commerce apps, ask them to find specific items in your store, add them to their cart, and then complete to the check-out steps.
  • Have them test all features of your app, with a special focus on any features that use a phone and operating system features, such as the calendar, camera and camera roll, and others.

Keep in mind that there are two types of Android releases, an APK version, which is used to test your application before publishing,  and an bundle version which is the version used for publishing on the Google Play Store.

If you’re able to communicate directly with your app testers, ask them questions as part of their feedback, such as:

  • What features were most and least useful.
  • How fast the installation was in comparison to other apps they’ve installed.
  • How easy was it to navigate to specific screens and to find the information they needed.
  • Why would or wouldn’t they use the app again.
  • What functions did not work or did not work as expected.
  • How likely they are to recommend the app to friends.
  • What features or functions did they feel were missing.

nandbox makes it easy and affordable for anyone to develop a native app for iOS, Android, or both operating systems. And with dozens of features that you can add to your app, your app can be simple or complex. But despite nandbox making mobile app development simpler for anyone, you still need to have your app tested. And every time you make significant changes to your app, you should have the app tested again. Whether you’ve added or removed features, or just tweaked the flow.

Rather than being a tiresome process, app testing is vital to ensuring your app works as intended and is enjoyed and valued by users.


The post How To Test Your App Before Publishing appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Android APK Test – Find Out If Your App Is Ready for release Mon, 14 Nov 2022 11:56:01 +0000   Android APK Test – Find Out If Your App Is Ready for release Developing an Android app takes time, ranging from hours to months. With all the hard work, you want to rest assured that your app is functioning as intended. When you launch an app for your business, your customers and clients should […]

The post Android APK Test – Find Out If Your App Is Ready for release appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Android APK Test – Find Out If Your App Is Ready for release

Developing an Android app takes time, ranging from hours to months. With all the hard work, you want to rest assured that your app is functioning as intended. When you launch an app for your business, your customers and clients should have a positive user experience while navigating the application. That’s where an APK test comes in handy. This article will teach you about APKs and how to use them in the app development process.

What is an APK?

APK is a file format used by Android that contains all elements required for an Android application to distribute and install. It stands for Android Package. Like RAR and ZIP format, APK is an archive file format that contains multiple files. When you download an application from Google Play Store on your Android device, it installs as an APK. Thereafter, you have the option to download your app as an APK to test it before publishing it on Google Play Store. 

Why You Need to Test your App

As has been noted, creating an app is a lengthy process. Indeed, you don’t want hours spent configuring and tweaking it to go to waste on a faulty app. Hence, you need to test it firsthand to be sure everything is in place. Above all, testing your APK will offer real-time feedback on all errors and bugs, making them easier to fix. Moreover, when you test your app, you get a hold of how it looks and feels, and how it will represent your brand to your clients and customers.

What to Look for When Testing Your APK

When testing your app, some elements are important to examine; like UI (User Interface), design, security, and basic functionality. Evidently, a neat design and UI grant a positive user experience. After all, your clients and customers will continue using your application if they’re comfortable navigating it. Because security is equally important, you need to ensure functions like authentication, authorization, and encryption are working as intended. Additionally, you want to check basic functions related to the purpose of your application. For example, if it’s an e-commerce application, then searching, picking, buying, and paying for products should be smooth and effortless.

How to Test Your App

You can either test your app using an emulator or by generating an APK and installing it on your Android device. The emulator creates a virtual environment on your computer that simulates using your app on your phone or tablet. While emulators come in handy in the development process, using real devices instead provides more accuracy. Some no-code app builders, like nandbox, include a feature for generating an APK so that you can use it to test your app.

Testing Your APK in nandbox

Overall, the nandbox app builder has a straightforward process of testing your APK. Start using our app builder now and try it yourself.


Once you’ve finished setting up your app on nandbox app builder, navigate to the build menu to begin the process of generating an APK. All you need is to upload an app icon and notifications icon, then enter a package ID for your app. Afterward, you select APK as a release option. Then, click ‘download’ and you will have your app in APK format to use it as a test APK on your Android device. That way, you can certainly decide if your software is ready for publishing on Google Play Store. 


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How to Enable Google In-App Purchase in your App Sun, 13 Dec 2020 08:52:10 +0000 What are in-app purchases? In-app purchases are extra content or subscriptions that users can buy inside an app, which allows you to profit from your app by offering products or services that users can buy from inside your app, in this article we will show you how to enable Google in app purchase. How can […]

The post How to Enable Google In-App Purchase in your App appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

What are in-app purchases?

