App Store - nandbox Native App Builder Build Native Mobile Apps in Minutes! Mon, 15 Jan 2024 10:44:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 App Store - nandbox Native App Builder 32 32 Increase App Installs in 2023: An App Exposure Strategy Tue, 29 Aug 2023 05:00:11 +0000 Increase App Installs in 2023 an App Exposure Strategy If you’re looking to increase app installs in 2023, you’ll need to focus on app exposure strategies. These strategies can help you reach a wider audience. With so many apps available on the market and in the app stores, it can be challenging to be unique […]

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Increase App Installs in 2023 an App Exposure Strategy

If you’re looking to increase app installs in 2023, you’ll need to focus on app exposure strategies. These strategies can help you reach a wider audience. With so many apps available on the market and in the app stores, it can be challenging to be unique and yet attract new users. But with the right tactics, you can drive more downloads. You can also grow your user base effectively. Here are some proven strategies to help you boost your business exposure and increase app installs in 2023.

You always expect that a significant percentage of consumers will at least give your mobile app a chance. That is when you put a lot of effort and money into developing it. Unfortunately, persuading individuals to click “Install” can be quite challenging.

The bright side is that there are several tried-and-true strategies for boosting app downloads. Some are quite obvious, such as purchasing social media ads. But as a savvy product manager or company CEO, you are already aware of these possibilities. In this article, we’ll examine a few of the well-known and incredibly successful strategies. These strategies have generated millions of downloads for popular apps.

Increase App Installs: What Are Growth Marketing Strategies?

Managers employ a process called strategic marketing planning. This process makes sure that the company’s objectives are in line with its marketing initiatives. The organization or business must establish its mission and objectives. Additionally, how it may best utilize its capabilities in a dynamic market. That is for strategic marketing planning to be successful. The following is the process of strategic marketing planning:

  • Define the company’s mission and goals.
  • Define the goals of the company.
  • Examine both the internal and external environments.
  • Examine the portfolio of the business.
  • Decide on marketing tactics.

The business’s portfolio and market strategies are of great importance for your business. They allow you to have a higher exposure rate and better publicity in the app market. Below, we will be discussing some of the most crucial strategies that will help you increase app installs instantly:

Optimize Your App Store Listing

It’s critical to make your app store listing count. That is because it will provide potential consumers with their first impression of your software or application. Make sure your app title, description, and screenshots accurately reflect what your app does and its unique features. Use relevant keywords in your description to improve your app’s visibility in search results. Also, consider adding a video preview to showcase your app’s functionality and user experience. Your app’s exposure can be greatly improved, and downloads can be dramatically increased, with a properly optimized app store listing.

Leverage Social Media to Promote Your App

social media to promote

A strong method for spreading the word about your app and expanding its user base is social media platforms. That is why you should plan to use it when you are developing an app for your business. You can create social media accounts. This will help your app become popular on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Moreover, regularly post updates, news, and promotions on these accounts. Another major tip that you should use is to use relevant hashtags to increase your reach. Additionally, this will help you engage with your followers and build a community around your app. You might also think about collaborating with influencers or running social media advertisements. That will increase the exposure of the application even further. Don’t underestimate the power of social media to drive and increase app installs for your app and business.

Run Paid Advertising Campaigns

Paid Advertising Campaigns

Running paid advertising campaigns is a great way to increase app installs. You may target specific audiences based on their age, interests, and behaviors using tools like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. This means you can reach people who are more likely to be interested in your app and convert them into users. Make sure to create compelling ad copy and visuals that highlight the benefits of your app and include a clear call-to-action to download it. Monitor your campaigns regularly and adjust your targeting and messaging as needed to optimize for conversions.

Offer Incentives for App Downloads

It is a terrific strategy to persuade consumers to install your app if you offer some sort of incentive in exchange for app downloads. Users who download your app may be eligible for special deals. These deals could be discounts, free trials, or access to unique content. This not only raises the possibility that people will download your app, but it also encourages users to interact with it. Moreover, it gives them the opportunity to become long-term customers. If you want your incentives to have the greatest possible impact, you should publicize them both in your app store listing and in your advertising campaigns.

Design a Great App Icon

Users are going to have access to your app icon for the first time when they view search results in an app store. It can assist you in standing out from the crowd, attracting attention, boosting click-through rates, and propelling downloads. Consider the most widely used apps and the symbols that represent them: what do they simply look like, what do they express or say about your business, and how do they make you feel?

A well-designed app icon should be captivating, match your brand image, express your message clearly, and represent your app’s primary features or unique selling points. It should also align with the brand image of the company that created it. To prevent appearing cluttered, the layout must be straightforward, with as little text as possible. You should also conduct research on the icons used by your competitors and select a color scheme that makes it easier for people to find you among the appropriate search results.

Use Influencer Marketing to Increase Your App’s Credibility.

Influencer marketing, according to 60% of marketers, provides a greater return on investment (ROI) than conventional marketing (it outperforms banner ads by 11 times, for instance). Consumers trust the opinions of influencers, such as well-known YouTube vloggers or tech bloggers. It can instantly boost your credibility and encourage more downloads if you can persuade them to score or evaluate your app or services in a video, reel, or article.

The good news is that working with celebrities doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. By collaborating with small influencers who have developed a devoted following and are regarded as authorities on a certain subject, you may reach niche audiences at a reasonable cost. To encourage additional people to download your app, you may even provide them with discount codes to distribute to their followers.

Start Multichannel Advertising Campaigns to Increase App Installs 

Create an online presence by utilizing content advertising, email advertising, SMS marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing through multiple touchpoints. Set up a lead-capturing system on your website and build an email subscriber list if you’re getting ready for your first launch. As soon as your software is out in the app store, you may generate buzz and encourage more downloads to improve your rating.

Along with your personal website and social media accounts, use websites like Reddit and Digg to distribute material, take part in discussions, and gain followers. To increase the visibility of your business, you can also send guest pieces to authoritative blogs and pertinent magazines and list your app on listing websites.

Leverage Referral Programs

Referral programs are a useful component of the Lean Marketing Framework because they engage users and encourage sharing, which benefits both the user and the person making the referral. This keeps the software moving forward and makes it simple to advertise it, even though app store charges are hefty.

Monitor the Right Metrics

  Monitor the Right Metrics

Depending on your company’s goals, decide which of the key performance indicators (KPIs) will have the greatest impact on your business. For instance, if you want to increase downloads, you should monitor the sources of traffic. It is important as they are the ones that result in the most installs and focus more on the channels that provide you with the best leads. In order to improve your categorization and paid ad strategy, you may also examine the devices and operating systems of users.

Use the data to acquire important insights into your conversion rate, cost per install, and ROI of your app marketing campaign, as well as the number of views on your app listing. Utilize the information to run A/B tests on a variety of elements, including the copy and images in your app store listing, the PPC ad copy, and the audience categorization for your email marketing campaigns.

Final Thoughts On Increase App Installs: An App Exposure Strategy

It is not impossible to get your app on the market. The hard part is getting your app to compete with the giants that offer users the same services as yours. Increasing your app’s downloads might seem hard to achieve, however, with the right marketing growth strategies, you will be able to persuade users to download your app and increase your app installs with minimum effort.