In-app purchases are extra content or subscriptions that users can buy inside an app, which allows you to profit from your app by offering products or services that users can buy from inside your app, in this article we will show you how to enable Google in app purchase.

How can you enable Google in-app purchase in your app?

Firstly, you need to link your account to a Google Developer Project.

1. Go to Google Play Console, and click on the settings page.

2. Open API Access tab.

3. Accept the Terms of Service.

4. Click “Create New Project”.

5. Click “Create Service Account”

6. You will be prompted with the following screen, click on Google API Console.

7. It will open the link in a new tab, you will be prompted with the following screen, click on “Create Service Account”.

8. Enter the details of the new service account and click Create.

9. Next, grant this service account access to Google Play Android Developer so it has the permission to complete specific actions.

10. In the search box, type “Android”, and select “Android Management User”

11. Click Continue.

12. Next, click on Create Key.

13. Download the file in the JSON format.

14. Next, go back to the Google Play Console page and click Done.

15. Click Grant Access.

16. Make sure to check the two boxes of the “View Financial Data” and “Manage Orders” then click Add User.

17. Next, go back to nandbox app builder to upload the JSON file.

18. Go to App settings.

19. Enable the In-app purchase feature.

20. Click on it, and you will be prompted with the following screen, click on upload Google Service JSON file, select the JSON file and click save.

Secondly, you need to enable real-time developer notifications for your app.

Enable Real-time developer notifications for your app

To enable Real-time developer notifications for your app, do the following:

  1. Open the Google Play Console.
  2. Select your app.
  3. Go to Development tools > Services & API.
  4. Scroll to the Real-time developer notifications section at the bottom of the page.

  1. In the Topic name field, enter projects/nandboxdev/topics/in-app-billling-prod
  2. Click Update Topic.



After you enabled the in-app Google Purchase, you need to add subscriptions as products that users can purchase on your app, you can modify the pricing of the subscription and the duration period of the subscription.

1. Go to Google Play Console, and select your app.


2.) From the left hand side menu, scroll down until you reach “Monetize” and click on Products.


3.) Then click on Subscriptions.


4.) Click on Create subscription.


5.) Enter the Product ID, note that this product ID must be unique for each subscription that you create.


6.) Enter the subscription name and details, subscription details may be shown to users when they purchase or manage subscriptions.


7.) Enter the billing period of the subscription.


8.) Choose the pricing of the subscription and click Apply prices.


9.) Make sure that the first three options are disabled as we do not currently support these features yet, enable the Resubscribe option to give the option to users who cancelled to resubscribe once more.


10.) Finally, click save.

11.) Now open nandbox app builder.

12.) From the admin menu, click on Channels.


13.) Hover over the channel that you would like to set up a subscription plan for and click on Set Up Payments.


14.) In the SKU section, enter the Product ID that you entered in the Google Play Console website, enter the remaining information as you specified them on Google Play Console, make sure that the price that you enter is the same as the price you specified on Google Play Console. 


15.) Click Save.

Congrats! Your channel is now ready to be subscribed to.


Enabling Google In-App purchase in IOS coming soon!


The post How to Enable Google In-App Purchase in your App appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

The Ultimate Guide to Publishing Your App on Google Play Store Thu, 04 Apr 2019 17:45:17 +0000 The Step-By-Step Guide To Publish Your App on Google Play Store Imagine your business is possible to reach more than 2 billion people worldwide. It’s the number of Android users that Google announced in 2017. On the Google Play Store, a lot of potentials can surge for your business by landing a mobile app there.  Together […]

The post The Ultimate Guide to Publishing Your App on Google Play Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

The Step-By-Step Guide To Publish Your App on Google Play Store

Imagine your business is possible to reach more than 2 billion people worldwide. It’s the number of Android users that Google announced in 2017. On the Google Play Store, a lot of potentials can surge for your business by landing a mobile app there.  Together with Google’s Academy, the nandbox team will guide you to the Google Play Store.