Another thing that could save you a lot is a no-code solution. You can develop an app with our native no-code app builder in no time at all. Additionally, nandbox’s native no-code app builder’s efficiency will help you save money, effort, and time. You can use our app builder to create an app without having to write a single line of code. Our simple drag-and-drop feature addition method makes it easy to add your desired features in your app development window.

Sign up now for nandbox’s native app builder. Create native apps that will help you empower your business and compete in the market. You will have a very strong product that users won’t be able to resist installing!

The post Increase App Installs in 2023: An App Exposure Strategy appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide Wed, 16 Aug 2023 05:00:32 +0000 Android vs. iOS Development: A 2023 Guide Since you are here, that means that you have finally made up your mind and want to develop an app. This is the first step towards a journey filled with decision-making and choices that you will have to make. Intimidated? Don’t be. Because in this guide, we will […]

The post Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Android vs. iOS Development: A 2023 Guide

Since you are here, that means that you have finally made up your mind and want to develop an app. This is the first step towards a journey filled with decision-making and choices that you will have to make. Intimidated? Don’t be. Because in this guide, we will help you make the right decision. This decision will depend on whether you choose which platform to develop your app on first. You have to choose between Android and iOS development. Trust the process and read below to know the benefits, costs, and developmental details of each platform. When it comes to mobile app development, choosing the right platform can make all the difference. With the continued growth of the industry, it’s important to prioritize your app’s platform. The one that will give you the best chance of success. As we mentioned above, this guide compares the pros and cons of developing for Android vs. iOS in 2023. That is to help you make an informed decision about which app to develop first. There are several elements to consider, and this is exactly what we will be discussing and comparing.

Market Share and User Demographics

Market Share and User Demographics

When deciding between Android and iOS development, it’s important to consider market share and user demographics. Android has a larger market share globally, with over 72% of the market compared to iOS’s 27%. However, iOS users tend to have higher incomes and spend more money on apps. Which makes it a more lucrative platform for developers. Additionally, iOS users are more likely to be located in developed countries. On the other hand, Android users are more prevalent in developing countries. Consider your target audience and their spending habits when deciding which platform to prioritize. The Android platform may seem like the logical choice. That is when considering only demographics, but this may not always be the case. Simplicity and ease are good for everything. However, you have to put all aspects of your research into consideration to make the right decision.

Android vs. iOS Development: The Time and Cost Spent

The Time and Cost Spent

Another important factor to consider when deciding between Android and iOS development is the time and cost involved. Developing for iOS can be more expensive and time-consuming. Due to the need for specialized hardware and software, as well as the strict app review process. For example, submitting an iOS app can actually take up to one month to be approved. Additionally, at the slightest error, your app may get rejected due to their strict review.

On the other hand, Android development can be more flexible and cost-effective. As it supports a wider range of devices and development tools available. The app submission process takes around three to four days, specifically. Furthermore, you have a better chance of publishing your app on the Google Play Store than on Apple’s App Store. Consider your budget and timeline when deciding which platform to prioritize.

Another major point of comparison is the number of times you can update your app on both stores. While an app on the Android platform can theoretically be updated at any time and with an endless number of times. App upgrades on the iOS app store are only permitted three to four times per month. Which takes us to the next point.

App Store Approval Process

One major difference between Android and iOS development is the app store approval process. Apple has a strict review process that can take several days or even weeks to complete, while Google’s process is generally faster and more lenient. This means that, like we mentioned above, iOS apps may take longer to get to market, but they are often more polished and reliable. For example, you will find that on the App Store, there are much fewer apps with glitches or bugs. Android apps, on the other hand, may be released more quickly but may have more bugs or compatibility issues. It’s important to factor in the app store approval process when deciding which platform to prioritize for your app development.

Android vs. iOS Development: Monetization Options

Another important factor to consider when deciding between Android and iOS development is the monetization options available on each platform. Both platforms offer in-app purchases and advertising as ways to generate revenue, but there are some differences. For example, iOS users tend to spend more money on in-app purchases than Android users, but Android has a larger market share overall. Additionally, Apple takes a 30% cut of all in-app purchases, while Google takes a 15% cut for the first $1 million in revenue and 30% after that. It’s important to weigh these factors when deciding which platform will be more profitable for your app.

Android vs. iOS Development: UI Development and Design

 UI Development and Design 

iOS is often far more UI/UX-friendly than Android because of features like Interface Builder that are built into Xcode. Because iOS frameworks are so simple to use, developers can devote more time to creating wonderful experiences for their users.

Android is the best option if you value having access to a greater range of customization options for building and design. However, it should be remembered that all of this independence requires a lot more time. Additionally, the end-user usually doesn’t care how fancy the back end is; they only care that it functions positively in a clear and understandable way.

However, it should be noted that Google’s design principles for producing easier-to-use, better-designed apps for Android platforms, Material Design, were unveiled at the 2014 Google I/O Developer Conference. Therefore, although not quite there yet, Android is on track to develop a more user-friendly development platform.

Future Trends and Predictions

As mobile app development continues to evolve, it’s important to stay up-to-date on future trends and predictions. One trend that is expected to continue is the rise of mobile commerce, with more and more consumers using their smartphones to make purchases. Another trend is the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in mobile apps, allowing for more personalized and efficient experiences. It’s also predicted that the demand for augmented reality and virtual reality apps will continue to grow. There is a theory that is trending nowadays that, at some point in the near future, the Metaverse that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg created will have actual people depending on their lives to be lived inside the Metaverse. Unbelievable, I know! Keeping these trends in mind can help you prioritize which platform to develop for and what features to include in your app.

When Should You Develop Android First?

If you wish to reach a larger audience globally. Additionally, if you wish to receive more app downloads, you can choose to design for Android first. You can take advantage of the best return on investment in these countries as more people utilize Android apps, especially if your target market resides in India, China, or the United Arab Emirates.

Developing the app for Android may be a better investment due to the increased number of Android users and downloads, if you are interested in advertising your app with in-app advertisements. Think about the features your target audience prefers as well as whether Android gives you more flexibility to integrate those features.

When Should You Develop iOS First?

When you want to create a minimum-viable product, iOS should be your first option. Additionally, as iOS is more popular in the USA and UK, it would be more suitable if the audience you are targeting resides in these countries.

Because iOS users are more likely to make in-app purchases, iOS is a better option if you want to monetize your apps without in-app ads and if you want to offer users free and premium versions of your app. The platform you select will therefore depend on the kind of app you want to make and the intended user base.

When Should You Develop an App for Both Platforms?

Both of these platforms are the best options if you want to enter the market head-on. You’re going in with both barrels, sure that your app will succeed. Usually, established businesses are the ones to make this leap. Since they have the resources to do so, it makes sense for them if we’re talking about not lacking any resources like money, time, or effort. Additionally, an app could create a stir on one platform but go unnoticed on another. Therefore, if you have the money, go for it. Your chances of success rise as your product becomes more widely available. The number of downloads for the app will increase as more people gain access to it.

To Conclude This Android vs. iOS Development Topic

In conclusion, we would like to state that both platforms are of great importance. They both have their pros and cons. Furthermore, each platform could actually benefit your business in a certain aspect depending on your features, budget, project management, and other app development factors to consider and research.