Within the coming lines, you will know how to upload your app – built on nandbox App Builder – on the Google Play Console. There, you can prepare your app to get published on the Google Play Store and manage it as well in the future. That’s after creating the Google Developer Account, as explained in a previous article


What is nandbox App Builder?

nandbox is a Canadian mobile app development platform, established in 2016. The SaaS platform has developed a no-code, mobile app builder, which enables everyone to make mobile apps with best-in-class capabilities. In other cases, companies and individuals needed to screen and recruit technical personnel for app development tasks. But with nandbox App Builder, you can build personalized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. Neither coding nor upfront costs needed – but a 14-day free trial and life-time app support.


7 basic steps on Google Play Console to anchor your app on the Play Store

Step 1: Create a Google Developer Account

To submit your app to the Google Play Store, you’ll need a developer account. For a Google Play Developer account, you have to pay a one-time fee of $25. Navigate to your Google Play Console, then start creating an application.

Step 2: Bundle generation and saving

After testing your app thoroughly by releasing an APK, generate the bundle of your app on the nandbox dashboard and save it to later upload on the Google Play Console.

Step 3: Set your Store presence

Here is where you’ll put information about your app, like the title, description, category, contact information, and more. You’ll also have to add an app icon and an accurate screenshots token from your app for store preview.


Check this Google article to get more information on how to do it.

Step 4: Set your App content

This step is the most important one in your publishing process. You need to complete some questionnaires to receive a content rating for your app. The content rating guarantees that your app complies with Google Play’s policies and is appropriate for the target audience.

Check out the rating system of Google Play for more information.

Step 5: Set your App pricing

Choose whether your app is a paid or free download. Set the price if you decide to charge for it. Then you have to choose if your app is a game or an app, as well as the regions in which it will be distributed.

Step 6: Release your App Bundle

Here comes the role of the bundle you have released from the nandbox dashboard in the second step. On the Production page, create a new release and upload your app bundle with a release name.

Step 7: Send your app for review

Google will review your app after submission to make sure it complies with Google Play policies. It will be published on the Play Store if it passes the review.

If Google reviews your app and finds some errors, you’ll be notified through your dashboard. When you work on editing them, make sure to send the changes you make for review manually from the publishing overview page.

Be certain to check all your policies continuously to track Google’s instructions and warnings in order to update them. Apart from publishing your app in the Play Store, consider creating and sell digital downloads as an alternative or supplementary strategy.

Check out this documentation to guide you through the process in detail.

Feel free to contact us at We are glad to support you wherever you are.


The post The Ultimate Guide to Publishing Your App on Google Play Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How to Open a Google Developer Account to Publish your Android App on Google Play Store Wed, 03 Apr 2019 17:44:09 +0000 Get Ready To Publish Your App on The Google Play Store! Day after day, technology proves no failure. Over 50% of people worldwide head more to mobiles when compared with desktops. In 2018, around 75% of the smart handy users went for the Android operating system, as stated by Statcounter. Such persuasive data is enough to let […]

The post How to Open a Google Developer Account to Publish your Android App on Google Play Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Get Ready To Publish Your App on The Google Play Store!

Day after day, technology proves no failure. Over 50% of people worldwide head more to mobiles when compared with desktops. In 2018, around 75% of the smart handy users went for the Android operating system, as stated by Statcounter. Such persuasive data is enough to let you position your business app on the Google Play Store. Your business can now reach more than half of the world population by 2020 through your app published there – only a few steps to make it happen and Google Developer Account is your first station.

What is the Google Developer Account? And how to set it?

It is a Google platform dedicated to developers. Even if you are not a developer, the Google Developer Account is essential to publish and manage your apps on the Play Store, through the Google Play Console. And when it comes to coding or programming knowledge, let the nandbox team take it over after creating your app on nandbox App Builder. You only have to set up an account.

What is nandbox App Builder?

nandbox is a Canadian mobile app development platform, established in 2016. The SaaS platform has developed a no-code, mobile app builder, which enables everyone to make mobile apps with best-in-class capabilities. With nandbox App Builder, you can build personalized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. Neither coding nor upfront costs needed – but a 14-day free trial and life-time app support.

To open up a Google Developer Account, navigate to your starting point – the Google Play Console. Sign in there with your business’ Gmail account. Follow the steps and consider paying a one-time registration fee of $25. Hence, you are now ready to create your app for the Google Play Store.

An ultimate guide to support you along with this journey is coming on its way. Follow our blog and stay tuned!

If you have any questions, it will be our pleasure to contact us at


The post How to Open a Google Developer Account to Publish your Android App on Google Play Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.