If your business is a startup and you aim to empower it with an app, we have a solution to offer you. Most developers or IT teams require too much planning, money, and effort. That is why we advise you to opt for a no-code app builder solution. Our app builder, nandbox, is a no-code native app builder that could help you develop apps supported by both the Android and iOS systems in a matter of minutes. You won’t need any prior knowledge of any programming or coding languages.

Our app builder guides you through a detailed documentation section that will help you understand the app builder’s features and modules. It will also show you how to configure some of the features and modules of your app, with screenshots and detailed explanations.

Upon signing up, a free trial will be activated for you in order to have a good time span to familiarize yourself with the app builder’s navigation process. Bring your idea to life with nandbox’s native no-code app builder and publish your app easily, either for Android or iOS!

The post Android vs. iOS Development: Which App to Develop First? A 2023 Guide appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing Thu, 02 Feb 2023 10:07:14 +0000 How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing Creating an app and getting it released on the Apple App Store requires many tedious steps. However, if you have the drive and determination, you just need the right information. Keep reading to learn how to get […]

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How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing

Creating an app and getting it released on the Apple App Store requires many tedious steps. However, if you have the drive and determination, you just need the right information. Keep reading to learn how to get an app published on the app store as easily as possible.

How To Get An App Published On The App Store In 2022/2023?

Before you begin taking steps to publish an app on the Apple App Store, you’ll want to ensure that your app meets all of the requirements for uploading.

Apple is notorious for cracking down on apps that infringe on copyright laws. So, it’s a critically important factor in knowing how to get an app published on the app store. Here, you will need to be careful when publishing your app to make sure that it is all original. Another important factor is that you must have the rights to any media that you use in your app.

For example, if your app uses images of famous celebrities or images from third-party brands, you’ll need to make sure that you have the rights to use those images. Otherwise, your app may be rejected for publishing on the App Store.

8 Tips For A Successful App Publishing:


1. Enhance Your App Idea

Before you proceed, you should understand how to publish your app on the app store. You’ll want to make sure that the app idea that you publish on the App Store is one that you’re truly passionate about. If you are not truly interested in your app, it may be hard to convince customers to download it.

Additionally, you may want to make sure that your app idea isn’t too similar to other apps that are already on the App Store.


2. Create A Business Plan

Here, you are still in your preparation phase, and you’ll need to create a business plan for your app before you publish it to the App Store. This will help you stay on track with your goals and objectives for the app, as well as make sure that you stay within your budget.


3. Build The App  

You can create the app yourself using a no-code app builder like nandbox, or you can hire a specialized app design company to do it for you.

In the agency case, you will need to ask them to make it optimized for iOS 16 and make sure that your app will be supported across all screens.

Frankly, this demands having a high budget. Because agencies and freelancers will cost you thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars, whereas nandbox’s app builder will cost you much less and allow you to have a fully customized app in less than a day. 


4. Make Sure Your App Works Well

You might think that your app is perfect, but if it doesn’t work properly, no one will use it. As a matter of fact, you need to make sure that your app is unique and useful. If you have a boring app, no one will want to download it.

Make sure that your app is something that people would actually use. So make sure that everything works perfectly before submitting your app to the App Store.  To install your app smoothly and quickly, you need to turn off two-step verification and turn on two-factor verification.

5. Use App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a process in which app owners optimize their apps for search results in Apple’s iTunes App Store.

A) The first thing you need to do is create a unique name for your app. If you have a great idea for an app, make sure you use a simple and creative name. Don’t just copy someone else’s name. When designing your app’s logo there should be no transparency in it. If your logo has transparency, these transparent areas will be painted black by Apple during your upload.

B) Your app description should be short and sweet. People don’t read long descriptions, so keep yours under 100 words. Include screenshots if possible. Your app’s screenshots in the market must reflect the in-app and not belong to any Android device. (Even if you take the screenshot from an Android device, you have to crop the status bar)

C) Keywords are the search terms people type into the App Store to find the apps they’re searching for. Choose a few relevant keywords and add them to your app description. You should not leave the Description, Keywords and Support URL fields blank.


6. Add Social Sharing Buttons

With social sharing buttons, your app’s content can be shared with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other sites. These buttons help increase downloads and engagement. Your application content should not only consist of your website. The Apple App Store rejects apps that offer the same experience as Safari but do not offer added value.


7. Pre-Promote Your App

Let people wait for your app and support you in your startup phase. All you need is to get some reviews. You can ask friends and family to write reviews for your app.

Also, there are many ways to promote your app, including posting about it on your blog, tweeting about it, writing reviews, and using social networks.


8. Submit your app

Once you’ve created and tested your app, submit it to the App Store. You’ll receive an email once your app is reviewed. To do this, go to iTunes connect. Click “Submit New Apps” and then “iTunes Connect Developer.” From here, you can upload your app and fill out any information that you may need.


Things to Avoid and to Do Before Publishing Your App on the Apple Store

Because we care about your app’s success, here are a few points to take in consideration before publishing your app:

  • You must fill in your contact information completely. People would want to reach you for specific bugs in your app or simple app support. That’s why your contact information should be fully completed.
  • You must fill in the required fields in App Privacy and click Publish.
  • If there is any section in your application that requires membership, you must create a demo account and specify the login information in the “Sign-in Required” field so that the Apple App Store can also review this section.
  •  If there will be in-app purchases in your application (product sales, subscription transactions, etc.), you must complete these transactions before your application is sent for review. Otherwise, in-app purchases in your application will not work. Here’s how to make an in-app purchase.

What is Apple’s In-App Purchase 

Apple’s top-notch commerce and payment solution makes in-app purchases a consistent and secure experience, making it simple for users to manage their transactions and subscriptions over time. In-app purchases allow users to:

  • Pay fast in 45 different currencies using the over 200 payment methods supported by their Apple ID, including Apple Pay, debit or credit cards, cash back, province methods, and more – all of which are securely recorded on file.
  • Access their paid content and you can also restore purchases on new devices.
  • Obtain assistance with content they’ve purchased or to get a refund, use Report a Problem.
  • Utilize Family Sharing to share qualifying purchases.
  • View the history of their purchases made with Apple products.
    They can all be managed in one location.

Apple’s In-App Purchase Steps

Follow the following steps to create apple’s in-app purchase in your app:

  • Select your app from the “My Apps” tab.
  • Click In-App Purchases from the sidebar under Features.

  • click the add button (+) to add in-app purchases.
  • Select the type: Consumable or Non-Consumable.
  • Add both the reference name and product ID, then click “Create”

How Publishing Your App On Apple App Store Will Benefit Your Business?

One of the biggest advantages of uploading a new app to the Apple App Store is that it will increase your app’s discoverability or the likelihood that customers will come across your app and download it.

With a larger audience, your app will likely have increased downloads, in-app purchases, and even subscriptions. This will lead to an increase in revenue and can help take your business to the next level. Also, uploading an app to the Apple App Store may help you build a loyal customer base, who may come back to you for future purchases.

Customers who download apps are usually interested in the product or services that the app provides, which can lead to repeat business. Furthermore, you may also be able to attract potential investors with a high-quality app on the Apple App Store.

Investors may be more willing to fund a company with a highly successful app on their portfolio, as opposed to an app with little to no downloads.

In Conclusion

The process of getting an app published on the app store may appear straightforward. But it requires a high level of focus and commitment to your app business. Knowing how to get an app published on the app store is not just a piece of knowledge for your app-building phase in your business journey. But you should use it repetitively focusing on improving your app’s quality as long as your app is live.

Publishing an app on the Apple App Store can be a huge undertaking, but it’s also a great way to make money and potentially grow your business. Before you begin publishing an app, make sure that you follow our tips on how to get an app published on the app store to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

Try nandbox app builder for free and build your app now.


The post How Can You Publish Your App On The App Store in 2023? 8 Tips For A Successful Publishing appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:44:35 +0000   A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics Usually, what comes to mind when installing or looking for an app are the two most popular platforms, which are the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. Both platforms were a way to legalize the installation of apps back in the day. And to make […]

The post A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.



A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics

Usually, what comes to mind when installing or looking for an app are the two most popular platforms, which are the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. Both platforms were a way to legalize the installation of apps back in the day. And to make mobile phone users feel safer and more comfortable while using apps, avoiding any chance of risk. In this article, we will dive deep into the Apple App Store, the story behind it, and its statistics.


The Legacy of Apple

There is much to tell when it comes to the history of Apple. Apple is considered a leading and influential company in the tech industry. As it generated revenues of over 365 billion dollars in 2021 alone and continued to top this number in 2022 with revenues of nearly 395 billion dollars. Apple is now worth $3 trillion on the market. Which makes it the first company to ever reach a net worth of over a trillion dollars.

Apple sure revolutionized the way computers and mobile phones were both operated and manufactured. The company has been able to skyrocket since its launch in 1976, despite many pitfalls that happened in the beginning. Innovation and dedication were always by their side and never let them down.

After a while, they decided to enter the mobile phone industry and manufactured the renowned Apple iPhone in 2007. Apple was able to exceed all expectations and sell 1.4 million iPhone devices in just one year of their release, which was a great number back in the day. Despite everyone describing the device as flawless and very functional, they pointed out one missing thing. The iPhone back then didn’t allow any third-party applications, which caused major frustration as it only allowed pre-installed Apple apps. This was when the Apple App Store journey began.


How Did the Apple App Store Start?

It all started in 2008 when Steve Jobs announced that developers would be able to create apps for the iPhone and that a platform would be released in the next OS update to be a home for all these apps. The Apple App Store was officially in business in July 2008.

Exactly one year after the first Apple iPhone was manufactured. Developers rushed to create the most innovative apps and submit them to the app store, as Apple now offered a great window of opportunity for every app to get discovered and promoted. And many of the already well-established and well-known businesses started the development of an app version of their businesses to be available to all Apple users. Customers also didn’t waste any time and went on to download and try all types of apps made available on the App Store, which later became a major part of their lives.

What really made the App Store really successful and reach outrageous numbers of users and apps on a daily basis was that it offered one central safe space that users could turn to. Users can face a difficult task, and with only a click, they can search for an app that helps them accomplish the task successfully and effortlessly.

Users were also always assured that the apps they installed were 100% safe and secure and would never put their devices, information, or data at risk. So it really aimed to make people’s lives much easier than before and succeeded in doing so.

The Apple App Store Statistics

The App Store started with 500 apps upon its release in 2008, and this number began to flourish and increase. Until it reached 3000 apps in the same year, 2 months after its launch. The number of downloads was exceptional, as it had over 100 million downloads, with Facebook being among the most downloaded apps.

As of 2022, the Apple App Store now has around 1.64 million mobile apps and over seven hundred thousand app publishers and developers. with 13% of this number being game apps, followed by business, educational, and lifestyle apps consecutively. The average number of apps being published daily on the Apple App Store is over 1,000 apps per day, which is a great number.

It now has over 23 billion downloads from all around the world. Although over 90% of the apps on the Apple App Store are free, the company was able to generate a revenue of 85 billion dollars in 2021 and witnessed a spectacular 120% growth rate between the periods of 2017 and 2021.


Top Apps Ranked on the Apple App Store

Among the millions of apps developed and published on the Apple App Store. From game apps to music streaming apps, the charts are always changing on a daily basis and always in a dynamic way. We’ve compiled a list of the top apps currently available on the Apple App Store in all categories.




The game has taken the world by storm and got everyone playing it. It is the top-paid app on the Apple App Store and is considered one of the biggest games in the world. As a result, it had 121 million dollars worth of revenue and 93 million active users in 2021.

Minecraft is an online game where you can play with people all over the world. It is an open world where the player has to build, interact, and fight to live. The fact that possibilities of what could happen are endless. The game doesn’t follow a certain pattern is what makes it thrilling and drives people to be very attracted to it. Minecraft is available on the apple app store for $6.99



Temu has been at the top of the shopping app list on the Apple App Store for a while now. It is an online marketplace that primarily sells beauty and fashion items. It has a wide variety of fashion items, home décor, and beauty products. What really makes Temu special and has led it to be #1 in the shopping category is the trendy collection they offer, as well as the affordable prices that satisfy all types of customers.




Introductions aren’t really necessary when it comes to Tiktok. Tiktok is now the most used app in the whole wide world, and it is no surprise that it has made it to one of the top apps in the Apple App Store charts. Since its launch in 2017, Tiktok has been very popular among all people, especially the younger generations.

The platform mainly allows users to upload their video content, whether it is for fun or informational. In addition to that, users can generate profit from their own content, depending on the number of engagements they get. That is why it has grown in popularity and became the preferred social platform for influencers.


Cash App

The Cash app is the exact definition of making people’s lives easier. Cash App allows users to make payments in less than a minute and send, receive, and invest money with a single click. Users can also create custom debit cards using their Cash app balance to pay for anything. You also have the option to buy and sell stocks through it. With all these functions, it is no wonder it is featured on the list.



DoorDash is a prominent food and grocery delivery app that has gained major popularity and recognition in the last couple of years. With the wave of digitization that has reached everything, it has also reached the food delivery process. DoorDash enables users to order food from a wide list of local restaurants and grocery stores in their area. Each restaurant has a rating, and reviews from previous customers are displayed to help you further in choosing the perfect restaurant. it has more than 310,000 restaurants and 12,000 grocery stores and operates in over 4,000 cities across the US.




Spotify is the most popular music streaming app of all time, with 422 million active users. It is the #1 app in the music category on the Apple App Store. Spotify allows you to play and stream songs and albums from your favorite artists. With a wide library that has more than 29 million songs available from all genres; you can literally dream of a specific genre and it will be there.

It also has a great collection of original podcasts, reaching up to 2.9 million podcasts available in all fields of interest. Whether it is music, art, history, true crime, or anything else. Spotify lets you customize and add songs you like to your own library. As well as create your own playlists and share them with everybody else.



Apple is unstoppable and has proven this over the course of 42 years and 12 years of the Apple App Store. This astonishing success seems to be continuing forever, with no will to stop. You can now easily join the success chain by creating your own app and publishing it on nandbox. Nandbox is a no-code app builder that lets you develop your app in no time and with the lowest possible cost. With just a simple drag-and-drop gesture and more than 200 features to integrate. You can create a well-structured native app with great functionality. Nandbox offers 24/7 customer support to help you during the development and publishing processes. Don’t waste any more time! Try the nandbox app builder, publish your app, and be a part of the Apple App Store’s never-ending success journey.


The post A Comprehensive Look at Apple App Store Statistics appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Wallet-Draining Apps: The Most Expensive Apps on the App Store Sun, 15 Jan 2023 10:46:02 +0000   Wallet-Draining Apps: The Most Expensive Apps on the App Store The App Store is a great source of entertainment and software tools, and it is effortless to find an app to help you in any daily activity nowadays. However, some applications come with a big price tag. In this article, we’ll discuss some of […]

The post Wallet-Draining Apps: The Most Expensive Apps on the App Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.



Wallet-Draining Apps: The Most Expensive Apps on the App Store

The App Store is a great source of entertainment and software tools, and it is effortless to find an app to help you in any daily activity nowadays. However, some applications come with a big price tag. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most expensive apps available on the App Store. From luxury lifestyle apps to high-end video editing software, the variety of apps offered at such high prices will certainly amaze you. 


What Makes an App Expensive?

Before getting into our list, we should answer a very important question. What makes an app expensive? Or, to put it another way, how does an app developer determine the price of an app? There are many factors that can affect why apps can cost so much. Firstly, the development cost of the app may have been high. The entire app development process, from app design to app functionality and even maintenance, is the most important factor that can significantly affect the app price. For instance, if an app contains much content, many functions, and a complex user interface, this increases the app’s degree of complexity, which, in turn, increases the cost of the development process.

In addition, some apps also require you to pay a subscription fee or make in-app purchases to get access to extra services or content. This also contributes to the app’s price, despite the fact that it is available in the app store for free to users.  Finally, the app may be exclusive or a luxury item, which drives up the cost.




1. Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is powerful video editing software created by Apple’s professional editors. It is a comprehensive suite of tools that allows users to create high-quality videos that look like they produced them in a professional studio. The app is technically not for beginners but more for professionals, as people were able to produce and create movies and music videos through it. It is also a tad difficult to use. It comes with a wide range of editing features, from basic to advanced, as well as a built-in library of motion graphics and sound effects.

The app also features a wide variety of audio and video filters, in-depth color correction tools, and an animation tool, all of which make it simple to improve even the tiniest of details and Film makers of a high-quality and professional standard. Final Cut Pro, at $299.99, is one of the priciest apps available on the App Store.




2. iVIP Black

Since it is only available to extremely wealthy clients and well-known public figures, iVIP Black has been branded as “the millionaire’s app.” It is actually said that in order to access the app, people have to prove their income. iVIP is a luxury lifestyle app that provides access to exclusive VIP benefits. It is an invitation-only app that is available for a total of $999.99 on the Apple App Store and on the Google Play Store for $384.99. unbelievable, isn’t it? What is more unbelievable are the services and products that this app offers.

With iVIP Black, users can enjoy access to high-end restaurants, luxury hotels, private jets, and even private events around the world, as it is not limited to only one country or area. On top of that, the app also provides users with access to personal shoppers, butlers, and concierge services that you could hire for whatever period of time you want, with all the details and pricing. App members are also prone to receiving welcome packages, VIP gifts, and many other luxurious privileges. All of these features come at a great price, but for those who can actually afford and are looking for the ultimate luxury lifestyle, iVIP Black is a perfect choice. It is more of an experience than an app.



3. CyberTuner

CyberTuner is a professional music tuning app that helps professional musicians tune their instruments easily and accurately. CyberTuner’s description states that it was developed and field-tested by internationally renowned piano experts for optimal performance. It uses advanced tools and algorithms to detect the pitch of each note and display it on the screen, and it also provides users with a range of tuning options and pitches. It also has a concert tune mode for all kinds of concert instruments. which can be especially helpful for beginner violins.

The app is designed for professional musicians who need a reliable tool for tuning their instruments, but it can also be set up for beginners with the option to switch to a more easy-to-use and clear interface for people who are just starting out, which makes it very flexible. As CyberTuner offers all these elite features, it had to come at a great price, so it is offered on the app store with a price tag of $999.99.



4. Verituner

Verituner is another professional and highly sophisticated music-tuning app. Anyone from beginners to real professionals can easily use it. The app uses audio analysis and algorithms to accurately and finely detect the pitch of each note. All you have to do is play a note, and the app will be able to recognize it in no time. It also offers users a range of tuning options and pitches, so they can find the right sound for their instrument. Verituner has a special feature that allows users to share their tunes with other musicians. It is a great method for those who are looking to collaborate on projects.

Another great and helpful feature is the “saved tuning files.” Through this feature, you can easily start a new tuning and save it under your name in the app. This helps you avoid preparing the process over and over and saves you time and effort. It also has the advantage of being a cross-platform software which makes it even more flexible but still high in price. Verituner is available for windows for $895.00, on the App Store for $599.99, and on the Google Play Store for $799.99. 



DDS GP is widely regarded as one of the best medical apps that have ever been created, and it is a must-have for all dentists. It is a high-end and well-visualized practice app for dentists. This app was created with the purpose of demonstrating and presenting all dental problems, procedures, and treatments in form that is more similar to real life. It can even go further by showing the process of the condition and how it develops and deteriorates over time. This app has helped dentists understand conditions better and be able to treat them more effectively. It is also helpful for patients to understand their conditions more and identify which stage they are currently at.

DDS GP’s high price tag is justified by the fact that it serves niche market and features several complex and advanced graphics. DDS GP is available for $399.99, It is a one-time payment with no need for extra in-app payments.



6. Roc.Kasse or roc.Kasse is a German finance and banking app but more on the luxurious side. It provides its users with a range of features and services. The app allows users to save money and effort. As it provides users with a great POS system available to install anytime and anywhere they would like. Users usually use the app for restaurants, hotels, clubs, and cafes. Using this app, you can accept orders, and manage and issue invoices and reports. It acts as a whole offline payment and checkout system. It also has many payment gateways integrated to make the payment process easy and flexible for users. All of these great features must come at a very expensive price. That is why roc.Kasse is featured on the list as it is being offered on the App Store for $999.99.



People often see apps as a cheap and convenient way to get what they need. However, some of them can be surprisingly expensive. Whatever the reason, the complexity of the app, expensive in-app purchases, or even a limited and luxurious target audience. This all can force an app developer to offer the app at such an expensive price. Have you ever wondered if you can make an app as expensive as these? You can easily join the list now with nandbox.

Nandbox is a no-code app builder that lets you develop an app with no coding experience needed. With a wide collection of features and templates to choose from, you can go as creative as you want (with even the degree of complexity). All that it takes is a simple sign-up and a trip through our drag-and-drop app builder. And voila, you have got yourself a functional native app. So, Hurry up! Start your app development journey now for free and be able to compete within the list of the most expensive apps on the app store.


The post Wallet-Draining Apps: The Most Expensive Apps on the App Store appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Why Your App is Rejected By Apple: Mistakes & How To Avoid Them Mon, 05 Dec 2022 19:47:25 +0000 Apple is known for its strict rules and requirements for apps. It is not easy to get your app approved by Apple. For many people, getting their app rejected by Apple is just a normal stage of app distribution. After you’ve spent hours perfecting your app idea, you’re ready to submit it to the App […]

The post Why Your App is Rejected By Apple: Mistakes & How To Avoid Them appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Apple is known for its strict rules and requirements for apps. It is not easy to get your app approved by Apple. For many people, getting their app rejected by Apple is just a normal stage of app distribution.

After you’ve spent hours perfecting your app idea, you’re ready to submit it to the App Store. But before you do, there are some things you should know about submitting an app to the App Store.

Because if you get the “app rejected by Apple” message for any reason and you submit it again unless this issue is resolved, Apple warns, “the next submission of the app may require a longer review time.”


10 Common Mistakes That Get Your App Rejected by Apple

1. Objectionable Content

Objectionable content is defined as any content that is only appropriate for adults, whether in the app or the metadata, even if it’s just one word or one image. Apple also commented on this matter. “The app owner should remove all and any problematic material before re-submitting for review.”


2. Making Your App Too Complicated

If you’ve got a lot going on in your app, make sure it’s simple enough for people to understand. You don’t want to confuse your users with too many options or complex menus.

And if Apple finds any tricks in your app, they stated: “Submitting apps that are meant to mislead or hurt customers or get around the review process could cause your Apple Developer Program account to be closed”


3. Poor Design

Your app should look professional and polished. Don’t use any text boxes or buttons that are hard to read. Also, avoid using images that are blurry or of low quality.

But, as a matter of fact, Apple said that “the App Store may reject your app as spam. If your app provides a duplicate feature group as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language.” So make sure that your app is unique in functionality and design.


4. Bad Screenshots

Screenshots are absolutely necessary. Show users exactly how your app works and what it’s capable of doing before they download it. Show off how your app’s features are helpful. Because without screenshots, no one would even consider downloading your app.


4. Unclear Pricing

You don’t want to confuse your customers. Make sure that your prices are clearly stated. Also, make sure that you don’t charge different prices for different countries.


5. Too Many Permissions

Permissions are necessary for some applications. However, if you ask for too many permissions, then users may feel uncomfortable downloading your app. You should only request the bare minimum of permissions. It’s better not to ask for contacts, calendars, or locations if it is not necessary.


6. Unnecessary Features

Adding unnecessary features to your app might make users find it confusing. Keep in mind that users are looking for apps that are useful and helpful. Adding features that aren’t necessary could turn users away. Don’t add features just because you think it will make you offer an all-in-one solution. People download apps to do specific things, and adding unnecessary features makes your app seem less useful.


7. Missing Features

Make sure that your app includes everything that it promises. As an example: if you say that your app helps people book yoga classes but you did not add any online payment options, the payment gateway in this example is a missing feature that will lead you to get your app rejected by Apple.


8. Missing Keywords

The most important part of getting your app discovered is using the right keywords. Without them, users may never know that your app exists. Make sure that you add relevant keywords to your title and description.

Keywords allow search engines to find your app and display it in relevant searches. But, you shouldn’t just throw keywords into your title and description. Make sure that you actually use those words somewhere in your app.


9. Locking Down Your App

You might think that locking down your app before it’s ready would give you time to fix any bugs, but it could actually cause problems later on. Your users might have trouble downloading your app if it doesn’t work properly. To avoid this, make sure you test your app thoroughly before releasing it and control your growth according to your app’s technical limitations.


10. Not Having Enough Content

Apple’s guidelines state that apps should have at least 100 MB of content. If you’re planning on releasing an app that only contains a few images, then you’ll need to make sure that those images are high-quality. You don’t want to end up with an app that looks bad due to low-quality images.

Apple doesn’t want to see apps that have nothing to offer. If you’re going to make money off your app, then you need to provide some kind of value. You don’t have to go overboard, but if you’re not offering anything at all, then you will get that avoidable message, “app rejected by Apple.”

If your app got “app rejected by Apple,” do not lose hope; improve it and enhance your content, and remember that 99% of mobile apps that are submitted to the Apple App Store face the “app rejected by Apple” stage.

Finally, do your best in creating your content, crafting your products, and understanding your market. From the technical side, nandbox will help you build the unique app that your business deserves.

Try nandbox app builder and build your app.

The post Why Your App is Rejected By Apple: Mistakes & How To Avoid Them appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:17:22 +0000 Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature The final step of developing an app is bringing it to light. There’s no better way to incite downloads than publishing it on an official store, like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. They both add layers of protection […]

The post Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.


Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature

The final step of developing an app is bringing it to light. There’s no better way to incite downloads than publishing it on an official store, like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. They both add layers of protection that provide users with security. Users don’t think twice before downloading an app from both official stores. That’s why we created this guide to show you how to publish an app on the Google Play Store and the App Store if you’re using the nandbox app builder and the store verification account feature.

Store Verification Account

If your application has an authentication system for logging in via email or phone number, you should provide both Google and Apple with a demo account that includes a login and password. nandbox represents the Store Verification Account feature, which helps you creating your demo account to accomplish the mission.

Important consideration must be given to the demo account before publishing your app, as Google and Apple store might reject your submission for skipping this step. Both Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store might reject your submission for skipping this step, so they require a demo account for any app that has login functionality to review them for several reasons:

  • Content Checking: They must ensure the app’s content meets store guidelines. This includes checking for inappropriate or harmful content, age-appropriateness, and deception.
  • Security: The app must be secure. It must be malware-free and secure user data.
  • Advertisements and Purchases: They must be able to verify that in-app purchases and ads comply with store policies.
  • App Functionality Verification: All app features must be tested, not just the login screen. They must interact with as many as possible to prevent fraudulent or harmful apps from being published and maintains app store quality.

How it works:

In the App setting page, scroll down till you find the Signup & Registration section. Click the arrow to configure a login method in your app.

The builder supports two methods: either via Email or Mobile. Choose the right one for your app and complete your configurations.

Here comes the role of the store verification account. Click the arrow to access the settings.

Click the method you chose in the login & signup section, then proceed with the process.

Now that you’ve created your demo account, you’ve generated login instructions for accessing your app. Copy your instructions and insert them in your Google Console account.

Since a demo account is for one-time usage, after you make your first copy, your status will be changed to inactive. You need to click “reactivate” to generate your second demo account with instructions. Copy and paste them into your Apple Developer account.

Google Play Console Account

At the App Content section, click App Access, mark “All or some functionality in my app is restricted”, then click Add instructions

1.) Add instruction name

2.) Add the email or the phone number used in your demo account

3.) Then add the instructions in the empty box

4.) Don’t forget to mark “No other information is required to access my app”

5.) Then click Add

Apple Developer account

From the side menu, click “Prepare for submission, scroll down till you reach App Review Information, and add the instruction in the empty box.

It can be a hassle to learn how to publish an app on the Google Play Store or the App Store. You have many steps to take, all while worrying if your application is approved for publication or not. The demo store verification account you create with nandbox facilitates part of the process. You can use it to upload and enlist your app for review with ease. Additionally, it doesn’t cost extra to upload both the Android and iOS versions of the first app you create. Sign up now to try out this feature and more on nandbox.


The post Publish Your App on Google Play Store and Apple Store with this Feature appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

How To Test Your App Before Publishing Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:26:26 +0000   How To Test Your App Before Publishing Releasing an untested mobile app is as bad as releasing an unfinished app. Few apps are complete—or even perfect—when first released, but many are at least a minimum viable product (MVP). And even then, they would have gone through at least one round of testing before being […]

The post How To Test Your App Before Publishing appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.



How To Test Your App Before Publishing

Releasing an untested mobile app is as bad as releasing an unfinished app. Few apps are complete—or even perfect—when first released, but many are at least a minimum viable product (MVP). And even then, they would have gone through at least one round of testing before being published.

There are a few platforms available for testing native and hybrid mobile apps. Some support only testing for a single operating system, either iOS or Android. But others allow you to test both versions of your app, assuming you are releasing it for both OS. However, most of these are services you pay to use. Both Apple and Google offer ways for developers to test their native or hybrid mobile apps at no cost. You should also test any web-based apps you develop. But since you do not publish these on the App Store or Google Play, the method for testing differs.

nandbox is the only no-code mobile app builder platform that makes it easy and affordable for anyone to develop a native mobile app. Other platforms deliver either a hybrid or web-based app. Below we will explain how to use Apple’s and Google’s free mobile app testing services. You can use these to test your native or hybrid mobile app, regardless of you developed your app.


Why Test Your App Before Releasing It?

You test your app before releasing it to ensure that all features work as you intended. This includes evaluating usability, and assessing the app’s stability. These are all things you can test yourself. But getting other people to test it can help identify issues you did not experience, overlooked, or did not anticipate.

Not everyone is using the very latest software release or the latest phone model. This applies whether you developed your app for iOS, Android, or both. And unlike iPhones, with Android, you have dozens of phones released by different manufacturers. Large-scale testing will allow you to pick up on issues only experienced on certain phone models or specific versions of the operating systems.

It isn’t unusual to have app developers stipulate that they optimized their app for recent phone and operating system releases. But this usually includes phones and operating systems released in the last 3-4 years.


Testing an iOS App Using TestFlight

  • If you have collected the email addresses of people interested in being notified when the app launches, reach out to them to see if they would like to test your app.
  • If your app is meant to support your existing business, speak to your current customers to enquire if any would want to be a tester.
  • Use social media (including Reddit) to ask for testers. You can public link allowing anyone to opt-in without any need to manually manage a list.

TestFlight allows up to 10,000 external users to test your app, and you can even have different users testing different builds of your app. Each build remains available for testing for 90 days after it was first uploaded. The App Store will review the first build you add for external testers. This is to ensure it adheres to the App Store Review Guidelines. Testing can only begin once they approve the app.

Testers can submit feedback directly to you via the TestFlight app and can also include screenshots to highlight issues they encounter. If you enable crash reporting, the system will prompt testers to send details of any app crashes to you.



Testing an Android App Using Google Play Console

Like TestFlight, Google’s Play Console allows users to test your app before you publish it. Using Play Console for testing is free and allows for open, closed, and internal testing. As the name suggests, internal testing is meant for having a small group of trusted users test your app before allowing a larger group of volunteers to test it. Open and closed testing has important distinctions you need to be aware of:

  • Closed Testing ­– internal testing allows you to have up to 100 trusted users test your app before you release it. Closed testing allows you to have a much larger group of users test your app without publishing it on Google Play first. As with TestFlight, you will need to find users for closed testing. You will need to create an email list and manually add testers for a closed test.
  • Open Testing – with open testing, you publish the test version of your app on Google Play and anyone can discover and install it. This saves you from having to manage an email list and users can still submit private feedback on the app. But your app and store listing must be ready to be shown on Google Play.

You can run multiple closed tests and one internal test at the same time. This can be useful for having different groups of testers focus on specific features or tests.


Things To Remember When Testing Your App

With TestFlight you won’t always know who your testers are. When testers submit feedback via the app, they can opt-out of including their email address. However, you will be able to see what device and iOS version the tester was using, along with other critical—but non-identifying—information.

Give testers information on what the purpose of the app is, even if you feel it is obvious. Ask them to perform specific tasks too, such as:

  • Creating an account and updating their profile.
  • Using Facebook, Apple, or Google to sign in (if offered in your app).
  • For e-commerce apps, ask them to find specific items in your store, add them to their cart, and then complete to the check-out steps.
  • Have them test all features of your app, with a special focus on any features that use a phone and operating system features, such as the calendar, camera and camera roll, and others.

Keep in mind that there are two types of Android releases, an APK version, which is used to test your application before publishing,  and an bundle version which is the version used for publishing on the Google Play Store.

If you’re able to communicate directly with your app testers, ask them questions as part of their feedback, such as:

  • What features were most and least useful.
  • How fast the installation was in comparison to other apps they’ve installed.
  • How easy was it to navigate to specific screens and to find the information they needed.
  • Why would or wouldn’t they use the app again.
  • What functions did not work or did not work as expected.
  • How likely they are to recommend the app to friends.
  • What features or functions did they feel were missing.

nandbox makes it easy and affordable for anyone to develop a native app for iOS, Android, or both operating systems. And with dozens of features that you can add to your app, your app can be simple or complex. But despite nandbox making mobile app development simpler for anyone, you still need to have your app tested. And every time you make significant changes to your app, you should have the app tested again. Whether you’ve added or removed features, or just tweaked the flow.

Rather than being a tiresome process, app testing is vital to ensuring your app works as intended and is enjoyed and valued by users.


The post How To Test Your App Before Publishing appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

6 Steps to Enable Your iOS Mobile App to Send Push Notifications Mon, 30 Dec 2019 15:53:37 +0000 Start Sending Push Notifications Instantly! A push notification is the message that pops up on digital screens. It varies in content; It might be, for instance, a chat message, an event invitation, or a reminder. In the coming lines, you’ll know how to enable your iOS mobile app, created on nandbox App Builder, to send push notifications […]

The post 6 Steps to Enable Your iOS Mobile App to Send Push Notifications appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Start Sending Push Notifications Instantly!

A push notification is the message that pops up on digital screens. It varies in content; It might be, for instance, a chat message, an event invitation, or a reminder. In the coming lines, you’ll know how to enable your iOS mobile app, created on nandbox App Builder, to send push notifications in six steps.

As a reliable communications channel, push notifications have become crucial to get integrated into mobile apps. It wakes the app in the background, alerts the users, and keeps them engaged.

Since your app is built with nandbox, all modifications and add-ons require no coding knowledge. Only with drag and drop and insertion of simple info, your native app will run seamlessly with tons of features on iOS and Android devices.

What is nandbox App Builder?

nandbox is a Canadian mobile app development platform, established in 2016. The SaaS platform has developed a no-code, mobile app builder, which enables everyone to make mobile apps with best-in-class capabilities. With nandbox App Builder, you can build personalized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. Neither coding nor upfront costs needed – but a 14-day free trial and life-time app support.

To enable the iOS version of your nandbox-built-app to push notifications, create the push notifications key, and submit the file and ID on the nandbox Native Builder dashboard. Hence, the nandbox Team will then configure your Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) and allow your app to send push notifications.

How to create a push notification key to enable your iOS mobile app to send push notifications

1.) Navigate to Apple Developer and log in to your account.

2.) Click “Keys”.



3.) Click the add button (+).

4.) The page, “Register a New Key” will open. Insert a name for your key and enable APNs, then press Continue. 

Click “Register”.

5.) Download the key file and don’t forget to save the key ID.

6.) Upload the key file and insert the key ID on the nandbox Native App Builder dashboard. On the dashboard, go to Release in step number eight, then click on Publishing Info that is placed on the right.



Your app built with nandbox Native App Builder will bring your business a new level of engagement and visibility; You can send push notifications limitlessly, no matter what pricing plan you are on.

However, we recommend you consider your notification’s target segment, the timing of pushing it, and the relevance of its content.

If you have questions or you need help, please contact us at


The post 6 Steps to Enable Your iOS Mobile App to Send Push Notifications appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

2 Steps to Check the Team Name of your Apple Developer Account Tue, 02 Apr 2019 14:54:16 +0000 Complete Your Apple Developer Account Setup! Now you have landed on the page Publishing Info on the nandbox dashboard and found out that you are not familiar with the information required to fill in there. As precise as possible is what we are expecting from you while carrying on this mission. Because we rely only on your […]

The post 2 Steps to Check the Team Name of your Apple Developer Account appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Complete Your Apple Developer Account Setup!

Now you have landed on the page Publishing Info on the nandbox dashboard and found out that you are not familiar with the information required to fill in there. As precise as possible is what we are expecting from you while carrying on this mission. Because we rely only on your input en route to the App Store. Hence, we are guiding you step-by-step on the Apple Developer Program along with your app creation journey on your nandbox App Builder.

What is nandbox App Builder?

nandbox is a Canadian mobile app development platform, established in 2016. The SaaS platform has developed a no-code, mobile app builder, which enables everyone to make mobile apps with best-in-class capabilities. With nandbox App Builder, you can build personalized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. Neither coding nor upfront costs needed – but a 14-day free trial and life-time app support.

How did you enroll in the Apple Developer Program?

The answer to this question is to select the type of membership of your Apple Developer account. You will also find on the same screen that you have to enter the Team Name. This data is reachable.

In two steps, you can grab and enter it on the nandbox dashboard.

Step 1: Navigate to the Apple Developer Program

Sign in to your Apple developer account then click on Membership details.


Pick your account’s team name.

– Note that “Enrolled as” is the type of your entity. [Organization\Individual]


Step 2: Back to nandbox dashboard

– If your Entity Type is Organization:

Return to the page Build on the nandbox dashboard. Select the entity type of your account.


Paste the Team Name in its custom field, the select “Confirm”.

– If your Entity Type is Individual:

After selecting your Entity Type, paste your Team Name and fill the rest required info, then select “Setup”.

– Here you can extract your App Specific Password and Push notification Key ID & Key file.


In case you have further inquiries, please contact us at



The post 2 Steps to Check the Team Name of your Apple Developer Account appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

4 Steps to Generate the App-Specific Password Sun, 31 Mar 2019 16:15:23 +0000 Finalize Your Apple Developer Account Now! We are glad that you have reached this step in creating your native app on the nandbox App Builder. Throughout this process, you will submit credential data in the page publishing info. For instance, you have to fill in there your username and password of the Apple developer account. That’s in case […]

The post 4 Steps to Generate the App-Specific Password appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

Finalize Your Apple Developer Account Now!

We are glad that you have reached this step in creating your native app on the nandbox App Builder. Throughout this process, you will submit credential data in the page publishing info. For instance, you have to fill in there your username and password of the Apple developer account. That’s in case you enrolled in there with the Individual membership. Besides, Apple urged the members of this entity type to enable two-factor authentication. You will then have to go through another security measure: the App-Specific Password. It is a further layer of security that Apple has implemented to limit the access of the apps it doesn’t support.

What is nandbox App Builder?

nandbox is a Canadian mobile app development platform, established in 2016. The SaaS platform has developed a no-code, mobile app builder, which enables everyone to make mobile apps with best-in-class capabilities. With nandbox App Builder, you can build personalized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. Neither coding nor upfront costs needed – but a 14-day free trial and life-time app support.

In four steps, you can generate an app-specific password for nandbox – to later fill in the publishing info page. And hence, the nandbox publishing team will proceed with launching your app on the App Store:

Step 1:

Go to your Apple Account Manager by first signing in with your Apple ID and password.

Step 2:

In the Sign-In and Security section, click App-Specific Passwords.

A screen will pop up, click on Generate an app-specific Password

Step 3:

Enter “nandbox” as a label for the password you are generating.


Step 4:

Copy the password generated, then enter it in its custom field on the nandbox publishing info page.

The app-specific password is for single-use, which means that you cannot retrieve it. But you can find it saved in the history with the label you gave while its generation. You can have up to 25 app-specific passwords. To manage them, click on App-Specific Passwords in the Sign-In and Security section on your Apple account, then a screen will pop up with a list of your generated passwords – where you can only delete one by one, or Revoke all.


In case you have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


The post 4 Steps to Generate the App-Specific Password appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

7 Steps to Enroll in The Apple Developer Program Sun, 31 Mar 2019 09:42:19 +0000 You’re One Step Away From Publishing Your App on The App Store! To publish your mobile app on Apple’s App Store, you first have to enroll in the Apple Developer Program. Afterward, you have to fill in some info on the nandbox App Builder. This step is necessary to give access to the nandbox publishing team, who will […]

The post 7 Steps to Enroll in The Apple Developer Program appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.

You’re One Step Away From Publishing Your App on The App Store!

To publish your mobile app on Apple’s App Store, you first have to enroll in the Apple Developer Program. Afterward, you have to fill in some info on the nandbox App Builder. This step is necessary to give access to the nandbox publishing team, who will take over publishing your app on the App Store.


What is nandbox App Builder?

nandbox is a Canadian mobile app development platform, established in 2016. The SaaS platform has developed a no-code, mobile app builder, which enables everyone to make mobile apps with the best-in-class capabilities. With nandbox App Builder you can build personalized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. Neither coding, nor upfront costs needed – but a 14-day free trial and life-time app support.


Here are seven steps to create an Apple developer account:

Step 1:

Go to and tap Start Your Enrollment.

Step 2:

Sign in with your Apple ID. Create account from Apple Developer website if you don’t have.

Step 3:

Read the Apple Developer Agreement and check the box to confirm your consent, then Submit.

Step 4:

Review and confirm your data: name, email address, and country location. Then choose between one of the two entity types: Individual or Organization.


Individual Entity Type

Go for this option in case your company is not yet authorized, or you are running a single person business. Please note that your account, in this case, will be a single-user account. That’s why we require your account’s username and password, in case you need us to publish the app on your behalf. Hence, fill in this information on the page Store Publishing Info, placed on the nandbox Dashboard of your app, at nandbox App Builder.


Organization Entity Type

Select this option if your company/organization got legal recognition and owns a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number. This nine-digit number identifies your business and verifies its existence globally. It takes up to two business days to get it.

If you are not sure that your company has a DUNS number, check from here.

Keep in mind that by opting to the Organization Entity Type, you get a multiple-user account. Hence, it is possible to add many users with different roles.

Don’t forget to add “” to the users as an Account Manager to take over releasing your app on the App Store.

Step 5:

Read the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, check the box, then click Continue.

Step 6:

A new sign-in page will appear to you once you click Purchase. Then Continue after filling in the billing info.

Step 7:

Within 24 hours, Apple will send you a confirmation email on your account on the Apple Developer Program.

By this account, you now have full control over your app. You can also monitor more than one mobile app on the same account.



The post 7 Steps to Enroll in The Apple Developer Program appeared first on nandbox Native App Builder.
